下列对于WRED的描述最恰当的是()TestInside GB0-283。A、由于其无连接的特性,WRED非常适合UDP传输B、它利用了TCP拥塞控制机制同时根据IP优先级有选择的丢弃报文C、它的应用会导致占带宽越少的流越可能丢包D、以上都不对
下列对于WRED的描述最恰当的是()TestInside GB0-283。
- A、由于其无连接的特性,WRED非常适合UDP传输
- B、它利用了TCP拥塞控制机制同时根据IP优先级有选择的丢弃报文
- C、它的应用会导致占带宽越少的流越可能丢包
- D、以上都不对
Which two statements about WRED are true? ()A、WRED can selectively discard lower priority traffic when the interface becomes congested and can provide differentiated performance characteristics for different classes of service.B、Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) and WRED cannot be configured on the same interface.C、WRED will throttle back voice traffic only as a last resort.D、If the average queue length is greater than the minimum threshold but less than the maximum threshold, then based on the drop probability, WRED will either queue the packet or perform a random drop.E、WRED statistically drops more packets from low-bandwidth users than high-bandwidth users. Therefore, traffic sources that generate the least traffic are more likely to be slowed down than traffic sources that generate the most traffic.F、 WRED treats non-IP traffic as precedence 4.
下列关于WRED的配置说法不正确的是()TestInside GB0-283。A、使能WRED是在接口视图下B、WRED是一种拥塞避免机制,它可以同CQ,WFQ配合使用C、WRED可以在所有的物理接口下使能,但只能在某些逻辑接口下使能D、当队列长度大于或等于上限阈值high-limit时,将丢弃所有超过门限的报文