大部分人所修炼的Hatha Yoga是身体洁净、呼吸和各种体格锻炼方法的体系。

大部分人所修炼的Hatha Yoga是身体洁净、呼吸和各种体格锻炼方法的体系。


目前,我们大部分人所修炼的HATHAYOGA是身体洁净、呼吸和各种体格锻炼方法的() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

大部分的乳腺疾病都是因为身体内分泌失调,体内激素分泌不平衡,由各种因素所引起体内雌性激素偏高,孕激素相对减低从而无法节制雌激素和保护乳房所造成的。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

大部分的乳腺疾病都是因为身体的内分泌失调,体内激素分泌不平衡。由各种因素所引起体内雌性激素偏高,孕激素相对减低从而无法节制雌激素和保护乳房所造成的。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。


共用题干第三篇Fight against the Side Effects of Cancer TreatmentOnce the hard decisions have been made about how to treat a patient's cancer,doctors face an even more difficult question:how do you help patients deal with the side effects of treatment?The issue is a challenge for physicians because,unlike with cancer therapies,there are few scientific studies on the most effective ways to handle the side effects一including common symptoms such as poor sleep or fatigue. But addressing these seemingly common complications(并发症)is crucial for helping patients maintain their regular lifestyle,which in turn may even encourage the success of their cancer treatment.That's why Dr. Karen Mustian of the University of Rochester Medical Center decided to put a favorite practice of cancer survivors一yoga一to the test.In a paper she will present at the American Society of Clinical Oncology (肿瘤学)(ASCO) annual meeting in June, Mustian designed a standardized program based on hatha yoga一a slow-moving form of the discipline一and tested its effect on improving the quality of life for cancer survivors.Called YOCAS,the four-week program involved sessions of hatha yoga twice a week for 75 minutes each,in combination with breathing exercises and meditation(冥想).Among the 410 participants,who were divided into yoga and traditional follow一up care groups,those practicing yoga recorded nearly double the improvement in sleep quality and reduction of fatigue compared to those not practicing yoga. They also reported better quality of life overall,Mustian says.For cancer physicians,the findings will be a welcome addition to their discussions with patients."Many patients ask about complementary (互补的)therapies, whether they are exercise or meditation or yoga," says Dr. Douglas Blayney,medical director of the comprehensive cancer center at University of Michigan and president of ASCO."I often don't know what to tell them because there isn't lot of science on these complementary therapies. Here is a scientific study showing benefit,so at least we can have some assurance in telling women that there is a yoga program,here are its characteristics and it has been shown to have beneficial effects on sleep and quality of life."According to Dr. Douglas Blayney,the YOCAS program is________.A:useless B:unscientificC:beneficial D:popular

共用题干第三篇Fight against the Side Effects of Cancer TreatmentOnce the hard decisions have been made about how to treat a patient's cancer,doctors face an even more difficult question:how do you help patients deal with the side effects of treatment?The issue is a challenge for physicians because,unlike with cancer therapies,there are few scientific studies on the most effective ways to handle the side effects一including common symptoms such as poor sleep or fatigue. But addressing these seemingly common complications(并发症)is crucial for helping patients maintain their regular lifestyle,which in turn may even encourage the success of their cancer treatment.That's why Dr. Karen Mustian of the University of Rochester Medical Center decided to put a favorite practice of cancer survivors一yoga一to the test.In a paper she will present at the American Society of Clinical Oncology (肿瘤学)(ASCO) annual meeting in June, Mustian designed a standardized program based on hatha yoga一a slow-moving form of the discipline一and tested its effect on improving the quality of life for cancer survivors.Called YOCAS,the four-week program involved sessions of hatha yoga twice a week for 75 minutes each,in combination with breathing exercises and meditation(冥想).Among the 410 participants,who were divided into yoga and traditional follow一up care groups,those practicing yoga recorded nearly double the improvement in sleep quality and reduction of fatigue compared to those not practicing yoga. They also reported better quality of life overall,Mustian says.For cancer physicians,the findings will be a welcome addition to their discussions with patients."Many patients ask about complementary (互补的)therapies, whether they are exercise or meditation or yoga," says Dr. Douglas Blayney,medical director of the comprehensive cancer center at University of Michigan and president of ASCO."I often don't know what to tell them because there isn't lot of science on these complementary therapies. Here is a scientific study showing benefit,so at least we can have some assurance in telling women that there is a yoga program,here are its characteristics and it has been shown to have beneficial effects on sleep and quality of life."What does the experiment done by Mustian show?A:Yoga is the most favorite practice among cancer patients.B:Yoga indeed helps to improve the quality of cancer patients' life.C:Yoga is the best way to improve the quality of cancer patients' life.D:Traditional follow-up care couldn't improve cancer patients' sleep quality.

共用题干第三篇Fight against the Side Effects of Cancer TreatmentOnce the hard decisions have been made about how to treat a patient's cancer,doctors face an even more difficult question:how do you help patients deal with the side effects of treatment?The issue is a challenge for physicians because,unlike with cancer therapies,there are few scientific studies on the most effective ways to handle the side effects一including common symptoms such as poor sleep or fatigue. But addressing these seemingly common complications(并发症)is crucial for helping patients maintain their regular lifestyle,which in turn may even encourage the success of their cancer treatment.That's why Dr. Karen Mustian of the University of Rochester Medical Center decided to put a favorite practice of cancer survivors一yoga一to the test.In a paper she will present at the American Society of Clinical Oncology (肿瘤学)(ASCO) annual meeting in June, Mustian designed a standardized program based on hatha yoga一a slow-moving form of the discipline一and tested its effect on improving the quality of life for cancer survivors.Called YOCAS,the four-week program involved sessions of hatha yoga twice a week for 75 minutes each,in combination with breathing exercises and meditation(冥想).Among the 410 participants,who were divided into yoga and traditional follow一up care groups,those practicing yoga recorded nearly double the improvement in sleep quality and reduction of fatigue compared to those not practicing yoga. They also reported better quality of life overall,Mustian says.For cancer physicians,the findings will be a welcome addition to their discussions with patients."Many patients ask about complementary (互补的)therapies, whether they are exercise or meditation or yoga," says Dr. Douglas Blayney,medical director of the comprehensive cancer center at University of Michigan and president of ASCO."I often don't know what to tell them because there isn't lot of science on these complementary therapies. Here is a scientific study showing benefit,so at least we can have some assurance in telling women that there is a yoga program,here are its characteristics and it has been shown to have beneficial effects on sleep and quality of life."What bothers the cancer physicians after determining the treatment plan?A:How to prevent the side effects from appearing.B:How to handle the side effects effectively.C:How to persuade the patient to accept the therapy.D:How to prove effectiveness of the treatment.

共用题干第三篇Fight against the Side Effects of Cancer TreatmentOnce the hard decisions have been made about how to treat a patient's cancer,doctors face an even more difficult question:how do you help patients deal with the side effects of treatment?The issue is a challenge for physicians because,unlike with cancer therapies,there are few scientific studies on the most effective ways to handle the side effects一including common symptoms such as poor sleep or fatigue. But addressing these seemingly common complications(并发症)is crucial for helping patients maintain their regular lifestyle,which in turn may even encourage the success of their cancer treatment.That's why Dr. Karen Mustian of the University of Rochester Medical Center decided to put a favorite practice of cancer survivors一yoga一to the test.In a paper she will present at the American Society of Clinical Oncology (肿瘤学)(ASCO) annual meeting in June, Mustian designed a standardized program based on hatha yoga一a slow-moving form of the discipline一and tested its effect on improving the quality of life for cancer survivors.Called YOCAS,the four-week program involved sessions of hatha yoga twice a week for 75 minutes each,in combination with breathing exercises and meditation(冥想).Among the 410 participants,who were divided into yoga and traditional follow一up care groups,those practicing yoga recorded nearly double the improvement in sleep quality and reduction of fatigue compared to those not practicing yoga. They also reported better quality of life overall,Mustian says.For cancer physicians,the findings will be a welcome addition to their discussions with patients."Many patients ask about complementary (互补的)therapies, whether they are exercise or meditation or yoga," says Dr. Douglas Blayney,medical director of the comprehensive cancer center at University of Michigan and president of ASCO."I often don't know what to tell them because there isn't lot of science on these complementary therapies. Here is a scientific study showing benefit,so at least we can have some assurance in telling women that there is a yoga program,here are its characteristics and it has been shown to have beneficial effects on sleep and quality of life."Mustian designed a standardized program________.A:to see whether yoga can reduce side effects of cancer treatmentB:to improve the quality of life for cancer patientsC:to popularize yoga among cancer survivorsD:to present it at the ASCO annual meeting




Hatha Yoga(哈达瑜伽)中,Ha意为太阳呼吸,Tha意为月亮呼吸,表示相反能量的结合,保持阴阳平衡的实践,因此,它又有阴阳瑜伽或健美瑜伽之称。



目前,我们大部分人所修练的Hatha Yoga是()、身体洁净为主的瑜伽体系体系。




判断题大部分人所修炼的Hatha Yoga是身体洁净、呼吸和各种体格锻炼方法的体系。A对B错



填空题目前,我们大部分人所修练的Hatha Yoga是()、身体洁净为主的瑜伽体系体系。



判断题Hatha Yoga(哈达瑜伽)中,Ha意为太阳呼吸,Tha意为月亮呼吸,表示相反能量的结合,保持阴阳平衡的实践,因此,它又有阴阳瑜伽或健美瑜伽之称。A对B错

单选题慢跑对人的身体健康有没有益处?研究表明,进行轻松的慢跑运动,能增强呼吸功能,可使肺活量增加,提高人体通气和换气能力,慢跑时所供给的氧气比静坐时多8~12倍。说话人要表达的意思是(  )。A慢跑能增强呼吸功能B慢跑对人的身体健康有益处C慢跑时所供给的氧气比静坐时多D慢跑能提高人体的通气和换气能力
