如何启动syslog服务()A、start syslog B、service log start C、service syslog start D、service sys start
- A、start syslog
- B、service log start
- C、service syslog start
- D、service sys start
Whichofthefollowingentriesshouldbeaddedtothesyslog.conffiletocaptureinformationtotroubleshootaproblemreportedwithe-mail?() A.smpt.info/tmp/syslog.msgsB.mail.debug/tmp/syslog.msgsC.daemon.err/tmp/syslog.msgsD.mail.err/tmp/syslog.msgs
Whatisthedefaultconfigurationfileusedbythesyslogddaemon?() A./etc/syslog.hB./etc/syslog.pidC./usr/sbin/syslogdD./etc/syslog.conf
Which three statements about Syslog utilization are true?() A.Utilizing Syslog improves network performance.B.The Syslog server automatically notifies the network administrator of network problems.C.A Syslog server provides the storage space necessary to store log files without using router disk space.D.There are more Syslog messages available within Cisco IOS than there are comparable SNMP trap messages.E.Enabling Syslog on a router automatically enables NTP for accurate time stamping。F.A Syslog server helps in aggregation of logs and alerts.
有关系统日志利用率哪三种说法是正确的?() A.利用系统日志提高网络性能。B.Syslog服务器会自动通知网络问题,网络管理员。C.Syslog服务器提供必要的存储日志文件的存储空间,而无需使用路由器的磁盘空间。D.有比有可比性SNMP陷阱消息更Syslog消息思科IOS使用。E.在路由器上启用日志自动启用NTP精确时间戳。F.Syslog服务器有助于日志和警报的聚集。
Which three statements about Syslog utilization are true?()A、Utilizing Syslog improves network performance.B、The Syslog server automatically notifies the network administrator of network problems.C、A Syslog server provides the storage space necessary to store log files without using router disk space.D、There are more Syslog messages available within Cisco IOS than there are comparable SNMP trap messages.E、Enabling Syslog on a router automatically enables NTP for accurate time stamping。F、A Syslog server helps in aggregation of logs and alerts.
如果要将H3C IPS攻击防范日志送给远端syslog服务器进行处理,以下配置方法哪个是正确的:()A、在“日志管理”“日志配置”“系统日志”中设置syslog服务器地址和端口B、在“日志管理”“日志配置”“操作日志”中设置syslog服务器地址和端口C、在“日志管理”“日志配置”“数据日志”中设置syslog服务器地址和端口D、修改动作“Notify”,设置syslog服务器地址和端口号
What is the default configuration file used by the syslogd daemon?()A、 /etc/syslog.h B、 /etc/syslog.pid C、 /usr/sbin/syslogd D、 /etc/syslog.conf
Which of the following entries should be added to the syslog.conf file to capture information to troubleshoot a problem reported with e-mail? ()A、 smpt.info /tmp/syslog.msgs B、 mail.debug /tmp/syslog.msgs C、 daemon.err /tmp/syslog.msgsD、 mail.err /tmp/syslog.msgs
单选题What is the default configuration file used by the syslogd daemon?()A /etc/syslog.h B /etc/syslog.pid C /usr/sbin/syslogd D /etc/syslog.conf
单选题Which of the following entries should be added to the syslog.conf file to capture information to troubleshoot a problem reported with e-mail? ()A smpt.info /tmp/syslog.msgs B mail.debug /tmp/syslog.msgs C daemon.err /tmp/syslog.msgsD mail.err /tmp/syslog.msgs