微量元素 microelement, trace element

微量元素 microelement, trace element


Using the situation stated in the Special window, which WBS element has a favorable cost variance of $150?A . Element PB . Element QC . Element RD . Element SE . None of the above.

Using the situation stated in the Special window, which WBS element is behind schedule but under budget?A . Element PB . Element QC . Element RD . Element SE None of the above.

101 Using the situation stated in the Special window, which WBS element is behind schedule but under budget?A. Element PB. Element QC. Element RD. Element SE. None of the above

102 Using the situation stated in the Special window, which WBS element has a favorable cost variance of $150?A. Element PB. Element QC. Element RD. Element SE. None of the above

You are developing a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service. The service configuration file has a element defined. You need to ensure that all security audit information, trace logging, and message logging failures are recorded.Which configuration segment should you add to the element?()A.B.C.D.

Publishingwassuccessfulbutthestorewon’tlaunch.Whichlogshouldbecheckedforerrorsaftertracinghasbeenenabled?() A.trace.logB.message.txtC.activity.logD.trace.txtE.SystemOut.log

在J2EE中,使用()选项中的代码,可以生成如下XML文档:      Tony Blair      A、Element people = doc.createElement("PEOPLE");  Element person = doc.createElement("PERSON"); Element name = doc.createElement("NAME"); name.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("Tony Blair")); people.appendChild(person); person.appendChild(name); doc.appendChild(people);B、Element people = doc.createElement("PEOPLE");  Element person = doc.createElement("PERSON"); people.appendChild(person); Element name = doc.createElement("NAME"); name.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("Tony Blair")); person.appendChild(name); doc.appendChild(people);C、Element people = doc.createElement("PEOPLE");  Element person = doc.createElement("PERSON"); people.appendChild(person); Element name = doc.createElement("NAME"); name.appendText(doc.createTextNode("Tony Blair")); person.appendChild(name); doc.appendChild(people);D、Element people = doc.createElement("PEOPLE");  Element person = doc.createElement("PERSON");Element name = doc.createElement("NAME"); name.createTextNode("Tony Blair"); people.appendChild(person); person.appendChild(name); doc.appendChild(people);

分析以下DTD文档: <!--ELEMENT doc(title?,chap*)--> <!-- ELEMENT title(#PCDATA)--> <!-- ELEMENT chap(sect+)--> <!-- ELEMENT sect(para+)--> <!-- ELEMENT para(#PCDATA)--> 下面的XML实例能够通过DTD的校验。() A、<doc><chap><para>Text</para></chap></doc>B、<doc><chap><sect><para>Text</para></chap></doc>C、<doc><title>Text</title></doc>(*红色)D、<doc><title>Text</title><sect><para>Text</para></sect></doc>

有如下XML代码段: <element>text</element> 可以通过哪些方法获得标记<element>中的数据“text”?

Which two statements are true regarding trace options on Junos devices?()A、You can see the contents of the log file by entering the show log filename commandB、Trace options will send information to your screen automaticallyC、Trace options are limited to one protocol at a timeD、The file name and set of flags may be specified when enabling trace options

You need to turn on Tracing for a page that is not performing well. You must store the trace information in a database for reporting and trending. Which two actions should you perform?()A、Add a TraceContextEventHandler to the Trace.TraceFinished event to add the trace records into the database.B、Add a system.diagnostics section to the Web.config file. Then add a listener to the new section.C、Use the System.Diagnostics.Trace object to connect to a database. Then insert the trace records.D、In the Page_Load for the page, place the Trace.Write call into a SQL INSERT statement.

下面的文件正确吗?为什么?用IE和本章中的解析器验证你的结论。 mes.dtd <!ELEMENT message ANY> <!ELEMENT persion (name,age?,lxfs)> <!ELEMENT lxfs (#PCDATA,tel|email)*> <!ELEMENT name (first,last)> <!ATTLIST name sex (male|female) "male"> <!ELEMENT first %pc; > <!ELEMENT last %pc;> <!ELEMENT age %pc;> <!ELEMENT tel %pc;> <!ELEMENT email %pc;> <!ENTITY % pc “(#PCDATA)”> <!ELEMENT emergency EMPTY> <!ATTLIST emergency fire CDATA #FIXED "119" police CDATA #FIXED "110" hospital CDATA #FIXED "120" > mes.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="gb2312"?> <!DOCTYPE SYSTEM "mes.dtd"> <message> <persion> <name sex="男"> <first>li</first> <last>xiao</last> </name> <age>25</age> <lxfs> <tel>123456</tel> </lxfs> </persion> <persion> <name> <first>wang</first> <last>xiao</last> </name> <lxfs></lxfs> </persion> <emergency fire="120" police="110" /> </message>

一个元素内容中既含有文本也含有子元素,应当怎样定义()A、<xs:element name="example" type=" xs:mixed ">B、<xs:element name="example"> <xs:complexType>C、<xs:element name="example"> <xs:complexType mixed="false">D、<xs:element name="example"> <xs:complexType mixed="true">

用strace工具跟踪某个进程与网络相关的活动,则执行()命令。A、strace trace=network process_nameB、strace trace=process_nameC、strace process_nameD、strcace trace=process_namenetwork

windows系统中用什么命令来跟踪路由()A、trace routeB、tracert routeC、traceroute routeD、trace route


Which of the following kdb commands is used to obtain a stack trace from a dump? ()A、 trb B、 his C、 f D、 trace

You create a Web application. You need to turn on Tracing for a page that is not performing well. You must store the trace information in a database for reporting and trending. Which two actions should you perform? ()A、Add a TraceContextEventHandler to the Trace.TraceFinished event to add the trace records into the database.B、Add a system.diagnostics section to the Web.config file. Then add a listener to the new section.C、Use the System.Diagnostics.Trace object to connect to a database. Then insert the trace records.D、In the Page_Load for the page, place the Trace.Write call into a SQL INSERT statement.

单选题You backed up the control file to trace. Which statement is true about the trace file generated?()AThe trace file is in binary format.BThe trace file has a SQL script to re-create the control file.CThe trace file is a backup set created during the backup of the control file. DThe trace file contains the instructions to manually re-create the control file.EThe trace file is an image copy of the control file created during the backup of the control file.

单选题A Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) application exposes a service as a SOAP endpoint for consumption by cross-platform clients.During integration testing, you find that one of the clients is not generating the correct messages to the WCF application.In order to debug the issue and fix the communication, you need to configure the service to log messages received from the client.What should you do?()ASet an etwTracking behavior on the service and configure a listener for the System.ServiceModel trace source.BSet an etwTracking behavior on the service and configure a listener for the System.ServiceModel.MessageLogging trace source.CEnable messageLogging in the System.ServiceModel diagnostics element configuration and configure a listener for the System.ServiceModel.MessageLogging trace source.DEnable messageLogging in the System.ServiceModel diagnostics element configuration and configure a listener for the System.ServiceModel trace source.

单选题In your test database, you find that a user’s session is executing a lot of SQL statements, resulting in the generation of a large number of trace files. While investigating the reason, you find that SQL trace has been enabled at the instance level.  You want to disable SQL trace, remotely, only for that user session to reduce the volume of trace data being generated.  How do you achieve this objective?()Aby setting the SQL_TRACE parameter to FALSE in the parameter fileBby using DBMS_MONITOR.SESSION_TRACE_DISABLE to disable the tracing for the user sessionCby setting the SQL_TRACE parameter to FALSE by using the ALTER SYSTEM command in the user sessionDby setting the SQL_TRACE parameter to FALSE by using the ALTER SESSION command in the user session

名词解释题微量元素 microelement, trace element

多选题Which two are valid values for the  element inside a  element ofa web application deployment descriptor?()ANULLBSECURECINTEGRALDENCRYPTEDECONFIDENTIAL

多选题You create a Web application. You need to turn on Tracing for a page that is not performing well. You must store the trace information in a database for reporting and trending. Which two actions should you perform? ()AAdd a TraceContextEventHandler to the Trace.TraceFinished event to add the trace records into the database.BAdd a system.diagnostics section to the Web.config file. Then add a listener to the new section.CUse the System.Diagnostics.Trace object to connect to a database. Then insert the trace records.DIn the Page_Load for the page, place the Trace.Write call into a SQL INSERT statement.


名词解释题微量元素(trace element或microelement)

多选题Which two are valid values for the  element inside a  element of a web application deployment descriptor?()ANULLBSECURECINTEGRALDENCRYPTEDECONFIDENTIAL