The contempt he felt for his fellow students was obvious.A:needB:hateC:loveD:pity

The contempt he felt for his fellow students was obvious.



解析:题干意为“他对学生的蔑视是显而易见的。” 句中划线词意为“轻视,轻蔑”。B项hate意为“仇恨,厌恶”;例句:And they have an ide-ology of hate.在他们的意识形态中只有仇恨。A项意为“需要”。C项意为“爱,喜欢”。D项意为“怜悯,同情,憾事”。故选B.


We can learn from the last paragraph that McKay .A. preferred fight to his studyB. went to war before graduationC. left a picture for Corey EverrettD. set an example for his fellow students

The salesman felt so lonely that he was often seen to _______ pictures of his family. A、get outB、find outC、fish outD、search

BJim was a waiter. He liked to grow flowers in his garden when he was free. One Sunday morning after breakfast he put on his old clothes and began digging(挖) in his garden at 8. He dug and dug. Half an hour later he suddenly found a coin near his foot. He was very glad. He put it in his right pocket. A few minutes later,he found anotherone. He picked it up and p...hit in the same pocket.The same thing happened for the third,the fourth and the fifth time…: He was very happy and told his wife about it. She was very happy,too. She said,"A thief took away a lot of coins from a shop a few days ago. The police caught him but they didn't find any coins. Then Jim went on digging some coins,but just when he began to dig,he felt something cold in his trousers... It ran down one of his legs. He put his hand down quickly and the coin came into his hand. Now he knew there was a hole in his right pocket.( )26. There were some _________ in Jim's garden.A.flowersB.coinsC.peopleD.trees

He asserted, also, that his power to follow a long and purely abstract train of thought was very limited, for which reason he felt certain that he never could have succeeded with mathematics

25. Which is NOT true according to this passage?A. The writer loves his teacher very much.B. A good teacher should not scold his students. 'C. The teacher may be rich if he becomes a businessman.

The writer decided to try the model he had chosen becauseA. knew very little about it.B. didn’t trust the shop assistant.C. wanted to make sure the one he chose would be the best.D. had a special interest in taking pictures of his fellow shoppers.

(47) He asserted, also, that his power to follow a long and purely abstract train of thought was very limited, for which reason he felt certain that he never could have succeeded with mathematics.此处译文为:

( ) by his teachers, he felt nervous. A、WatchingB、Having watchedC、Having been watchingD、Being watched

To be a good teacher, you need some of the gifts of a good actor; you must be able to hold the attention and interest of your students; you must be a clear speaker, with a good, strong, pleasing voice which is fully under you control; and you must be able to act what you are teaching, in order to make its meaning clear. Watch a good teacher, and you will see that he does not move motionless before his class; he stands the whole time he is teaching; he walks about, using his arms, hands and fingers to help him in his explanation, and his face to express his feeling. Listen to him, and you will hear the loudness, the quality and musical note of his voice always changing according to what he is talking about. The fact that a good teacher has some of the gifts of a good actor doesn't mean he will indeed be able to act well on the stage, for there are very important differences between the teacher's word and the actor's. The actor has to speak words which has been learnt by heart, he has1、A good teacher ______.A、knows how to hold the interest of his studentsB、must have a good voiceC、knows how to act on the stageD、stands or sits motionless while teaching2、In what way is a teacher''s work different from an actor''s? ( )A、The teacher must learn everything by heart.B、He knows how to control his voice better than an actor.C、he has to deal with unexpected situations.D、 He has to use more facial expressions.3、The main difference between students in class and theatre audience is that ( ).A、students can move around in the classroomB、students must keep silent while theatre audienceC、no memory work is needed for the studentsD、the students must take part in their teachers' plays

The student’s parents felt ____ as they learned that he didn’t make progress in his courses.A. incentiveB. dignityC. anxietyD. intention

( )I don’t know often he visits his soon will he come many students are there in his long is the bridge

Why did the professor study the Brazilian students' behavior?A. He felt puzzled at the students' being late.B. He felt angry at the students' rudeness.C. He wanted to make the students come on time later.D. He wanted to collect data for one of his studies.

How did George feel about Richard after his disappearance?A. He envied Richard’s marriage.B. He thought of Richard from time to time.C. He felt lucky with no rival in town.D. He was guilty of Richard’s death.

The writer decided to try the model he had chosen because heA. knew very little about it.B. didn’t trust the shop assistant.C. wanted to make sure the one he chose would be the best.D. had a special interest in taking pictures of his fellow shoppers.

When a teacher creates a real life situation for his students to discuss, he expects them notto focus on__________ too much.A.formB.useC.meaningD.function

When a teacher corrects the errors of his/her students,what measures shouldn’t ,he/she use at first?A.To give the students who makes error the first opportunity to correct it.B.To get other students to correct it,C.To correct the student directly.D.To hint students their errors.

John felt great __________ about his upcoming trip to Sidney; indeed, he could hardly contain hisenthusiasm.A.unrestB.uncertaintyC.anxietyD.excitement

When a teacher corrects the errors of his/her students,what measures shouldn’t ,he/she use at first?A.To give the students who makes error the first opportunity to correct it.B.B. To get other students to correct it.C.C. To correct the student directly.D.To hint students their errors.

The contempt he felt for his fellow students was obvious.A:.hateB: needC: loveD: pity

材料题BIn the fall of 1924 Thomas Wolfe,fresh from his courses in play writing at Harvard joined the eight or ten of us who were teaching English composition in New York University.I had never before seen a man so tall as he,and so ugly.I pitied him and went out of my way to help him with his work and make him feel at home.His students soon let me know that he had no need of my protectiveness.They spoke of his ability to explain a poem in such a manner as to have them shouting with laughter or struggling to keep back their tears,of his readiness to quote in detail from any poet they could name.Indeed,his students made so much of his power of observation that I decided to make a little test and see for myself.My chance came one morning when the students were slowly gathering for nine o‘clock classes.Upon arriving at the university that day,I found Wolfe alone in the large room which served all the English composition teachers as an office.He did not say anything when I asked him to come with me out into the hall,and he only smiled when we reached a classroom door and I told him to enter alone and look around.He stepped in,remained no more than thirty seconds and then came out.“Tell me what you see.”I said as I took his place in the room,leaving him in the hall with his back to the door.Without the least hesitation and without a single error,he gave the number of seats in the room,pointed out those which were taken by boys and those occupied by girls,named the colors each student was wearing,pointed out the Latin verb written on the blackboard,spoke of the chalk marks which the cleaner had failed to wash from the floor,and pictured in detail the view of Washington Square from the window.As I rejoined Wolfe,I was speechless with surprise.He,on the contrary,was wholly calm as he said,“The worst thing about it is that I‘ll remember it all.”What can be inferred from the passage A.The author was happy to see the test resulB.What the students said was hardly truC.Wolfe would remember forever what the author had donD.Wolfe felt joyful after he had been teste

单选题Wang’s zeal was contagious; soon all his fellow students were busily making posters, inspired by his ardent enthusiasm for the cause.Aeager Benthusiasm Czealot Dfanatic

单选题First of all, a teacher should show love for his students on top of his academic knowledge.______,he is not qualified for his position.AThereforeBOtherwiseCHoweverDBecause

问答题We felt strange about his silence at the party as he used to be very outgoing.

单选题When an EFL teacher asks his studentHow do you know that the author liked the place since he did not tell us explicitly?, he/she is helping students to reach ______ comprension.AliteralBevaluativeCinferentialDappreciative

单选题The writer felt _____ when he gave his first class.ArelaxedBnervousCunhappyDuncomfortable

单选题John felt great ______.about his upcoming trip to Sidney; indeed, he could hardly contain his enthusiasm.AunrestBuncertaintyCanxietyDexcitement

单选题When a teacher creates a real life situation for his students to discuss, he expects them not to focus on__________ too much.AformBuseCmeaningDfunction

单选题Alone in a deserted house, he was so busy with his research work that he felt______lonely.Anothing butBanything butCall butDeverything but