We were astonished to hear that their football team had won the champion.A:amazed B:amountedC:amused D:approached

We were astonished to hear that their football team had won the champion.



解析:本句意思:当我们听到他们的球队赢得了比赛非常吃惊。astonish意为“使惊讶,, ;amaze意为“惊讶”,最符合题意;amount意为“总计”; amuse意为“使愉快”;ap-proach意为“接近,方法,途径”。


_ came that our sports team had won 15 gold medals at the Olympics. A.A wordB.The wordC.WordsD.Word

Although the enemy had better weapons, we had popular support. Therefore we were able to hold them to a standoff.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

We're all ______ to hear that she had got a new job in a company. A. filledB. threatenedC. stilledD. thrilled

the new players were( )into our amateur football team. A. warmly welcomedB.warm welcomedC. warm welcomeD. welcome warmly

We thought they had come to repair the phone, but ____, they were robbers.A.in realityB.in additionC.in returnD.in vain

We were very excited because our class won the first at last.翻译

It is a sight that we ( ). A、were never forgottenB、shall never forgetC、never forgetD、had never forgotten

We were all () to hear you got married. A、delightfulB、delightedC、delightsD、delighting

As we were driving along we saw a good restaurant, so we stopped () dinner. A、havingB、to haveC、having beenD、to be had

We all said they were a perfect __________. However, their marriage did not last long. A.groupB.familyC.matchD.team

Unless we () you to the contrary, we shall assume said modification .A、hear ofB、hear outC、hear withD、hear from

We _____ rather talk about football or the weather or what we had for lunch.A: willB: shouldC: wouldD: could

We were astonished the temple still in its original condition .A finding B. to find C. find D. to be found

If it __________(rain) next Sunday, we won’t have a football match.

We were astonished _______ the temple still in its original condition.A.findingB.to findC.findD.to be found

Once our chickens started laying eggs, we had such a ______of eggs that we were giving many away to our neighbors.A.outputB.surplusC.productionD.plenty

All the flights ______ because of the snowstorm, we had to take the train instead.A.were canceleDB.had been canceleDC.having canceleDD.having been canceleD.

We were astonished to hear that their football team had won the champion.A: amazedB:.amountedC: amusedD: approached

If we____the same things as we did in the past, we weren't going to be successful in hiring the folks we needed.A、were to doB、could doC、had doneD、did

______ before we depart the day aftertomorrow, we should have a wonderful dinner party.A.Had they arrived B.Were they arrivingC.Would they arrive D.Were they to arrive

() my delight, our school football team won the game easily.AInBOfCToDFor

() my delight, our school football team won the game easily.A、InB、OfC、ToD、For

单选题It was an exciting moment for these football fans this year, ________ for the first time in years their team won the World Cup.AthatBwhileCwhichDwhen

单选题Which of the italicized parts functions as a subject?AIt is known to all that cancer is a terrible disease.BHis first question was whether the monitor had arrived yet.CThe news that our team won the game excited us all.DSuccess depends on whether we make enough effort.

单选题() my delight, our school football team won the game easily.AInBOfCToDFor

单选题As we were driving along we saw a good restaurant, so we stopped()dinner.AhavingBto haveChaving beenDto be had

填空题We were surprised at the (achieve) ____ the young man had made in the last three years.

单选题We were astonished ________the temple still in its original condition.AfindingBto findCfindDto be found