_ came that our sports team had won 15 gold medals at the Olympics. A.A wordB.The wordC.WordsD.Word

_ came that our sports team had won 15 gold medals at the Olympics.

A.A word

B.The word





15.A wantedB.mustC.likedD.had

患者男性,73岁,FEV1 A.GOLD3级,D组B.GOLD4级,B组C.GOLD4级,D组D.GOLD3级,B组

Let’s take a rest and have a cup of coffee, ( )?A.shall weB.won't weC.shall youD.won't you

My pictures () until next week. A、won’t developB、aren’t developingC、don’t developD、won’t be developed

______school is much larger than ______.A.Our;yourB.Our;yoursC.Ours;yoursD.We;you

阅读以下说明及Visual Basic程序代码,将应填入(n)处的字句写在对应栏内。[说明]下面的程序演示了根据随机产生的奖牌数,生成金银奖牌榜的过程。程序使用的排序法是简单排序法。以金牌得数为例,其思想是选择最大的元素,将它交换到最前面;然后对剩下的部分采用同样的方法,直到全部排序完成。程序界面中,左右两个文本框分别用于存放随机产生的奖牌数以及生成的奖牌榜,名为Text1和Text2,上下两个按钮分别名为Command1和Command2。代码中使用的量主要有:一维数组 cntries,用于存储10个国家的名称,二维数组medals,其元素medals(i,0)和medals(i,1)分别用于存放第i个(i从0开始)国家的金、银牌数目。[Visual Basic代码]Dim cntries(10) As String, medals(10,2) As Integer’随机产生奖牌数Sub newMedals()…… ’为数组cntries和medals赋值End Sub’输出奖牌榜Sub printOut(txt As (1) )Dim strResuh As String, i As IntegerstrResult=“国家” Chr(9) “金牌数” Chr(9) “银牌数” vbCrLfFor i=0 To 9strResult = strResult cntries(i) Chr(9) medals(i,0) Chr(9) medals(i,1) vbCrLfNexttxt.Text = strResultEnd Sub’交换两变量的值Sub exchange( (2) a As Variant, (2) b As Variant)Dim temp As Varianttemp = a: a = b: b = tempEnd Sub’随机产生并输出奖牌数Private Sub Command1_Click()newMedalsprintOut Text1End Sub’生成并输出奖牌榜Private Sub Command2_Click()Dim i,j, k As Integer, temp As StringFor i = 0 To 9 ’按金牌数排序j = i ’找到自第i个位置起全部数据中金牌得数最多者,记其下标为jFor k = i + 1 To 9If (3) Then j=kNextIf i < > j Then ’若i,j不等,则交换对应位置的国家名、金银牌数目exchange cntnes(i), entries(j)exchange medals(i, 0), medals(j, 0)exchange medals(i, 1), medals(j, 1)End IfNextFor i = 0 To 9 ’按银牌数进行二次排序j = iFor k = i + 1 To 9If medals(k,0) <> medals(j, 0) Then (4)If (5) Then j = kNextIf i < > j Thenexchange cntries(i), cntries(j)exchange medals(i, 1), medals(j, 1)End IfNextprintOut Text2End Sub

Gold序列与M序列相比,下面说法正确的是() A.Gold码序列的自相关特性优于M序列B.Gold码序列的互相关特性优于M序列C.M序列的自相关特性优于Gold序列D.M序列的互相关特性优于Gold序列

