A. introduces B. follows C. takes D. approaches

A. introduces B. follows C. takes D. approaches




-----Do you usually go to work early every day?---- Yes, the bus usually ___________me to work.A. takes B. fetches C. catches D. gets

He () cigarettes because of depression. A、takes toB、takes awayC、takes downD、takes in

She is very dear to us. We have been prepared to do it takes to save her life.A. whichever B. however C. whatever D. whoever

— The food here is nice enough.— My friend ______ me a right place.A. introduces B. introduced C. had introduced D. was introducing

Sometimes it()over half the total time spent on a research problem.? A.takes upB.takes offC.takes on

The questionnaire takes _______ ten to fifteen minutes to complete and can be used along with the assessment interview.A. mainly B. punctually C. approximately D. precisely

Mother often()more responsibilities to educate the children in this society. A、takes offB、takes afterC、takes inD、takes on

The train()just three weeks() complete a journey that()six weeks by sea.A. spent…on; takes in toB. pay…for; takes on toC. took…to; takes up to

The new appointment of our headmaster ________ from the very beginning of the next semester.A、takes effectB、takes placeC、takes turnsD、takes part

He ________ the whole department.A、takes chargeB、takes charge ofC、charges withD、is charge of

A customer is currently using EMC disk. They are having an issue with the time it takes to complete a backup. What IBM tool can be used to show how much improvement can occur in the time it takes to backup the disk?()A. TCOnow!B. Disk MagicC. Batch MagicD. Capacity Magic

In some cases, when a predator approaches, fishes escape on hearing ______.A. the sounds of other speciesB. the sounds of their preyC. the sounds of the approaching enemyD. the sounds of their fellows

“How long it takes for this parcel to reach France?”译成中文是()。A.这个小包需要多长时间能到法国?B.这个包裹需要多长时间能到法国?C.这个包裹需要多长时间能到英国?D.这个优先函件需要多长时间能到法国?

To teach students writing effectively, teachers may guide students through the writing process as follows:① mapping② editing ③outlining④ brainstorming⑤free writing⑥draftingA.①④③⑤⑥② B.④③⑤①⑥②C.④ ①⑤③⑥②D.③①④⑥⑤②

It ____ without saying that consumers would be happier if prices were lowerA. takes B. appears C. makes D. goes

Travelling by train to Tokyo takes approximately one hour less _____ travelling by car.A. for B. with C. as D. than

最先提出“形式随从功能”(Form follows function)的口号,并为“功能主义”的建筑设计思想开辟了道路的建筑师是:( )A.路易·康(Louis Kahn)B.路易·沙利文(Louis H.Sullivan)C.小沙里宁(E.Saarinen)D.勒·柯布西耶(Le Corbusier)

“形式追随功能(Form follows function)”的口号是由谁提出的?( )A.格罗皮乌斯B.路易斯·沙利文C.勒·柯布西耶D.路易·康

We have different approaches()gathering information.AforBbyCthroughDto

We have different approaches()gathering information.A、forB、byC、throughD、to

单选题Which of the following best describes the structure of the passage?AIt mentions a puzzling situation, and then describes three approaches people have taken to help understand that situation.BIt presents an argument for why something took place, and then offers a refutation of that argument.CIt introduces a past phenomenon and then presents three explanations for why the phenomenon took place.DIt describes a problem, offers a solution to the problem, and then ofiers reasons why the solution could not work.EIt offers three explanations for a phenomenon and then summarizes what all three have in common.

单选题How might the organization of the passage be described?AParagraph one introduces the topic; paragraphs two and three present examples in support.BParagraph one introduces the topic; paragraphs two and three present reasons in support.CParagraphs one and two present an argument; paragraph three summarizes the argument.DParagraphs one and two introduce the topic; paragraph three offers alternatives.EParagraph one introduces a cause; paragraphs two and three provide effects in order.

单选题As a high pressure system approaches,the barometer reading().Astays the sameBfallsCrisesDfalls rapidly

单选题We’ll have to finish the job, _____.Along it takes howeverBit takes however longClong however it takesDhowever long it takes

单选题61 A forms B follows C approaches D introducesAABBCCDD

单选题We have different approaches()gathering information.AforBbyCthroughDto

单选题In the first paragraph, the writer introduces the topic of the passage by ______.Atelling an interesting storyBexplaining the word “green”Cgiving some special examples