She is slender,with delicate wrists and ankles.A:sickB: weakC: slimD: pale

She is slender,with delicate wrists and ankles.

B: weak
C: slim
D: pale




—She doesn’t like geography, does she?— _________ .A. Yes, she does B. Yes, she doesn’t C. No, she does 

Sarah looked slender-waisted, () and very beautiful. A、fragilityB、to be fragileC、fragileD、weakly

“Is she American?” “No, () .” A、hers isn’tB、she isn’tC、she is notD、she her isn’t

____ right now, she would not be late for the class. A.Would she leaveB.If she leaveC.Were she to leaveD.If she had left

()till she was thirty. A、She marriedB、She didn ’t marry meC、She married meD、She married with me.

Only a very delicate thermometer can ________ such tiny changes in temperature in a precise way.A、countB、relateC、measureD、number

( )What’s the meaning of the sentence “She is blue today.”?A.She is angry.B.She is sad.C.She is bored.D.She is excited.

Bottom stowage on board a ship is usually given to ________ .A.dry cargoesB.heavy cargoesC.delicate cargoesD.the cargoes bound for the first port of call

Chain slings are suitable for heavy slender articles,such as ________ .A.timber or steel railsB.locomotives or boilersC.railway passenger coachesD.motor vehicles

Cargo that gives off fumes that may contaminate other cargo is known as a(n) ______.A.delicate cargoB.dirty cargoC.toxic cargoD.odorous cargo

--She didn't come to school yesterday, did she?--__________. Because she was not feeling well.A.No, she didn'tB.No, she didC.Yes, she didn'tD.Yes, she did

She is slender,with delicate wrists and ankles.A: slimB: paleC: weakD: sick

Not only__________very well,but also__________well.A.she cooks;does she danceB.she cooks;she dancesC.does she cook;she dancesD.does she cook;does she dance

When did you see her? What () then?Awas she doingBdid she doCis she doingDhas she hone

What is your eldest sister like?()A、She is happyB、She is illC、She is tallD、She is at home

What is she?()A、She is a typistB、She is talking to her friendC、She is having a holiday.D、She is my sister.

(),there was no hope of her getting the order.A、As she was exhaustedB、If she was exhaustedC、Exhausted though she wasD、Now that she was exhausted

单选题74. A efficient B advanced C delicate D enoughAABBCCDD

单选题She didn’t come to the party last Sunday. _____, she must have made the party more exciting.AIf she cameBWould she comeCHad she comeDDid she come

单选题58 A friendly B slender C costly D effectiveAABBCCDD

单选题73 A delicate B sensitive C electric D magnificentAABBCCDD

单选题So nervous ______ that she didn’t know how to start her speech.Asince she became Bwould she becomeCthat she became Ddid she become

单选题-She didn't come to school yesterday, did she? -______ . Because she was not feeling well .ANo, she didn'tBNo, she didCYes, she didn'tDYes, she did

单选题Chain slings are suitable for heavy slender articles,such as().Atimber or steel railsBlocomotives or boilersCrailway passenger coachesDmotor vehicles

单选题Silk, although it is considered a delicate fabric, is in fact very strong, but it is adversely affected by sunlight.AsoftBsheerCfragileDrefined

单选题So nervous _____ that she didn’t know how to start her speech.Asince she becameBwould she becomeCthat she becameDdid she become

单选题______tomorrow, she would get there on Sunday.AWould she leaveBIf she leavesCWere she to leaveDIf she had left

单选题How much will a ticket cost Jack if he visits the Slender West Lake?A30 yuanB40 yuanC90 yuanD150 yuan