资料:Your Company Logo and Contact InformationJanuary 11, 2005Brian Eno, Chief EngineerEcology Systems, Inc.8458 Obstructed View LaneDurham, NC 27708Dear Mr. Eno:Enclosed is the report estimating our power consumption for the year as requested by John Brenan, Vice President, on September 4.The report is the result of several meetings with Jamie Anson, Manager of Plant Operations, and her staff and an extensive survey of all our employees. The survey was delayed by the transfer of key staff in Building A. We believe, however, that the report will provide the information you need to furnish us with a cost estimate for the installation of your Mark II Energy Saving System.We would like to thank Billy Budd of ESI for his assistance in preparing the survey. If you need more information, please let me know.Sincerely,Nora CassidyNew Projects Officencassidy@company.comEnclosure: ReportWhich of the following is true according to the email?A.more information can be provided as needed.B.the survey has not been finished yet.C.the receiver is the writer's immediate boss.D.the enclosed report was solely made by the writer.

资料:Your Company Logo and Contact Information
January 11, 2005
Brian Eno, Chief Engineer
Ecology Systems, Inc.
8458 Obstructed View Lane
Durham, NC 27708
Dear Mr. Eno:
Enclosed is the report estimating our power consumption for the year as requested by John Brenan, Vice President,
on September 4.
The report is the result of several meetings with Jamie Anson, Manager of Plant Operations, and her staff and an extensive survey of all our employees. The survey was delayed by the transfer of key staff in Building A. We believe, however, that the report will provide the information you need to furnish us with a cost estimate for the installation of your Mark II Energy Saving System.
We would like to thank Billy Budd of ESI for his assistance in preparing the survey. If you need more information, please let me know.
Nora Cassidy
New Projects Office
Enclosure: Report

Which of the following is true according to the email?

A.more information can be provided as needed.
B.the survey has not been finished yet.
C.the receiver is the writer's immediate boss.
D.the enclosed report was solely made by the writer.


【主题句】第3自然段If you need more information, please let me know.如果你需要更多的信息,请告诉我。
【解析】本题的问题是“根据这封电子邮件,以下哪一项是正确的?”。选项A意为“根据需要可以提供更多信息”;选项B意为“调查尚未完成”,与原文“完成调查”不符;选项C意为“邮件接收人是作者的直接上司”,作者是New Projects Office(新项目办公室),而接收者为Chief Engineer(总工程师),应该不是直属关系,且文中未明确提及;选项D意为“附上的报告完全由作者撰写”,文中未提及。根据主题句可知,如果需要的话,发件人可以提供更多的信息,故选A。


Since RAM is only active when the computer is on, your computer uses disk to store information even when the computer is off. Which of the following is true?(74).A.When your computer is on, only RAM is used to store information.B.When your computer is on, only disk drives are used to store information.C.When your computer is off, only RAM is used to store information.D.When your computer is off, only disk drives are used to store information.

(b) Determine whether the factoring company’s offer can be recommended on financial grounds. Assume aworking year of 365 days and base your analysis on financial information for 2006. (8 marks)

Part ADirections:Suppose you are going to graduate. You want to hold a yard sale before you leave. Write a poster to advertise your sale, providing the following information:1) time and place of the sale,2) items for sale, and3) ways to contact you.You should write about 100 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name. Use “Li Ming” instead. (10 points)

If you need further information, please()our office.A. constantB. constructC. contact

根据写作要求,写出一篇作文。You are Susan. Your company will hold an opening ceremony for a new factory. You are asked to write an invitation letter to David, an important client of your company. The following information should he included:the reasons to invite him; the time for the event;the place for the event;early reply expected.

Which of the following is NOT an element in a business card?A: Giver’s nameB: Company affiliationC: Contact informationD: Photo

You are the administrator of a SQL Server 2000 computer. Your company uses the server to store service contract information for its customers.You are also the administrator of Oracle relational database management system (RDBMS) server.This server is used to store your company’s financial information. The financial information is updated frequently throughout the day.You need to create a series of reports that combine the service contract information and the financial information. These reports will be updated several times a day.You want to create reports on the SQL Server computer by using the minimum amount of disk space.What should you do?A.Set up SQL server replication to replicate the data from the oracle server to the SQL server computer.B.Set up the oracle server as a linked server. Create a view that joins the service contract information and the financial information.C.Set up data transformation services (DTS) package that imports and transforms the database from the oracle server to the SQL server computer. Use SQL server agent to execute the DTS package throughout the day as needed.D.Set up Microsoft ActiveX script. that connects to the oracle server and imports the financial information into SQL server temporary table. Create a view that joins the service contract information and the temporary table.

He paused,waiting for her to digest the information.A: withholdB: exchangeC: understandD: contact

February18th Ruth Walter 2921 Cypress Lane Smith field,UT 00375 Dear Ms.Walter, It has come to our attention that you have failed to remit payment for service provided during the two billing periods of 7/15—8/14 and 9/15—10/14 last year. Our records indicate that multiple bills for these periods have been sent to your address with out reply.At this point.we are regrettably required to take stronger measures.If by April 15 we have not received payment in full,including all late fees charged,we will be forced to terminate service to your residence. For further information about this action,or to verify the amount of your outstanding balance,please call our Customer Service Center at l—888—555—3802。or write to the following address: Accounts Payable Division Northern Utah Gas&Power 55755 State Highway 1 6 Logan,UT 00378 February 27th Accounts Payable Division Northern Utah Gas&Power 55755 State Highway l 6 Logan,UT 00378 Service representative, I recently received a notification of outstanding charges on my account.I am very confused and distressed by the situation outlined in your letter. First of all,I am certain that I paid for all services during the two billing period in question.The payments were on time and for the correct amount.I used your company’S automated telephone billing system and paid with my credit card.I am including transaction receipts from my credit card company that list these payments and the dates on which they were processed by your company. After I had paid then,I did receive multiple bills for the periods 7/15—8/14 and 9/15—10/14 as stated in your letter.I tried repeatedly to report this error to your company via the customer service email system,but I never received a response.I am also attaching copies of these emails for your review. These documents clearly show that I have made all payments in a timely fashion,and I hope they will help you resolve this situation.If you have any more questions for me,please contact me by phone(555-7690)or email(rwalt79@mzmail.com). Ruth Walter What is the purpose of Ms.Walter’s letter?A.To ask about the automated billing system B.To update her contact information C.To report receiving duplicate bills D.To challenge the company’s assertions

() I will be disappointed to lose Joe as an employee, I am happy to recommend him as a solid addition to your company. If you'd like more information, please do not hesitate to contact me at555.555-5555.Sincerely,John SimpsonA.BecauseB.DespiteC.ForD.Although

资料:Your Company Logo and Contact InformationJanuary 11, 2005Brian Eno, Chief EngineerEcology Systems, Inc.8458 Obstructed View LaneDurham, NC 27708Dear Mr. Eno:Enclosed is the report estimating our power consumption for the year as requested by John Brenan, Vice President, on September 4.The report is the result of several meetings with Jamie Anson, Manager of Plant Operations, and her staff and an extensive survey of all our employees. The survey was delayed by the transfer of key staff in Building A. We believe, however, that the report will provide the information you need to furnish us with a cost estimate for the installation of your Mark II Energy Saving System.We would like to thank Billy Budd of ESI for his assistance in preparing the survey. If you need more information, please let me know.Sincerely,Nora CassidyNew Projects Officencassidy@company.comEnclosure: Reporthe following factors all contributed to the completion of the report except___.A.the transfer of key staffB.an extensive survey of all employeesC.the help of Jamine AnsonD.some meeting with the staff of Plant Operations

资料:With 55% of consumers' customer service interactions starting online and 63% of adults using their smartphone several times a month to seek customer service, your mobile customer service tactics are more important than ever.A strong mobile customer service strategy will not only help you avoid losing customers, it can help you gain new ones and impact the bottom line.Think fast or drop the ballWhen it comes to customer service, speed is key. If my credit card stops working. or if I am trying to find the gate to my flight, or if I just lost cell reception, I needed the response five minutes ago. When customers do get in touch, it's important to act fast to get them the information they need. Forty-two percent of American shoppers complaining on social channels expect a brand to respond within the hour, and 57% expect the same level of timely customer service via social media at night and on the weekends as during business hours.Customers, however, are not just looking for speedy responses. We're accustomed to having all the information we need at our fingertips. According to Forrester. SS% of shoppers are likely to abandon their online purchase if they can't quickly find an answer to their question and 30% of users considering abandoning a purchase if a site is not mobile optimized, whether that’s on your website or via your social media platforms.Make sure that doesn't happen to you by thinking through potential questions your customers may have, and identifying any missing or incorrect information before customers need to reach out. Additionally, ensure your customer service contact info(whether that's a contact form, email address or social media handle) are readily available on all mobile website pages. The fewer chicks we have to make to get the information we seek, the better!What is the main suggestion of this article?A.Identifying any missing or incorrect information before customers need to reach outB.Make online customer service easy and quick for customers.C.Avoid losing customers, it can help you gain new ones and impact the bottom line.D.ensure your customer service contact info are readily available on all mobile website pages.

资料:What attracts customers? Obviously the quality of a product does, but visual images contribute a great deal. It is not only the image provided by the packaging that counts but the whole corporate identity of the company.There are now many products and services on the market which are similar in content though produced by different companies. It is vital, therefore, for a company to distinguish itself from its competitors by having a strong company image which is immediately recognizable.Logos are part of this image. They are symbols which often include a name or initials to identify a company. The logo establishes a visual identity for the company, just as different groups of young people express their identity through hairstyles and clothes. All groups from all cultures and throughout the ages have used colors and symbols to show their identity.In different cultures, different colors carry different meanings. Some colors may be connected with coldness in one culture and with warmth in another; some colors represent life in one culture but death in another. International companies have, therefore, to make sure that their logos will not be misunderstood or misinterpreted in different countries.Many companies have, over the years, renewed their logos to fit in with contemporary design and to present more powerful images. Company logos can be emotive and can inspire loyalty by influencing the subconscious. Some logos incorporate an idea of the product; and a case in point is the steering wheel in the Mercedes logo, for example, and the airplane tail of Alitalia.Logos are used on letterheads, packaging and brochures as well as on the product itself. They may also appear in newspapers or on television as part of an advertising campaign.Companies need to have a strong corporate identity. The logo helps to promote this image and to fix in the minds of the consumers. Logos, therefore, need to be original and to have impact and style.The passage supplies information that would answer which of the following questions? A.What’s in the image?B.What attracts customers?C.What’s in a logo?D.None of above

He paused,waiting for her to digest the information.A:withholdB:exchangeC:understand D:contact

We suggest that you()our representative in Beijing for your requirements.A、will contactB、contactingC、contact withD、contact

Which of the following is NOT a common or correct use of a custom control?()A、Adding a company logo to business documentsB、As the UI widgets for 1 specificXPage that will never be replicated by any other XPages, everC、Adding mailing label information to mail and memo pagesD、As a control that needs to appear conditionally, depending on the result of a formula

问答题Practice 12  ● You work in a company which deals with industrial waste. You have read about a new kind of pump which could save your company thousands of dollars in servicing and maintenance costs.  ● Write a memo of 30—40 words to your Head of Department saying:  ● where you read about the new pump,  ● why you think it could be a good investment,  ● how you might get more information about it.

单选题Which of the following alone can differentiate you from your competitors when handing a business card to customers?AThe size of the card.BThe right color scheme.CA unique design of the card.DA friendlier logo of your company.

填空题Where can you get more information about the promotion?Contact the ____ or visit its websites.

单选题Which of the following is NOT a common or correct use of a custom control?()AAdding a company logo to business documentsBAs the UI widgets for 1 specificXPage that will never be replicated by any other XPages, everCAdding mailing label information to mail and memo pagesDAs a control that needs to appear conditionally, depending on the result of a formula

单选题Your company has 1,000 computers in the main office and 20 computers in store kiosks.All the computers run Windows 7 Enterprise.   The kiosk computers do not have network connections.  The company brands the Internet Explorer program window on all computers by displaying the company logo at the left end of the title bar.  The company changes its logo.   You have the following requirements:   Display the new logo on the Internet Explorer program window title bar on the main office computers and the kiosk computers.  Modify the search providers that are available to main office computers. You need to define Internet Explorer settings to support the requirements.   What should you do?()A Save the logo as Logo.png and copy the file to the C:///Windows/Branding/ directory on each kiosk computer. Createand distribute a new OpenSearch description file for the main office computers.B Use the Internet Explorer Administration Kit (IEAK) to create a custom configuration-only deployment package on the main office computers. Enable automatic version synchronization and specify a flash drive for the path. Distribute the configuration package to the kiosk computers.C Use the Internet Explorer Administration Kit (IEAK) to create a custom configuration-only deployment package on the main office computers. Create a deployment CD for the kioskcomputers.D Use the Internet Explorer Administration Kit (IEAK) to create a custom configuration-only deployment package. Copy the setup file to a flash drive,and distribute the file to all computers.

问答题Practice 4  ● Mr. White is going to order a large amount of commercial computers from your company. He also shows an interest in your company’s electrostatic copier, which is in the charge of Mr. Blair, your colleague. Mr. White would like to bring 8 samples and some specifications back home to make a trial sale.  ● Write a note to Mr. Blair, one of your colleagues.  ● Telling him the fact that Mr. White is interested in electrostatic copier.  ● Mentioning the number he wants to have.  ● Suggesting their direct contact.  ● Write 30-40 words on your answer sheet.

单选题Which step would you use to get information about the number of contacts currently in queue?()AGet Contact Info  BGet Session Info  CGet Call Contact Info  DGet Reporting Statistics

问答题根据写作要求,写出一篇作文。 You are Susan. Your company will hold an opening ceremony for a new factory. You are asked to write an invitation letter to David, an important client of your company. The following information should he included:the reasons to invite him; the time for the event;the place for the event;early reply expected.

问答题Practice 2  ● Recently your company is planning to bid for hosting an exhibition and now the manager of your company has asked you to write a letter to the organizing committee to introduce your company to them.  ● Write a letter to introduce the details about your company.  ● introducing the department structure and service,  ● introducing previous exhibitions you have hosted,  ● expressing your confidence in the success if you are permitted to host it.

问答题Practice 3  ● Your manager is considering whether to purchase or to rent a new company premise. He has asked you to write a report concerning this.  ● Write a report for your manager, including the following information:  ● what you know about the premise,  ● why it is good for you to take the relevant action,  ● how your company would benefit from it.  ● Write 200-250 words.

问答题Practice 2  ● You work in a company which deals with industrial waste. You have read about a new kind of pump which could save your company thousands of dollars in service and maintenance costs.  ● Write a memo to your Head of Department saying:  ● where you read about the new pump  ● why you think it could be a good investment  ● how you might get more information about it.  ● Write 40—50 words on a separate sheet.