The teacher tried to____the trouble makers by pairing them with a well behaved partner.A.break offB.break downC.break inD.break up

The teacher tried to____the trouble makers by pairing them with a well behaved partner.

A.break off
B.break down
C.break in
D.break up


解析:本题考察break 词组。A选项break off意为“折断,突然停止”,B选项break down意为“分解,毁掉”,C选项break in 意为“打断,闯入”, D选项break up意为“解散,分散”,而题目意为“老师试着把捣蛋鬼们分开,和表现好的学生分组配对。”


The students quieted at once on the teacher’s () to keep them after school A、dangerB、warnC、threatD、saying

The salesman_____the new medicine to show customers how well it works. A、tried over.B、tried on.C、tried out.D、tried off.

7. Mary wants to be a teacher. She’s going to get_________.A. good gradeB. good gradesC.well gradeD.well grades

I felt my way to the hearth and picked up the pieces. I tried ________ to put them together.A vaguelyB valuablyC vainlyD vacantly

(The Trouble with Television) The American public is not well aware of the adverse effects of television.()

which expression is wrong about learning students' names? () A. It shows students that the teacher is interested in them.B. The teacher could ask individual students to assist with demonstrations.C. The teacher could ask individual students to assist with equipment in the class.D. It shows the teacher is responsible.

The teacher, as well as all his students, _____ by the dancer’s performance. A.was impressedB.had impressed

1 It isthe money that____- these fishermen to risk a long ocean journey.2 A goodteacher should stimulate students to come up with____ideas inventions.3 Withthe rapid development of the economy, ou___ of life has changed greatlythese years.4 Shestudied almost_____ for the big test,more than 12 hours per day for nearly a month.5 Mr.Selby is seriously ill and has been transferred to____care.6 This isthe____hotel room we stayed in last year.7 Afterthe applause died down , the pianist____to play.8 Thestudents tried to____the teacher into losing her temper.9 Theprogram deals with subjects as____pop music and Bejjing Opera.10 If youwant to be an actor you have to really____to it.

She tried to____ the pages together so that her father would have no difficulty in reading them. A、gatherB、engageC、churchD、dawn

He was accepted by the gentleman becauseA.he had many lettersB.he didn’t have a single recommendationC.he spoke quietlyD.he behaved well

I've tried very" hard to improve my English. But by no means__________with my progress.A.the teacher is not the teacher not satisfiedC.the teacher is the teacher satisfied

Which of the following goes against efficient classroom management?A.The teacher plays the main role.B.The teacher provides clear instructions.C.There is discipline as well as harmony in the class.D.The students' errors are treated properly.

Apart from a mastery of a foreign language, what other knowledge should a foreign language teacher have in order to do his/her job well?

If the teacher uses the same techniques, some students may not have the chance to learn in the way that suits them best.()

According to findings of the bMightyResearch report, which two statements about UC Solutions accurately describe the attributes of SMB decision makers?()A、Only 20% of decision makers understand UC solutions.B、They are generally well-educated on what UC solutions offer.C、Many are yet to be convinced of the need for UC.D、They have a tendency to support current telephony vendors.

()means saying sorry to some one that you've hurt them or caused trouble for them.A、DelayB、ApologizeC、InconvenienceD、Maintenance

单选题They were under the()that the company was doing well, but in fact it was in serious trouble.AconclusionBexpressionCenjoymentDillusion

单选题The teacher, as well as his students, were present at the meeting.Ateacher,BwereCatDmeeting

单选题I invited Joe and Linda as well as Tom to dinner, but neither of them came.AI invitedBas well asCto dinnerDneither

单选题The company()when it tried to expand too quickly.Ahas troubleBran into troubleCtook the troubleDask for trouble

单选题Can your brother and sister understand the English teacher? No,______of them can.Anot eitherBnot oneCneitherDno one

单选题I invited Joe and Linda as well as Tom to dinner, but neither of them came.AinvitedBas well asCto dinnerDneither of

单选题Before doing a writing task, the teacher elicits students' ideas by asking them to list as many words or phrases that come into their mind about the topic as possible. Here the teacher is playing the role of a(n)________AcontrollerBparticipantCorganizerDprompter

单选题The students were surprised because ______.Athey thought the teacher unfairBDonald did as well as TommyCthe teacher would give them a prize

多选题According to findings of the bMightyResearch report, which two statements about UC Solutions accurately describe the attributes of SMB decision makers?()AOnly 20% of decision makers understand UC solutions.BThey are generally well-educated on what UC solutions offer.CMany are yet to be convinced of the need for UC.DThey have a tendency to support current telephony vendors.

单选题Before doing a writing task, the teacher elicits students' ideas by asking them to list as many words or phrases that come into their mind about the topic as possible.Here the teacher is playing the role of a(an) ____.AcontrollerBparticipantCorganizerDprompter

单选题His children are well-behaved, ______ those of his sister's are very naughty.AandBsoCthusDwhile