Many of those that are prosecuted and sentenced and end____in a jail are subsequently freed or simply walk out the door as there are prisons in Congo that simply do not have doors.A.downB.offC.upD.beyond

Many of those that are prosecuted and sentenced and end____in a jail are subsequently freed or simply walk out the door as there are prisons in Congo that simply do not have doors.



解析:本题考查的是与end 有关的几个固定搭配。题目意为“许多被起诉、被判刑并最终被关进监狱的人,随后被释放,或者干脆走出大门,因为刚果的监狱里根本没有门。”A项end down 意为“断经”。B项end off 意为“结束、完成”。C项end up in 意为“在……地方结束”。D项意为“超过、超越”,没有与end 的固定搭配。因此选C,最终被关进监狱。


Hepatitis A vaccines are especially recommended for those who () A、travel abroadB、have other forms of liver diseaseC、have many sexual partnersD、are in high-risk occupations

Consumers should do( )than simply complain about the poor quality goods. A、much asB、some moreC、far lessD、far more

第一节 完形填空(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从21-3各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并填写在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。Every country has its own culture.Even though each country uses doors. Doors many have_21 __functions and purposes which lead to ___22__ differences.When I first came to America, I noticed that a public building had two different__23___ and they had distinct functions. You have to push the door with the word “PUSH” to go out of the building and to pull the door with the word “PULL” to_ 24____the building. This was new to me, because we use the ____25__ door in south Korea. For quite a few times I failed to go out of a shopping centre and was embarrassed.The way of using school bus doors was also ____26__ to me .I used to take the school bus to classes. The school decided that when the driver opened both the front and back doors, ___27 _who were getting off the bus should get off first , and students who were getting on should get on __ 28_ . In south Korea, we do not need to wait for people to get off. One morning, I hurried to the bus ,and when the bus doors opened, I___ 29____tried to get on the school bus through the front door. All the students around looked at me, I was totally_ 30 _ _,and my face went red.21_______A.differentB.importantC.practicalD.unusual

Much ________ I like him, I simply cannot do his homework for him.A althoughB even thoughC asD as if

Today many young people()change jobs to better themselves, or simply to gain experience. A.alwaysB.frequently

We have to stay at home for a whole day. Why not go out and have a walk?()A. It likes a good idea.B. It sounds like a good idea.C. How is a good idea?

Many of our most deeply ______ opinions are held simply as a result of the fact that we happen to have been “brought up”to them.A: rootedB: rootC: rootingD: roots

Viruses usually have two phases to their execution, the infection phase and the(75)phase. The later phase is optional, since stone viruses simply reproduce.A.reproduceB.proliferationC.defendD.attack

How many ________ do you want to have? A.childB.childrenC.childsD.childrens

How many holds do you have?

i do think her presentation is wonderful, i simply can't _____ the flaw in her argument. A、lay a finger onB、hold my hand inC、put my finger onD、keep my hand in

共用题干第二篇Not all sleep is the same every night.We experience some deep,quiet sleep and some active sleep,which is when dreams happen.You might think sleepwalking would happen during active sleep,but a person isn't physically active during active sleep.Sleepwalking usually happens in the first few hours of sleep in the stage called slow-wave or deep sleep.Not all sleepwalkers actually walk.Some simply sit up or stand in bed or act like they're awake when in fact,they're asleep! Most,however,do get up and move around for a few seconds or for as long as haff an hour.Sleepwalkers' eyes are open,but they don't see the same way they do when they're awake and often think they're in different rooms of the house or different places altogether. Sleepwalkers tend to go back to bed on their own and they won't remember it in the morning.Researchers estimate that about 15% of kids sleepwalk regularly. Sleepwalking may run in families(在家族中世代相传)and sometimes occurs when a person is sick, has a fever, is not getting enough sleep,or is stressed(紧张).If sleepwalking occurs frequently,every night or so,it's a good idea for your mom or dad to take you to see your doctor. But occasional sleepwalking generally isn't something to worry about,although it may look funny or even scary(骇人的)for the people who see a sleepwalker in action.Although occasional sleepwalking isn't a big deal,it's important,of course,that the person is kept safe. Precautions(预防措施)should be taken so the person is less likely to fall down, run into something,or walk out the front door while sleepwalking.What most sleepwalkers do is to_________.A:simply sit upB:simply stand in bedC:get up and walk for some timeD:get up and walk for hours

Are you going out? Yes, please lock the door when you ___ .A.will leaveB.leaveC.have been leavingD.will have left

Early Americans simply did not sport hunt in those days.It is hard to make a sport ___ something you did every day.A.intoB.out ofC.byD.with

How()do you have?A、many baggageB、much baggagesC、many baggagesD、much baggage

单选题Much as I would like to, I couldn’t lend him the money because I simply didn’t have that much spare cash.AI would have liked toBI would like to haveCshould have to 1ikeDI should have liked to

单选题The children the Council ran buses for in the past were those _____.Awhose parents were worried about themBwho would have had to walk otherwiseCwho could not walkDwho had to travel a long way

单选题What’s the _____ of having a public open space where you can’t eat, drink or even simply hang out for a while?AsenseBmatterCcaseDopinion

单选题All people do several jobs at the same time simply because they want to challenge themselves.ARight.BWrong.CDoesn’t say.

单选题Some decisions have to be ______; when gathering more information only worsens your dilemma, you must simply adhere to your instincts.AponderousBapprehensiveCtactfulDdoctrinaireEvisceral

单选题I don't feel like going out now: I'm not used to have a walk after dark.Adon'tBgoing outCto have a walkDafter dark

单选题Much as ______ I couldn’t lend him the money because I simply didn’t have that much spare cash.AI would have liked toBI would like to haveCI should have to likeDI should have liked to

问答题Most linguists are convinced that the ability to speak, while uniquely human, is simply a combination of             A                              Bcognitive skills that have been passed on to our species through evolution. No error    C                    D                E

单选题AThey are kept in open prisons.BThey are allowed out of the prison grounds.CThey are ordered to do cooking and cleaning.DThey are a small portion of the prison population.

单选题I think his decision to move south was simply out of family _____. You know his wife works in Canton.AconsiderationsBexcusesCcausesDmotives

填空题Why do more Americans have to drive to work?Because they have moved out of the ____to the suburbs.

单选题You _____ all those clothes! We have a washing machine to do that sort of thing.Aneedn't have washedBshouldn't have washedCmust not have washedDcan not have washed