资料:Directions : There is 1 passage in this part. The passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices , You should decide on the best choice.Your face is the future of smartphone security. Apple made that clear last week when it unveiled the pricey iPhone X. Apple claims to have conquered many of the challenges that have prevented the widespread use offacial biometrics. But a number of computer-vision researchers say they are skeptical that a smartphone-based system like FaceID can account for things like variable lighting conditions or subtle changes in a person's appearance to create a secure-yet-practical way to unlock a phone a dozen or more times a day.Apple’s new technology does sound promising. The company says FaceID creates a “precise depth map” of one’s visage by projecting more than 30,000 infrared dots against a person’s face, then using the phone’s infrared TrueDepth camera and high-power microchip to collect and analyze the results. Users are also asked to turn their head as they scan so the phone's machine-learning algorithm can measure the face from several angles and create a more detailed 3-D map of their features. Once the map is created and stored, the iPhone X uses infrared light to help FaceID scan a person’s face even in the dark. Meanwhile, machine-learning algorithms running on the phonekeep track of changes in a person's appearance—including glasses, facial hair and hats—so the smartphone’s accuracy improves over time.Despite advances in facial recognition in recent years, it remains unclear whether FaceID will work in a variety of conditions while also keeping the iPhone X secure. Hackers, for example, quickly found a way to bypass the Samsung Galaxy S8's facial-recognition scanner when it was introduced in March: They tricked the device by simply showing it a photo of the user. FaceID’s use of 3-D facial maps could address that problem. But historically it has been a big challenge for such a system to recognize faces under different lighting conditions and from a variety of angles.Apple showed off FaceID last week under relatively controlled conditions, says Arun Ross, a professor of computer science and engineering at Michigan State University. Clearly the demo was very interesting, he says. But at the same time some extraordinary claims were made. Apple' s Schiller said, for example, that the chance a random person' s face could unlock someone else' s iPhone X was one in a million——much more secure than TouchID. Ross says, however, that it is not clear how often FaceID fails to recognize its owner. When contacted, Apple declined to elaborate on Schiller' s comments.“Like all biometrics, FaceID will have a problem with revocation,” says Vitaly Shmatikov, a computer science professor at Cornell Tech. “If a password is compromised, it can be changed—but a face cannot be changed.” Apple touts its ability to secure data on its iPhones, which do not share biometric information with the company’s servers. Still, Ross says, hackers always seem to find a way around even the tightest security.What is the author' s attitude toward Apple' s Face ID technology on iPhone X?A.PromisingB.SkepticalC.SupportiveD.Neutral

资料:Directions : There is 1 passage in this part. The passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices , You should decide on the best choice.
Your face is the future of smartphone security. Apple made that clear last week when it unveiled the pricey iPhone X. Apple claims to have conquered many of the challenges that have prevented the widespread use offacial biometrics. But a number of computer-vision researchers say they are skeptical that a smartphone-based system like FaceID can account for things like variable lighting conditions or subtle changes in a person's appearance to create a secure-yet-practical way to unlock a phone a dozen or more times a day.
Apple’s new technology does sound promising. The company says FaceID creates a “precise depth map” of one’s visage by projecting more than 30,000 infrared dots against a person’s face, then using the phone’s infrared TrueDepth camera and high-power microchip to collect and analyze the results. Users are also asked to turn their head as they scan so the phone's machine-learning algorithm can measure the face from several angles and create a more detailed 3-D map of their features. Once the map is created and stored, the iPhone X uses infrared light to help FaceID scan a person’s face even in the dark. Meanwhile, machine-learning algorithms running on the phonekeep track of changes in a person's appearance—including glasses, facial hair and hats—so the smartphone’s accuracy improves over time.
Despite advances in facial recognition in recent years, it remains unclear whether FaceID will work in a variety of conditions while also keeping the iPhone X secure. Hackers, for example, quickly found a way to bypass the Samsung Galaxy S8's facial-recognition scanner when it was introduced in March: They tricked the device by simply showing it a photo of the user. FaceID’s use of 3-D facial maps could address that problem. But historically it has been a big challenge for such a system to recognize faces under different lighting conditions and from a variety of angles.
Apple showed off FaceID last week under relatively controlled conditions, says Arun Ross, a professor of computer science and engineering at Michigan State University. "Clearly the demo was very interesting," he says. "But at the same time some extraordinary claims were made." Apple' s Schiller said, for example, that the chance a random person' s face could unlock someone else' s iPhone X was one in a million——much more secure than TouchID. Ross says, however, that it is not clear how often FaceID fails to recognize its owner. When contacted, Apple declined to elaborate on Schiller' s comments.
“Like all biometrics, FaceID will have a problem with revocation,” says Vitaly Shmatikov, a computer science professor at Cornell Tech. “If a password is compromised, it can be changed—but a face cannot be changed.” Apple touts its ability to secure data on its iPhones, which do not share biometric information with the company’s servers. Still, Ross says, hackers always seem to find a way around even the tightest security.

What is the author' s attitude toward Apple' s Face ID technology on iPhone X?



【关键词】attitude;touch ID technology on iPhone X
【主题句】“If a password is compromised, it can be changed—but a face cannot be changed.” ”如果密码被盗用,可以改密码——但是人脸无法改变。”
【解析】选项A意为“有前途的”;选项B意为“怀疑”;选项C意为“支持”;选项D意为“中立”。文章开篇即提出iPhone X的FaceID是否能在各种条件下正常使用这样一个疑问;第二段进行让步说了该手机人脸识别技术的先进性;第三段又转折回到正题——对FaceID是否能在不同条件下正常使用不确定;第四段对“it is not clear how often FaceID fails to recognize its owner”这样一个问题没有答案;最后一段又提出其存在一个撤销的问题。总体看来,作者对iPhone X新技术的态度已经很明显,应该是怀疑的。另外,通过文中的一些字眼,如claim, show off, does sound promising等也可以推断出作者的态度。


192. Advice given by human resources officers in large foreign companies can help you find a satisfying job. Here are some useful suggestions. Don’t start writing your resume before your graduation. From the first day you enter the university, you have begun writing it. Plan to put your four years to full use so that at graduation your resume will be full of valuable experiences and remarkable academic results. Never apply to a company or for a job blindly. Find out where your interests lie and what your advantages are. Decide first what road you want to take for the rest of your life. Choose a company and a job that fits you well. Don’t feel inferior to boys if you are a girl job-hunter. Except for some physical work, girls are as capable as boys. Girls even have lots of advantages over boys. For instance, girls are stronger in social communication. They are innately skilled to express themselves effectively and to show understanding to others. They tend to be more patient, easier to get along with, and usually have better command of foreign languages. [共5题](1) Who may be most interested in the advice given in this passage?(A) Bosses of big companies.(B) Officers who take in employees.(C) Students who will soon graduate.(D) People with much work experience.(2) The first suggestion given in the passage is that you should ________.(A) learn to write a resume soon after you enter the university(B) try your best to achieve excellent results at university(C) write your resume during all the years at university(D) fully enjoy the four years of your university life(3) Before applying for a job, you should make sure of ________.(A) your interests and strong points(B) your life experiences and skills(C) the job or jobs that are easier for you to find(D) the company that can offer you a good job(4) In the opinion of human resources officers, girls ________.(A) tend to be difficult to appear friendly(B) should have confidence in themselves(C) demand more understanding from others(D) like to express their ideas freely(5) The best title for the passage might be ________.(A) Secrets of Getting a Well-paid Job(B) What to Write in Resume(C) Advantages of Girl Job-Hunters(D) How to Succeed in Job Hunting

Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a passage to state your views on the topic: health and diet. You should write at least 80 words and base your writing on the outline below: it is necessary to keep a balanced diet should it is important to do regular exercises it is essential to keep in good spirits / in a positive mood renew our spirits and release our stress. Be bound to keep healthy How to Keep Healthy

Directions: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the answer sheet.6. ______ the look on his face, he wasn't satisfied with their performance.A. To judge byB. Judging byC. Judge byD. To be judged by

Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer.听力原文:M: Let me clean your windshield and check your water and you will be all set. They look so dirty and it's dangerous for you to drive the car.W: Oh, thank you. How much of them?Q: Where does this conversation take place?(12)A.At a hamburger shop.B.At a parking lot.C.At a laundry.D.At a gas station.

Directions: There are five reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by five questions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and blackening the corresponding letter on the answer sheet.Passage OneArtificial flowers are used for scientific as well as for decorative purposes. They are made from a variety of materials, such as wax and glass, so skillfully that they can scarcely be distinguished from natural flowers. In making such models, painstaking skill and artistry are called for, as well as thorough knowledge of plant structure. The collection of glass flowers in the Botanical Museum of Harvard University is the most famous in North America and is widely known throughout the scientific world. In all, there are several thousand models in colored glass, the work of two artists-naturalists, Leopold Blaschka and his son Rudolph.The intention was to have the collection represent at least one member of each flower family native to the United States. Although it was never completed, it contains more than seven hundred species representing 164 families of flowering plants, a group of fruits showing the effect of fungus diseases, and thousands of flower parts and magnified details. Every detail of these is accurately reproduced in color and structure. The models ate kept in locked cases, as they are too valuable and fragile for classroom use.31. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A. An Extensive Collection of Glass Flowers.B. The Live Leopold and Rudolph Blaschka.C. Flowers Native to the United States.D. Materials Used for Artificial Flowers.

Part II Reading Comprehension (40 points) Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by five questions or statements. Choose the best answer to each question or decide T/F for each statement. Passage One People often say that the Englishman's home is his castle. They mean that the home is very important and personal. Most people in Britain live in houses rather than flats, and many people own their homes. This means that they can make them personal, and change them in any way they like- Most houses have a garden, even if it is a small one, and the garden is usually loved. The house and the garden are the private space of a person. In a crowded city a person knows that he or she has a private space which is only for him or herself and for invited friends. People usually like to mark their space. If you are on the beach you may have spread your towels around you; on the train you may have put your coat or small bag on the seat beside you; in a library you may spread your books around you. Once I was travelling on a train to London. I was in a section for four people and there was a table between us. The man opposite to me had his briefcase on the table. There was no space on my side of the table at all. I was unhappy. I thought he thought that he owned the whole table. I had been reading a book about nonverbal communication, so I took various papers out of my bag and put them on his case! When I did this he suddenly became angry and his eyes nearly popped out of his head. I had taken up his space! A few minutes later I took my papers off in order to read them. He immediately moved his case to his side of the table.(1).The home matters greatly to Englishmen.A.TB.F(2).They love houses more than gardens.A.TB.F(3).person often likes to use something to mark his / her space belonging to himself / herself.A.TB.F(4).On the train to London, the man beside the writer placed his briefcase on the table.A.TB.F(5).The writer tried to get back his space by taking all his papers out.A.TB.F

Interviews are part of most people' s working life. Here are some handy tips on how to do your best at interviews. Interviews are part of most people s working life. Here are some handy tips on how to do your best at interviews.Don t mistakenly think that your interviewers want to know about you. They are interested only in that small part of you that can or can t do the job they have advertised.sadly , many of us are so flattered by questions such as Tell me about your strengths that we take it as an invitation to chatter and make fools of ourselves.Never think that lots of enthusiasm is enough. sit down with a pen , paper and the job description ,and work out the skills and qualities they are looking for.Itemize your technical or professional skills as they match the requirements of the job. Then recall an incident to illustrate each of these skills. When you have done this, you will be in a position to begin justifying your ability and suitability.Remember that very few questions are lightly asked.If your interviewers are interviewing more than a couple of candidates , they have probably worked up a list of eight to ten questions to put to each person. In well-organized businesses , they will be making marks in their notebooks as you give your replies. An imprecise answer will show that you do not appreciate the value of the question. s0 think through how you can give strong, specific answers to questions such as Can you work well in a team or on your own or in a small business?Avoid giving them reasons to exclude you. You want to appear the sort of person who will help out in a crisis. make the tea sometimes even if it is not your job. be tolerant of others. whatever their age ,sex , race or religion ,and be easy to manage. Dont attack your previous employer as it suggests you might attack your now one.Try asking them a few questions. If you ask what sort of projects you would be likely to start work on ,you might then get back some very useful feedback. If they start opening Upto you , you can get into a more equal conversation and may have an opportunity to show that you can deal with the sort of situation they are describing.31. The passage is to show the applicant how to ( )A. prepare for a job interviewB. do their best at a job interviewC. impress the interviewers at a job interview32. The applicant should not attack his previous boss at the interview because ( )A. the interviewer and the applicant s previous boss may be birds of a featherB. a man who speaks ill of somebody else in the back is not reliable and trustworthyC. the interviewer may think that, if one attacks his previous employer now , he might attack his new one later33. Why is it good for the applicant to ask the interviewer a few questions? ( )A. He can have more chance of demonstrating his ability.B. He can learn more about the interviewer s likes and dislikes.C. He can make the interview run in the way in his favor.34. According to the passage , which of the following is true? ( )A. Y ou should answer every question raised by the interviewer as thoroughly as possible.B. You should try your best to flatter the interviewer and never disagree with him.C. It is foolish to take the question Tell me about your strengths as an invitation to chatter.35. It can be inferred from the passage that ( )A. interviewers always want to know as many as possible about the applicantB. a careful analysis of your qualifications will better prepare you for the interviewC. one should give more attention to questions like ‘Can you work well in a team?

According to the passage,which of the following statements is TRUE?( )A.You should be the first one to leave your work.B.You should ask your C0—workers for your duties.C.You should not be eager to go back home.D.You are required to arrive l 5 minutes earlier.

Reading ComprehensionDirections:There are two passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statemerits. For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. You should decide on the best choice.Questions 56-60 are based on Passage One:Passage OneA recent study indicates that the “short sleepers”had been more or less average in their sleep needs until the men were in their teens. But at about age 15 0r so, the men voluntarily began cutting clown their nightly sleep time because of pressures from school, work, and other activities. These men tended to view their nightly periods of unconsciousness as bothersome interruptions in their daily routines.In general, these“short sleepers”appeared ambitious, active, energetic, cheerful,conformist in their opinions, and very sure about their career choices. They often heldseveral jobs at once, or work full-or part-time while going to school. And many of them hada strong urge to appear “normal”or “acceptable” to their friends and associates , When asked to recall their dreams, the “short sleepers”did poorly. More than this,they seemed to prefer not remembering. In similar fashion, their usual way of dealing with psychological problems was to deny that the problem existed, and then to keep busy in the hope that the trouble woula go away.The sleep patterns of the “short sleepers” were similar to, but less extreme than, sleep patterns shown by many mental patients categorized as manic.The“long sleepers”were quite different indeed. According to the study, these young men had lengthy sleeps since childhood. They seemed to enjoy their sleep, protected it, and were quite concerned when they were occasionally deprived of their desired 9 hours of nightly bed rest. They tended to recall their dreams much better than did the “short sleepers”。Many of the“long sleepers” were shy, anxious, introverted, inhibited, passive, mildly depressed, and unsure of themselves (particularly in social situations). Several openly state that sleep was an escape from their daily problems.According to the study, ( ).A. many short sleepers need less sleep by natureB. many short sleepers are obliged to reduce their nightly sleep time because they are busy with their workC. long sleepers sleep a longer period of time during the dayD. many long sleepers preserve their sleeping habit formed during their childhood

Reading ComprehensionDirections:There are two passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questionsor unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Youshould decide on the best choice.Questions 56- 60 are based on Passage One:Passage OneMr. Brown was going away for a week.Before he left,he said to his son.“If anyone asks for me, you can tell him that your father has been out for doing something, and will be back in a week, then be sure to ask him to sit down for a cup of tea.”“OK, Dad.”said his son. But he was afraid his son couldn't remember this, so he wrote these words down on a piece of paper and gave it to him.His son put it into his small pocket, took it out and looked at it every now and then.Four days passed, but no one came to see his father. The boy thought that there was noman to come and that the piece of paper was of no more use for him, so he burnt it that evening.The next afternoon, someone knocked at the door. The boy opened it. A man was standing at the door and said,“Where is your father?” The boy put his hand into his pocket at once and looked for the piece of paper.He could not find it.He suddenly remembered he had burnt it, so he shouted, “No more. ”The man was very surprised.He asked, “No more? I met your father last week. When did it happen?”“Burnt yesterday evening. ”Mr. Brown told his son that________。A. he would be away from home for four daysB. he would be back in seven daysC. he would be back in a monthD. he liked a cup of tea

Reading ComprehensionDirections:There are two passages in this part.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Youshould decide on the best choice.Questions 56- 60 are based on Passage One:Passage OneThe largest earthquake (magnitude里氏9.5)of the 20th century happened on May 22,1960 0ff the coast of South Central Chile.It generated(生成) one of the most destructive Pacific-wide tsunami(海啸). Near the generating area, both the earthquake and the tsunami were very much destructive, particularly in the coastal area from Concepcion to the south end of Isla Chiloe.The largest tsunami damage occurred at Isla Chiloe-the coastal area closest to the epicenter(震中).Huge tsuna- mi waves measuring as high as 25 meters arrived within l0 to 15 minutes after the earthquake, killing at least two hundred people, sinking all the boats, and flooding half a kilometer inland.There was large damage and loss of life at Concepcion, Chile's top industrial city.Near the city of Valdivia, the earthquake and following aftershocks generated landslides which killed 18 people. At the port city of Valparaiso, a city of 200,000, many buildings collapsed. A total of 130,000 houses were destroyed-one in every three in the earthquake zone and nearly 2,000,000 people were left homeless.Total damage losses, including agriculture and industry, were estimated(估计) to be over a half billion dollars. The total number of deaths related with both the tsunami and the earthquake was never found accurately for the region. Estimates of deaths reached between 490 and 57,002 with no distinction(差别) as to how many deaths were caused by the earthquake and how many were caused by the tsunami. However, it is believed that most of the deaths in Chile were caused by the tsunami.Where did the largest tsunami damage occur? ( )A. ConcepcionB. Isia ChiloeC. ValdiviaD. Valparaiso

Reading ComprehensionDirections:There are two passages in this part. Each passage js followed by some questionsor unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Youshould decide on the best choice.Questions 56 - 60 are based on Passage One:Passage OneHow should one invest a sum of money in these days of inflation (通货膨胀) ? Left in a bank it will hardly keep its value, however high the interest rate is.Only a brave man, or a very rich one, dares to buy and sell on the Stock Market.Today it seems that one of the best ways to protect your savings, and even increase your wealth is to buy beautiful objects from the past.Here I am going to offer some advice on collecting antique clocks, which I personally consider are among the most interesting of antiques.I sometimes woncler wl:cat a being from another planet might report back about our wayof life. “The planet Earth is ruled by a mysterious creature that sits or stands in a room and makes a strange ticking sound. It has a face with twelve black marks and two hands. Men can do nothing without its permission, and it fastens its young round people's wrists so that everywhere men go they are still under its control.This creature is the real master of Earth and men are its slaves. ”Whether or not we are slaves of time today depends on our culture and personality, but it is believed that many years ago kings kept special slaves to tell the time. Certain men were very clever at measuring the time of day according to the beating of their own hearts. They were made to stand in a fixed place and every hour or so would shout the time. So it seems that the first clocks were human beings.However, men quickly found more convenient and reliable ways of telling the time.They learned to use the shadows cast by the sun.They marked the hours on candles, used sand in hour-glasses, and invented water-clocks.Indeed, any serious student of antiques should spend as much time as possible visiting palaces, stately homes and museums to see some of the finest examples of clocks from the past.Antique clocks could be very expensive, but one of the joys of collecting clocks is that it is still possible to find quite cheap ones for your own home. After all, if you are going to be ruled by the time, why not invest in air antique clock and perhaps make a future profit?According to the passage, collecting antique clocks ( ).A. can hardly keep the value of your savingsB. will cost much of your moneyC. may increase your wealthD. needs your bravery

Questions 61-65 are based on Passage Two:Passage TwoNew rules and behavior. standards(行为规范) for middle school students came out inMarch. The Middle School is going to use a new way to decide who the top students are. The best students won't only have high marks. They should not dye(染) their hair,smoke ordrink because they are students. The following are some of the new rules.Have you ever copied someone else's work in an exam? Don't do that again! That's not something an honest student should do.Do more at school. Good students love animals and care for other people. April is Birdloving Month in China. Is your school cloing anything to celebrate it? You should join!And you can learn more about animals and how to protect them. Be friendly to the people around you. Try to think of others,not only yourself.Be open to new ideas. Do you think people can live on the moon? Maybe you'll find another earth someday. Don't look down on new ideas. Everyone's ideas are important. You should welcome them,because new ideas make life better for everyone.Protect yourself. Has someone ever taken money from one of your classmates? Don't let it happen to you.lf you have to go home late,you should let your parents know.Use the Internet carefully. The Internet can be very useful for students. But some things on the Internet aren't good for children,so try to look at web pages (网页) that are good foryou.What's the meaning of "look down on" in the passage? ( )A. 向下看B.轻视C.在……上面看D.上下打量

Reading ComprehensionDirections:There are two passages iⅡthis part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.You should decide on the best choice.Questions 56- 60 are based on Passage One:Passage OneThe law says that women should have the chance of doing the same jobs as men and earn the same as them.The reality is very different.Women lose because, 25 years after the Equal Pay Act,many of them still get paid less than men.They lose because they do lower-paid jobs which men just won't consider.And they lose because they are the ones who interrupt a career to have children.All this is reported in an independent study ordered by the Government's Women's Unite.The biggest problem isn't equal pay in workplaces such as factories.It is a sort of work women do.Make a list of the low-paid jobs, then consider who do them.Try nurses, secretaries, cleaners, clerks, teachers in primary schools, dinner ladies,and child care helpers. Not a lot of men among that group, are there?Yet some of those jobs are really important.Surely no one would deny that about nurses and teachers, for a start.So why do we reward the people who do them so poorly? There can be only one answer—because they are women.This is not going to be put right overnight. But the Government which employs a lot of them, and other bosses have to make a start.It is disgraceful(可耻的) that we have gone into the 21st century but still treat women as second-class citizens.Women should have the chance of doing the same jobs and be paid equally as Men( ).A. after 25 yearsB. according to the lawC. as a result of the Equal Pay ActD. because women are as strong as men

Directions: There are 15 sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the answer sheet.6. ______ you go there early, there won't be much a chance of getting a ticket.A. UntilB. IfC. UnlessD. If only

Section BDirections: Read the following four passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)Even at school there had been an unhealthy competition between George and Richard.“I’ll be the first millionaire in Coleford!” Richard used to boast.“And you’ll be sorry you knew me,” George would reply “because I’ll be the best lawyer in the town!”George never did become a lawyer and Richard never made any money. Instead both men opened bookshops on opposite sides of Coleford High Street. It was hard to make money from books, which made the competition between them worse.Then Richard married a mysterious girl. The couple spent their honeymoon on the coast—but Richard never came back. The police found his wallet on a deserted beach but the body was never found. He must have drowned.Now with only one bookshop in town, business was better for George. But sometimes he sat in his narrow, old kitchen and gazed out of the dirty window, thinking about his formal rival(竞争对手). Perhaps he missed him?George was very interested in old dictionaries. He’d recently found a collector in Australia who was selling a rare first edition. When the parcel arrived, the book was in perfect condition and George was delighted. But while he was having lunch, George glanced at the photo in the newspaper that the book had been wrapped in. He was astonished—the smiling face was older than he remembered but unmistakable! Trembling, George started reading.“Bookends have bought ten bookstores from their rivals Dylans. The company, owned by multi-millionaire Richard Pike, is now the largest bookseller in Australia.”65. George and Richard were ______ at school.A. roommates B. good friends C. competitors D. booksellers

Generation gap(代沟) has become a serious problem in our society.l read a (11) about it in the morning newspaper. It is said that some children even want to kill themselves after hav-ing quarrels(争吵) with their (12) .1 think this is because parents and children don't often (13) each other. Parents now spend more and more time in the office,(14) they don't have much time to stay with their children. As time goes by,they both feel that they don't have the (15) topic to talk about.T0 (16) this problem,parents should spend more time being with their children,getting to know them and (17) them As for children,you should show your (18) to your parents and let them (19) your thoughts.Parents are the people who love you best. They (20) un-derstand you as long as(只要) you tell them. But the point is that you should try your best to understand them,too.( )11.A.messageB.instructionC.reportD.letter

Questions 110-111 refer to the following passage.Directions: You will read a text. The text is followed by several questions. Select the best an-swer for each question.LANDSCAPING FIRMWe are currently seeking an administrative assistant for landscaping companies located in pine ridge. Responsibilities include answering phones, handling correspondence, and setting up meet-ings. Must demonstrate excellent customer service skills and computer skills in word processing and spreadsheet software. Marketing background required. This is a permanent position paying ~13,/hr.Please submit resumes to ivy.hermann@beslandscope.com or call 555-0045 for further information.What job is available?A.GardenerB.AssistantC.Department headD.Accountant

资料:Directions : There is 1 passage in this part. The passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices , You should decide on the best choice.Your face is the future of smartphone security. Apple made that clear last week when it unveiled the pricey iPhone X. Apple claims to have conquered many of the challenges that have prevented the widespread use offacial biometrics. But a number of computer-vision researchers say they are skeptical that a smartphone-based system like FaceID can account for things like variable lighting conditions or subtle changes in a person's appearance to create a secure-yet-practical way to unlock a phone a dozen or more times a day.Apple’s new technology does sound promising. The company says FaceID creates a “precise depth map” of one’s visage by projecting more than 30,000 infrared dots against a person’s face, then using the phone’s infrared TrueDepth camera and high-power microchip to collect and analyze the results. Users are also asked to turn their head as they scan so the phone's machine-learning algorithm can measure the face from several angles and create a more detailed 3-D map of their features. Once the map is created and stored, the iPhone X uses infrared light to help FaceID scan a person’s face even in the dark. Meanwhile, machine-learning algorithms running on the phonekeep track of changes in a person's appearance—including glasses, facial hair and hats—so the smartphone’s accuracy improves over time.Despite advances in facial recognition in recent years, it remains unclear whether FaceID will work in a variety of conditions while also keeping the iPhone X secure. Hackers, for example, quickly found a way to bypass the Samsung Galaxy S8's facial-recognition scanner when it was introduced in March: They tricked the device by simply showing it a photo of the user. FaceID’s use of 3-D facial maps could address that problem. But historically it has been a big challenge for such a system to recognize faces under different lighting conditions and from a variety of angles.Apple showed off FaceID last week under relatively controlled conditions, says Arun Ross, a professor of computer science and engineering at Michigan State University. Clearly the demo was very interesting, he says. But at the same time some extraordinary claims were made. Apple' s Schiller said, for example, that the chance a random person' s face could unlock someone else' s iPhone X was one in a million——much more secure than TouchID. Ross says, however, that it is not clear how often FaceID fails to recognize its owner. When contacted, Apple declined to elaborate on Schiller' s comments.“Like all biometrics, FaceID will have a problem with revocation,” says Vitaly Shmatikov, a computer science professor at Cornell Tech. “If a password is compromised, it can be changed—but a face cannot be changed.” Apple touts its ability to secure data on its iPhones, which do not share biometric information with the company’s servers. Still, Ross says, hackers always seem to find a way around even the tightest security.What does Arun Ross mean by “relatively controlled condition”?A.To start an explanation of FaceID' s using condition.B.To mention that Apple Inc. shows their new product under a well designed environment.C.To imply that FaceID has its limits.D.To add a context explanation of the interesting demo.

资料:Directions : There is 1 passage in this part. The passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices , You should decide on the best choice.Your face is the future of smartphone security. Apple made that clear last week when it unveiled the pricey iPhone X. Apple claims to have conquered many of the challenges that have prevented the widespread use offacial biometrics. But a number of computer-vision researchers say they are skeptical that a smartphone-based system like FaceID can account for things like variable lighting conditions or subtle changes in a person's appearance to create a secure-yet-practical way to unlock a phone a dozen or more times a day.Apple’s new technology does sound promising. The company says FaceID creates a “precise depth map” of one’s visage by projecting more than 30,000 infrared dots against a person’s face, then using the phone’s infrared TrueDepth camera and high-power microchip to collect and analyze the results. Users are also asked to turn their head as they scan so the phone's machine-learning algorithm can measure the face from several angles and create a more detailed 3-D map of their features. Once the map is created and stored, the iPhone X uses infrared light to help FaceID scan a person’s face even in the dark. Meanwhile, machine-learning algorithms running on the phonekeep track of changes in a person's appearance—including glasses, facial hair and hats—so the smartphone’s accuracy improves over time.Despite advances in facial recognition in recent years, it remains unclear whether FaceID will work in a variety of conditions while also keeping the iPhone X secure. Hackers, for example, quickly found a way to bypass the Samsung Galaxy S8's facial-recognition scanner when it was introduced in March: They tricked the device by simply showing it a photo of the user. FaceID’s use of 3-D facial maps could address that problem. But historically it has been a big challenge for such a system to recognize faces under different lighting conditions and from a variety of angles.Apple showed off FaceID last week under relatively controlled conditions, says Arun Ross, a professor of computer science and engineering at Michigan State University. Clearly the demo was very interesting, he says. But at the same time some extraordinary claims were made. Apple' s Schiller said, for example, that the chance a random person' s face could unlock someone else' s iPhone X was one in a million——much more secure than TouchID. Ross says, however, that it is not clear how often FaceID fails to recognize its owner. When contacted, Apple declined to elaborate on Schiller' s comments.“Like all biometrics, FaceID will have a problem with revocation,” says Vitaly Shmatikov, a computer science professor at Cornell Tech. “If a password is compromised, it can be changed—but a face cannot be changed.” Apple touts its ability to secure data on its iPhones, which do not share biometric information with the company’s servers. Still, Ross says, hackers always seem to find a way around even the tightest security.Why does the author mention Vitaly Shmatikov saying "a face cannot be changed" ?A.To infer that a person' s face is highly unlikely to change to another shape.B.To illustrate that the image stored in the phone cannot be changed if FaceID is compromised.C.To explain the revocation difficulty of FaceID.D.To enhance the data security on iPhone since it do not share biometric information with servers.

资料:Directions : There is 1 passage in this part. The passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices , You should decide on the best choice.Your face is the future of smartphone security. Apple made that clear last week when it unveiled the pricey iPhone X. Apple claims to have conquered many of the challenges that have prevented the widespread use offacial biometrics. But a number of computer-vision researchers say they are skeptical that a smartphone-based system like FaceID can account for things like variable lighting conditions or subtle changes in a person's appearance to create a secure-yet-practical way to unlock a phone a dozen or more times a day.Apple’s new technology does sound promising. The company says FaceID creates a “precise depth map” of one’s visage by projecting more than 30,000 infrared dots against a person’s face, then using the phone’s infrared TrueDepth camera and high-power microchip to collect and analyze the results. Users are also asked to turn their head as they scan so the phone's machine-learning algorithm can measure the face from several angles and create a more detailed 3-D map of their features. Once the map is created and stored, the iPhone X uses infrared light to help FaceID scan a person’s face even in the dark. Meanwhile, machine-learning algorithms running on the phonekeep track of changes in a person's appearance—including glasses, facial hair and hats—so the smartphone’s accuracy improves over time.Despite advances in facial recognition in recent years, it remains unclear whether FaceID will work in a variety of conditions while also keeping the iPhone X secure. Hackers, for example, quickly found a way to bypass the Samsung Galaxy S8's facial-recognition scanner when it was introduced in March: They tricked the device by simply showing it a photo of the user. FaceID’s use of 3-D facial maps could address that problem. But historically it has been a big challenge for such a system to recognize faces under different lighting conditions and from a variety of angles.Apple showed off FaceID last week under relatively controlled conditions, says Arun Ross, a professor of computer science and engineering at Michigan State University. Clearly the demo was very interesting, he says. But at the same time some extraordinary claims were made. Apple' s Schiller said, for example, that the chance a random person' s face could unlock someone else' s iPhone X was one in a million——much more secure than TouchID. Ross says, however, that it is not clear how often FaceID fails to recognize its owner. When contacted, Apple declined to elaborate on Schiller' s comments.“Like all biometrics, FaceID will have a problem with revocation,” says Vitaly Shmatikov, a computer science professor at Cornell Tech. “If a password is compromised, it can be changed—but a face cannot be changed.” Apple touts its ability to secure data on its iPhones, which do not share biometric information with the company’s servers. Still, Ross says, hackers always seem to find a way around even the tightest security.What is the computer-vision researchers’ main concern of iPhone X’ s FaceID?A.They have concerns of the security and convenience of FaceID.B.They don’ t believe iPhone X’ s FaceID can successfully unlock a phone every time.C.They have doubts of its technique to overcome variable lighting and subtle change of the user’s face.D.They are mainly worried about the smartphone’ s accuracy.

单选题Directions: For each question in this section, select the best answer from among the choices given.  The following sentences test correctness and effectiveness of expression. Part of each sentence or the entire sentence is underlined; beneath each sentence are five ways of phrasing the underlined material. Choice A repeats the original phrasing; the other four choices are different. If you think the original phrasing produces a better sentence than any of the alternatives, select choice A; if not, select one of the other choices.  In making your selection, follow the requirements of standard written English; that is, pay attention to grammar, choice of words, sentence construction, and punctuation. Your selection should result in the most effective sentence—clear and precise, without awkwardness or ambiguity.  It being difficult to monitor the eating habits of adults, so doctors must trust their patients to follow dietary recommendations.AIt beingBBecause it isCIt isDBeing that it isEAlthough it is

单选题Which of the following best describes the relationship between Passage 1 and Passage 2?APassage 2 offers a criticism of the political theory outlined in Passage 1.BPassage 1 expands upon an argument made in Passage 2.CPassage 1 refutes the conclusion drawn in Passage 2.DPassage 2 offers a balanced counterpoint to the biased opinions expressed in Passage 1EPassage I offers evidence to support the main idea of Passage 2.

问答题Directions: You are asked to write a composition in about 160 words and you should base your composition on the information given in English below:  Some people criticize the students who invited their friends to dinners when they got their scholarship. They say that students should save scholarships for future studies, not just invite friend to dinners.1. Do you agree with the people? 2. Give at least two reasons to support you idea.

问答题Practice 8Directions: You are asked to write a composition in about 150 words and you should base your composition on the information given in English below:  Some people criticize the students who invited their friends to dinners when they got their scholarship. They say that students should save scholarships for future studies, not just invite friend to dinners.  1. Do you agree with the people?  2. Give at least two reasons to support your idea.

单选题INTERVIEW2  In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.   Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.   Now listen to the interview. Which of the following is NOT Vera’s tip for finding a new job?ANarrow down the scope of search.BDecide what you value the most.CDo some soul searching.DMake your resume distinctive.

单选题Which is the best title for the passage?ACreate Your Own Life.BHold Your Head Up.CPeople You Meet in Life.DThings Happen to You.