共用题干How Two Great Conflicts Helped to Change EuropeNinety years ago on a sunny morning in Northern France,something happened that changed Britain and Europe for ever. At half past seven on the morning of July 1,1916 , whistles(哨子) blew and thousands of British soldiers left their positions to attack their German enemies. By the end of the day,20,000 of them were dead,and another 30,000 wounded or missing. The Battle of the Somme,______(51)it is called,lasted for six months.When it ended,125,000 British soldiers were dead. They had gained five kilometers of ground.This was one of a series of great battles during WWI.The attack on the Somme was staged to relieve______(52)on the French,who were engaged in a great battle of their own at a place called Verdun. By the time the battle ended,over a million French and German troops had been killed.About 17 million people were killed in WWI. There have been wars with greater numbers of dead .But there has never been one in______(53)most of the dead were concentrated in such a small area. On the Somme battlefield,two men died for every meter of space.Local farmers working in the land still______(54)the bodies of those who died in that battle .The dead of all nations were buried in a series of giant graveyards along the line of the bor- der______(55)France and Belgium.Relatives and descendants(子孙)of those who died still visit these graveyards today.What the French call the"tourism of death"______(56)an im- portant contribution to the local economy.It took a second great conflict before Europe was to turn______(57)war itself. Twenty-eight years after the Somme battle,a liberating army of British,American and Canadian troops took back______(58)from another German invasion. More than 500,000 people were killed.New______(59)were built.Two great conflicts across two generations helped to change the European mind about war. Germany,once the most warlike country in Europe,is now probably more in______(60)of peace than any other. One major cause of war in Europe was rivalry(竞争)between France and Germany .The European Union was specifically formed to end that______(61).According to US commentator William Pfaff,"Europeans are interested in a slow development of civilized and tolerant international relations,______(62)on problems while avoiding catastrophes(灾难)along the way. They have themselves only recently______(63)from the catas-trophes of WWI and WWII,when tens of millions of people were destroyed.They don't want______(64)."The last British veteran of the Somme battle died in 2005,aged 108.And WWI is passing out of memory and into history. But for anyone who wants to understand how Europeans ______(65),it is still important to know a little about the terrible events of July 1,1916.65._________A:. behaveB: assumeC: knowD: think

How Two Great Conflicts Helped to Change Europe
Ninety years ago on a sunny morning in Northern France,something happened that changed Britain and Europe for ever. At half past seven on the morning of July 1,1916 , whistles(哨子) blew and thousands of British soldiers left their positions to attack their German enemies. By the end of the day,20,000 of them were dead,and another 30,000 wounded or missing. The Battle of the Somme,______(51)it is called,lasted for six months.When it ended,125,000 British soldiers were dead. They had gained five kilometers of ground.
This was one of a series of great battles during WWI.The attack on the Somme was staged to relieve______(52)on the French,who were engaged in a great battle of their own at a place called Verdun. By the time the battle ended,over a million French and German troops had been killed.
About 17 million people were killed in WWI. There have been wars with greater numbers of dead .But there has never been one in______(53)most of the dead were concentrated in such a small area. On the Somme battlefield,two men died for every meter of space.
Local farmers working in the land still______(54)the bodies of those who died in that battle .The dead of all nations were buried in a series of giant graveyards along the line of the bor- der______(55)France and Belgium.Relatives and descendants(子孙)of those who died still visit these graveyards today.What the French call the"tourism of death"______(56)an im- portant contribution to the local economy.
It took a second great conflict before Europe was to turn______(57)war itself. Twenty-eight years after the Somme battle,a liberating army of British,American and Canadian troops took back______(58)from another German invasion. More than 500,000 people were killed.New______(59)were built.
Two great conflicts across two generations helped to change the European mind about war. Germany,once the most warlike country in Europe,is now probably more in______(60)of peace than any other. One major cause of war in Europe was rivalry(竞争)between France and Germany .The European Union was specifically formed to end that______(61).
According to US commentator William Pfaff,"Europeans are interested in a slow development of civilized and tolerant international relations,______(62)on problems while avoiding catastrophes(灾难)along the way. They have themselves only recently______(63)from the catas-trophes of WWI and WWII,when tens of millions of people were destroyed.They don't want______(64)."
The last British veteran of the Somme battle died in 2005,aged 108.And WWI is passing out of memory and into history. But for anyone who wants to understand how Europeans ______(65),it is still important to know a little about the terrible events of July 1,1916.

A:. behave
B: assume
C: know
D: think


解析: since , because , for这三个词都是连词,一般都表示因果关系。as it is called是插入语,as是关系代词,指代前面的名词,在句中做主语补足语。句子的意思是:索姆之役,人们通常这样来指称这次战役,持续了六个月。

在四个选项中可以和动词relieve搭配的只有anxiety和pressure这两个词,relieve anxiety“减缓焦虑”,relieve pressure“减轻压力”。这句话后面讲到当时法国正置身于另一个大的战役之中,所以在Somme发动的这场战役无疑减轻了法国所承受的压力。

这里需要填入的是一个引导定语从句的关系代词,该定语从句的先行词是one,指代的是war, in which即指in the war。

那场战役发生在近一百年前,当地的农民不太会刻意去寻找阵亡士兵的遗骸,所以不会说look for或seek。 look at是“看着”的意思。他们只可能偶尔发现,即find。


这个空格里要填入的句子的谓语动词,该动词的宾语是contributions,和这个名词搭配用的动词是make , make contributions to“对……做出贡献”。

要做出正确的选择,首先要理解这个句子的意思,It took a second great conflict“需要经过再一次的巨大冲突”, conflict“冲突”,这里指另外一场战争,也就是第二次世界大战。这个before的用法也比较特别,不能把它解释为“在……之前”,它在这里的意思相当于汉语里的“才”。整句的意思是“要再经历一次大战欧洲自己才会反时战争”。所以,这里要填入的是against。

这道题部分地可以依靠历史知识来解答。第二次世界大战中法国沦陷,是联军解放了法国。另外,another German invasion和文章开始时讲到的当年入侵法国的也是德国人,可见这里再一次被入侵后得到解放的是法国。

前面一句说50多万人战死沙场,很自然要为他们建造墓园graveyard,前面提到 graveyard,空格前有New,显然要填前面已出现的graveyard。 monument“纪念碑”, gravestone“墓碑”。

in favor of是个固定的表达方式,意思是“赞同、喜爱、倾向于”。经历了两次大战,当年好战的德国比谁都更向往和平。


根据前面一位美国评论家的话,欧洲人时逐步形成一种文明、宽容的国际关系感兴趣,所以后面应该跟上compromising on problems...(有问题则妥协……),另外三个选项都是十分刚性的动作。

recover from的意思是“从……恢复过来”。

这是个省略句,在more后面略去了一些词。但从上面一句话可以推断出这句完整的话是:They don't want more catastrophes。

这里要填入的词依据的是句子的内容,要想知道欧洲人怎么想,那么了解一下1916 年7月1日发生的可怕的事情是重要的。behave“行为、作为”, assume“认为、假设”。




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