There seemed to be no motive for the murder.A:reasons B:argumentsC:targets D:stimuli

There seemed to be no motive for the murder.





My father seemed to be in no ()to celebrate. A、moodB、emotionC、attitudeD、feeling

My mother seemed to be in no () with my poor school report. A、moodB、contactC、attitudeD、feeling

That story ________ in a magazine. A. revealedB. appearedC. yieldedD. seemed

Its motive was religious, but he claimed also for it that it was a definitive technique, a method, capable of producing desired political results. Gandhi’s attitude was not that of most Western pacifists. Satyagraha,

My father seemed to be in no _________to look at my school report that day.A.feelingB.attitudeC.emotionD.mood

The () of this computer game is to design a city. A、subjectiveB、objectiveC、effectiveD、motive

He seemed _______ the secret.A: knowB: to knowC: knowingD: known

The police are trying to determine the series of ________ that led up to the murder. A. testimonyB. evidencesC. proofD. evidence

He was ________ by the police, because he was charged with murder. A. arrestedB. answeredC. treatD. talked

She was convicted _______ murder. A、toB、inC、ofD、as

He’s innocent with murder.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

(46)It may be said that the measure of the worth of any social institution is its effect in enlarging and improving experience; but this effect is not a part of its original motive.此处译文为:

"It seems that she was there at the conference." The sentence means that __________.A.she seems to be there at the conferenceB.she seemed to be there at the conferenceC.she seems to have been there at the conferenceD.she seemed to being there at the conference

The police believe the motive for the murder was jealousy.A: choiceB: ideaC: decisionD: reason

His sole motive was to make her happy.A: aimB: argumentC: capabilityD: pursuit

There seemed to be no motive for the murder.A:reason B:argumentC:target D:stimulus

He is an enthusiastic person, but too much enthusiasm from him made me () of his motive.A.swelteringB.suspiciousC.sympatheticD.swollen

The harder they worked,____________.A.they seemed to do lessB.the less they seemed to doC.they were doing lessD.they did less

Police have ruled out robbery as a motive for the murder.A: stimuliB: targetC: monotonousD: lengthy

Everyone of them()tired and wanted a good restA、seemsB、is seemedC、was seemedD、seemed

单选题________Andersen was the best of the most talented writers of his generation seemed indisputable.AThatBWhatCWhetherDWhere

单选题The detective thought the guilty party to be ______ because I had the strongest motive.AmineBICmeDmyself

单选题The harder they worked,______.Athey seemed to do lessBthe less they seemed to doCless they seemed to doDthey did less