试讲题目3.题目:Starts to Classify Garbage2.内容China does have a lot of free land, but it also has a large population. China is feeding 1/5 of all human beings with 1/15 of the land on Earth. It's a hard job that is made even harder due to imported waste.And now China is fed up. The country started limiting waste imports roughly since 2016 and completely banned 24 types of solid waste in January 2018. It's easy to understand: You can't expect China to deal with the world's garbage forever. But to stop the imports is not enough for China to become sustainable. Now the country is targeting its own people to prevent pollution. One of the first steps is forced garbage classification. Sort the garbage, then we can talk about recycling.Shanghai is the first city to try this by dividing all trash carts in the city into four kinds: Dry, wet, hazardous and recyclable. to deal with it on your own, one day or another.3.基本要求:(1)设计合理的阅读课;(2)10分钟试讲;(3)全英授课。答辩题目1. What do you think of garbage classification?2. How do you think of the so-called “bad students”? What will you do to help them to make progress in study?

试讲题目3.题目:Starts to Classify Garbage
China does have a lot of free land, but it also has a large population. China is feeding 1/5 of all human beings with 1/15 of the land on Earth. It's a hard job that is made even harder due to imported waste.
And now China is fed up. The country started limiting waste imports roughly since 2016 and completely banned 24 types of solid waste in January 2018. It's easy to understand: You can't expect China to deal with the world's garbage forever. But to stop the imports is not enough for China to become sustainable. Now the country is targeting its own people to prevent pollution. One of the first steps is forced garbage classification. Sort the garbage, then we can talk about recycling.
Shanghai is the first city to try this by dividing all trash carts in the city into four kinds: Dry, wet, hazardous and recyclable. to deal with it on your own, one day or another.
1. What do you think of garbage classification?
2. How do you think of the so-called “bad students”? What will you do to help them to make progress in study?


Starts to classify garbage
Teaching aims:
Knowledge aim:
Students can master the main idea of the passage.
Ability aim:
Students will improve their reading ability including scanning and skimming.
Emotional aim:
Students will develop a good awareness of classifying garbage.
Key and difficult point:
Key point:
Students will know the main content of the reading material.
Difficult point:
Know how to find the information though different reading skills and will realize the importance of classifying garbage.
Teaching procedure:
Step 1: Warming-up
1. Greetings.
2. Show students a short video about garbage in wasteland and ask students about their feelings after watching the video.
3. Lead to the new topic.
Step 2: Pre-reading
Ask students a question, “What do you think of garbage classification?” Then give them 3 minutes and let them have a free talk. Then ask students to share their opinions. Ask students to make predictions according to the topic they discussed.
Step 3: while-reading
1. Read the passage quickly and tell the teacher the main idea of the short passage (2 minutes).
2. Read the passage for the second time and answer, “Why does china stop importing waste?” (4 minutes)
3. Read the passage for the last time and answer, “What will china do to achieve recycling?” (4 minutes)
Step 4: Post-reading
Show students different garbage, such as glass, rot apple, and used batteries Then, organize students to have a group discussion in groups of four to share how to classify different garbage, and 5 minutes will be given. After the hot discussion, volunteers will show their ideas, and proper evaluations will be given.
Step 5: Summary and Homework
Summary: do a summary together and tell them that we should develop a good habit in classifying garbage.
Homework: ask students to teach their parents the importance of garbage classification, and do a survey on how to classify garbage.
Blackboard design

Teaching reflection


高中音乐《回忆》一、考题回顾题目来源:5月18日 湖北省孝感市 面试考题试讲题目1.题目:回忆2.内容:3.基本要求:(1)试讲时间在10分钟之内完成。(2)试讲时需要有互动环节。(3)试讲过程需要有适当板书。答辩题目1.在教学过程中,你为什么采用分角色扮演的方式进行巩固拓展?2.简单的介绍一下音乐剧。





高中心理健康 《人的气质类型》一、考题预估题目来源:5月18日 江苏省面试考题试讲题目1.题目:人的气质类型2.内容:人的气质类型主要有:胆汁质、粘液质、多血质、抑郁质。3.基本要求:(1)试讲时间控制在十分钟;(2)设置师生互动环节;(3)试讲中要注意引导性。答辩题目1.你的教学重点是什么?你用什么方式突出的教学重点?2.针对不同气质类型的学生,教师应该如何做到因材施教?

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一、考题回顾题目: 听力教学试讲内容:3.基本要求:(1)配合教学内容适当板书。(2)针对该段落的内容,进行相应的听力教学活动。(3)试讲时间: 10分钟。(4)用英文试讲。答辩题目:


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一、考题回顾题目来源:1月6日下午河南省周口市面试考题试讲题目:马赛曲3.基本要求:1.教学过程中要有师生互动。2.介绍歌曲的主题思想3.要有指挥环节4、10分钟内讲完答辩题目:1、针对刚才教学过程中的演唱指挥,你觉得你有哪些不足2、你认为指挥的作用是什么 ?


试讲题目3.题目:Visiting a school2.内容:3.基本要求:(1)设计为语音课;(2)运用韵律进行授课,多做游戏活动课堂氛围;(3)全英授课,试讲时间10分钟。答辩题目1.如果学生没完成你的作业,还找借口,你怎么处理?2.对于板书,你觉得有哪些优化的地方?

高中心理健康 《归因方式》一、考题回顾题目来源:5月18日 河北省张家口市面试考题试讲题目1.题目:归因方式2.内容:3.基本要求:(1)试讲时间控制在十分钟;(2)活动中关注学生的感受变化;(3)试讲中要注意引导性。答辩题目1.你的教学目标和教学重难点是什么?2.请说一说高中生自我意识发展的特点。

初中心理健康 《学习方法很重要》一、考题回顾题目来源5月18日 河南省南阳市面试考题试讲题目1.题目:学习方法很重要。2.基本要求:(1)试讲时间控制在十分钟;(2)试讲过程中注重与同学的互动;(3)有小组讨论的教学环节。答辩题目1.本节课的设计理念是什么?2.学习主要包括哪几个环节?


小学数学《周长》一、考题回顾题目来源:1月6日下午河北省秦皇岛市面试考题试讲题目:《周长》3.基本要求:(1) 试讲10分钟;(2) 让学生初步了解周长的含义;(3) 要有过程性评价。答辩题目1.你是如何让学生理解周长的含义的?2.如何测量图形的周长?

初中音乐《红河谷》一、考题回顾题目来源:5月18日 吉林省长春市 面试考题试讲题目1.题目:红河谷2.内容:3.基本要求:(1)试讲时间在10分钟之内完成。(2)试讲时教师指挥演奏歌曲。(3)试讲过程需要有适当板书。答辩题目1.什么是弱起小节?2.你是应届毕业生,缺乏经验,如何能胜任音乐教学这项工作?


小学心理健康 《进步的阶梯》一、考题回顾题目来源:5月18日 河南省郑州市面试考题试讲题目1.题目:题目自拟2.基本要求:(1)试讲时间控制在十分钟;(2)设置师生互动环节;(3)试讲中要注意引导性。答辩题目1.一名好教师的标准。2.心理咨询中应遵循哪些原则?

一、考题回顾题目:《导线切割磁感线时的感应电动势》内容3.基本要求:(1)讲课过程要有板书设计。(2)试讲过程中要有设问环节。(3) 10分钟内完成试讲。

试讲题目2.题目:Attributive clause2.内容:?3.基本要求:(1)根据所给材料,设计语法相关的教学活动;(2)配合教学内容适当板书;(3)试讲时间10分钟;(4)全英授课。答辩题目1.请谈谈语法教学中的常见教学方法。2.本堂课的难点在哪里?(注:以上图片节选自仁爱版九年级上册第4单元第103页)

