He was tempted by the high salary offered by the company.A:attractedB:taughtC:keptD:changed

He was tempted by the high salary offered by the company.



解析:题干意为“这家公司提供的高额薪水吸引了他。” 句中划线词原型是动词,意为“吸引,诱惑”。A项attracted意为“吸引”,例句:They cried out to attract our attention.他们大声喊叫以引起我们的注意。B项意为“教导,教育”。C项意 为“保持”。D项意为“改变”。故选A。


He was told that after he graduated he ____________ by a company. A.would be employedB.would get employedC.would be employingD.would employ

Nico () a job in a bank, but to our surprise he didn' t take it is offered A.is offeredB.offeredC.was offeredD.has offered

We note from your letter of November that the price offered by us ( ) the subject article is found to be high. A.onB.atC.toD.for

It can be inferred that the high rate of dropouts lies in_________A. the too low salary for PhDB. the too rigid academic requirementC. the too high salary for dropoutsD. 1000 positions

By the time he graduated from high school, he________(learn) five thousand words.

The employee requires that he____the right to know the situation of the company. A)haveB)hasC)havingD)had

The majority of the hard-core "ultras" are middle class, with a large proportion of good working and high salary.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

Nick()a job in a bank, but to our surprise, he didn't take it.A. offeredB. has offeredC. was offered

She is ____ to leave that job, but another company has offered her a high salary. A、willingB、reluctantC、hesitantD、determined

I’m ____________ to leave the job, but another firm has offered me a high salary.A、willingB、reluctantC、hesitantD、determined

He does not work but he gets a good__________from his investments.A.WageB.earningC.incomeD.salary

Wal-Mart has been criticized by some groups for its .( )[A] low service quality[B] employees' low salary[C] high pressure on the other companies[D] discrimination against women

He had no time and energy to play with his children or shop with his wife, bu! he__________ home a regular salary.A.did bringB.does bringC.did getD.does get

He was tempted by the high salary offered by the company.A:taughtB:keptC:changedD:attracted

He was tempted by the high salary offered by the company.A: taughtB: kept C: attractedD: changed

I don′ t care about the good salary offered by the company. What I need is a(n) _____________ post.A.awardingB.challengingC.competingD.creating

根据下列内容,回答191-195题。Reagan was walking down the street on his way to interview for a minimum wage job. Hehappened to cross paths with Bouvier, who was laying rock salt on the ground outside hisrestaurant, Papa Roux, after an ice storm had hit the area earlier in the morning.Bouvier said the 18-year-old approached him and asked how far it was to 10th and Sherman,Bouvier said the distance was at least seven miles, so he told Reagan that he would be better offtaking a bus instead of walking, especially considering the freezing temperature. Reagan said"thank you" and kept on his way to the job interview.Later, Bouvier and his wife were driving to grab coffee, and they came across Reagan again-still walking. So they offered him a tide. Reagan shared with the couple that he was on his way to ashop to interview for a job, and he did not have money for bus fare. Reagan also shared that hismother had passed away and he was left to care for his two younger sisters. After his morn died acouple of years ago, he ended up dropping out of high school without obtaining a diploma.After hearing the teen's story, Bouvier told Reagan that even if he was offered the shop job,he would hire him and double his salary. Bouvier was impressed with the teen's ambition and workethic. Reagan accepted the job. He cannot believe how everything turned out for him saying, "I'mjust too excited, just excited to start."Bouvier wanted to share the encounter with his friends, so he wrote about it on Facebook. Thestory is going around, with more than 15,000 likes so far. People are applauding the teen's workethic and Bouvier's generosity.One person wrote,"You are a blessing from above, and some good will come to you."Another added, "So kindness does exist. Warms my heart ! "In addition, IndyGo, the local public transportation system, gave Reagan a free one-year pass.What was Reagan doing when he came across Bouvier?__________A.He was going to a job interviewB.He was going to get his salaryC.He was going to school by busD.He was walking back home

单选题Horace gladly accepted his first job _____.Abecause of the kind of work it wasBbecause of the high salary offeredCbecause of the location of the officeDbecame he couldn’t find any other job

单选题The question of salary increases is high on the()AagendaBprocedureCscheduleDbudget

填空题He had no time or energy to play with his children or talk with his wife, but he ____ bring home a regular salary.

单选题_____AHe has got the required knowledge.BHe is satisfied with the salary offered.CHe thought he could be hired by the company.DHe wanted to have better chances for development.

单选题He offered to_____her a hand as the suitcase was too heavy for her to carry.AborrowBhelpClendDshow

单选题Jerry, Will, and AI all work at the same company. Jerry earns 80% of Will's salary, and Will earns 75% of Al's salary. What percent of Al's salary is equal to Jerry's salary?A80%B75%C70%D65%E60%

单选题He offered to _____ her a hand as the suitcase was too heavy for her to carry.AborrowBhelpClendDshow

单选题When did Billy begin teaching himself computer programming?AWhen he was 7 years oldBWhen he was in Grade 5CWhen he was in high schoolDWhen he was at university

单选题According to the passage, before taking a job, a person should _____.Ademonstrate his capabilityBgive his boss a good impressionCask for as much money as he canDask for the salary he hopes to get

单选题According to the second paragraph, Fleming accepted the job offered by Kemsley Newspapers _____Aand had to give up his yearly holiday plan to Jamaica.Bbecause he was offered to work in Jamaica every winter.Cso that he wouldn’t have to look for employment-elsewhere.Don condition that he took two months off to Jamaica every year.

单选题When Brad offered his old wooden desk at a garage sale, no one bought it, even though he offered it for only $10. When he offered it at the local auction house, however, someone bought it for $850.  Which of the following, if true, best explains why Brad was able to sell the desk for a high price at the auction while he could not sell it for a much lower price at the garage sale?ABrad advertised that the proceeds of the garage sale would benefit a local charity, while he made no such claims for the proceeds from the auction.BOne of the legs of the desk was shorter than the other three, producing an unbalanced writing surface.CThe auction house specializes in selling antique furniture, which is generally valued more highly than the discarded furniture sold at garage sales.DBrad insisted that anyone who bought the desk had to use it as an actual workspace.EProspective buyers at auctions are often more interested in the auction process than in the items up for bid.