The story was published with the sole purpose of selling newspapers.A:realB:mainC:practicalD:only

The story was published with the sole purpose of selling newspapers.



解析:题干意为“这个故事刊登的唯一目的就是销售报纸。” 句中划线词意为“唯一的”。D项only意为“唯一的,仅有的”;例句:He can outthink me only in the field of the society.只有在社会学的领域上他会比我思考得深刻。A项意为“真实的”。B项意为“主要的,最重要的”。C项意为“实用的,实际的”。故选D。


His first book next month is based on a true story. ( )A. publishedB. to be publishedC. to publishD. being published

We would like to appoint a sole agent in China to act ( ) our behalf selling sweaters.

Television gets much of its financial source from advertising and is by nature more Republican than the newspapers.()

It's hard to believe that some old textbooks ( ) ten years ago ( ) in our university today. A、publishing/ are been usedB、published/ are usingC、published/ are being usedD、having been published/ are being used

which invention marked the beginning of “the age of visual information“?A. TelevisionB. Motion pictures.C. The telegraph.D. Newspapers.

Many reports have been received from our ()agents in Korea that there are very heavy demands () the devices.A、sales,ofB、selling,onC、selling,ofD、selling,for

His first book ( ) next month is based on a true story. A、have been publishedB、publishedC、being publishedD、to be published

In The Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne intends to tell a love story and a story of sin.()

A ( ) is a business with one owner.A、partnershipB、sole proprietorshipC、corporation

We may infer from the context that "upselling" (Line 2, Para.6) probably means( )[A] selling something up[B] selling something fancy[C] selling something unnecessary[D] sdling something more expensive

The bottom of the mast rests on a part of the keel called the mast ______.A.footB.heelC.stepD.sole

According to the regulations for mobile offshore drilling units,"industrial personnel" are considered to be all persons carried on the ship for the sole purpose of carrying out the industrial business of the unit,except for ______.A.the operator's representativeB.the crew required by the Certificate of InspectionC.the galley personnelD.the designated person in charge

If the goods are not taken delivery of by the receiver from alongside the vessel without delay,the carrier shall be at liberty to land such goods on shore or any other proper places the sole risk and expense of the the sole risk and expense of the the sole risk of the Merchant but at the expense of the the sole risk of the Carrier but at the expense of the Merchant

The story was published with the sole purpose of selling newspapers.A: realB: mainC: onlyD: practical

A.selling something up B.selling something fancy C.selling something unnecessary D.selling something more expensive

What do you think about this story? ()AThank you for telling me the story.BYes, it‘s a real story.CI like it very much.DSo do I.

术语翻译:Sole agency()

()has the sole right to interpret the Constitution.A、The CabinetB、The Supreme CourtC、PresidentD、Congress

()has 3 parts: warehouse, high story shelf and stacker.A、Multi-story warehouseB、Automatic multi-story warehouseC、Stereo-style warehouseD、stereoscopic warehouse

Which of the following best describes the purpose of using lifecycle services for deploying an advanced wireless solution?()A、create a more effective sales strategy for partners.B、reinforce customer confidence in partners selling products.C、provide a consistent, repeatable, and proven method to ensure the network solution that is deployed delivers upon the customer’s goals for reliability and availability.D、maximize the number of services required to support advanced technologies.E、more clearly define the roles of account managers, systems engineers, and field engineers.

DSR 的含义是()A、Distributor Selling Report (分销销售业绩报告)B、Directly Selling Report (直接销售业绩报告)C、Direction Selling Report (指导销售业绩报告)D、以上都不正确

单选题()has three parts: warehouse, high story shelf and stacker.AMulti-story warehouseBAutomatic Multi-story-warehouseCStereo-style warehouseDStereoscopic warehouse

单选题Which of the following instructions is helpful in developing students´ ability to make inferences?AListen to a story and write a summary.BListen to a story and work out the writer' s intention.CListen to the story of a boy and then draw a picture of him.DListen to a story and note down the specific date of an event.

单选题DSR 的含义是()ADistributor Selling Report (分销销售业绩报告)BDirectly Selling Report (直接销售业绩报告)CDirection Selling Report (指导销售业绩报告)D以上都不正确

单选题_____, I have to put it away and focus my attention on study this week.AHowever the story is amusingBNo matter amusing the story isCHowever amusing the story isDNo matter how the story is amusing

单选题()has three parts: warehouse, high story shelf and stacker.AMulti-story warehouseBAutomatic Multi-story warehouseCstereo-style warehouseDstereoscopic warehouse

问答题术语翻译:Sole agency()

单选题According to the author, Hemingway’s primary purpose in telling a story was _____.Ato construct a well-told story that the reader would thoroughly enjoyBto construct a story that would reflect truths that were not particular to a specific historical periodCto begin from reality but to allow his imagination to roam from “the way it was” to “the way it might have been.”Dto report faithfully reality as Hemingway had experienced it