单选题ou can visit Galloway Wildlife Conservation Park ______Aat 9:00 a. m. on 7th DecemberBat 11:00 a.m. on 7th DecemberCat 9:00 a.m. on 7th SeptemberDat 11:00 a. m. on 7th September

ou can visit Galloway Wildlife Conservation Park ______

at 9:00 a. m. on 7th December


at 11:00 a.m. on 7th December


at 9:00 a.m. on 7th September


at 11:00 a. m. on 7th September


细节理解题。根据文章中间部分Open from 1st February to 30th October. 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.可知,开放时间是2月1日到10月30日,上午10点到下午6点。故选D项。


Disney is an amusement park _____you can find all the normal attractions and Disney movies and characters.A. which B. where C. that D. when

You can make a lot of new friends if you () this club. A、joinB、take park inC、enterD、come in

What is Annie's biggest problem?A.She can't drive round corners.B.She can't park the car well.C.She can't speak to the examiner.

Tom: Can I park in the staff car park?David: No, I'm afraid you can't. Only managers can park there. You can park behind the building.Tom: Okay. When can I have lunch?David: You can't go before 12:30 because we are very busy, but after 1:00 o'clock you can go when you like. You can eat and drink in the office, but you can't smoke here. Everyone goes to the coffee lounge, because they can smoke there.Tom: Can I use the phone?David: Yes, but you can't phone abroad.(1). Why can't Tom park in the staff car park?A、Because he does not work here.B、Because he is not a manager.C、Because he is a new comer.(2). Which of the following is true?A、Tom can park his car behind the building.B、Tom can use the manager's car.C、David can help Tom to park his car in the staff car park.(3). When can Tom go to have his lunch?A、Before 12:30.B、After 12:30.C、After 1:00.(4). What can Tom do in the office?A、Eat and drink.B、Smoke.C、Phone abroad.(5). Where can everyone go to smoke?A、In the car park.B、In the coffee lounge.C、In the café near the office building.

Maybe we can visit another place. This one is too ________ (tourist).

We can draw a conclusion from the text that______.A) oil-price shocks are less shocking nowB) inflation seems irrelevant to oil -price shocksC) energy conservation can keep down the oil pricesD) the price rise of crude leads to the shrinking of heavy industry

We can draw a conclusion from the text thatA oil-price shocks are less shocking now.B inflation seems irrelevant to oil-price shocks.C energy conservation can keep down the oil prices.D the price rise of crude leads to the shrinking of heavy industry.

Whieh of the fotlowing plavs a role in making the islands “a pradise for wikllife”?A.Animals on theis lands feed on grass.B.Lood go mthent forbids killing wildlife.C.Fccple nninot visit the islands as they wash.D.fourists are not allowed to torch the animals.

which of the following plays a role in making the islands “a paradise for wildlife”?A.Animals on the islands feed on grass。B.Local government forbids killing wildlife.C.People cannot visit the islands as they wish.D.tourists are not allowed to touch the animals。

I am going to visit you. Can you tell me the()of your house?AdirectionBlocationCplaceDvenue

Bernoulli’s equation can be derived from the conservation of ()A、energyB、massC、volume   D、pressure

多选题Frederick Law Olmsted’s design of New York’s Central Park was ______ in part by the designer’s visit to England’s Derby Arboretum in 1859AfacilitatedBinspiredCconceivedDacceleratedEinfluencedFstructured

单选题You are fourteen. If you and your parents visit National Park, how much should you pay?A$15B$30C$38D$45

单选题Which is TRUE according to the passage? ______AThere are endangered animals in the park.BThere aren’t any picnic areas in the park.CYou can’t take the babies to the park.DYou can visit the park with your dogs.

单选题The Wildlife Conservation Society originated in 1895 as the New York Zoological Society, ______ to teach zoology conserve, and establish a top-notch zoo.AconsentedBauthorizedCendeavoredDmaterializedEappraised

单选题How much should you at least pay if your family (five persons, including an elderly person, two adults and the ten-year-old twins) visit the park? ______A£24.50.B£25.50.C£26.50.D£27.50.

单选题We can draw a conclusion from the text that ______.Aoil-price shocks are less shocking nowBinflation seems irrelevant to oil-price shocksCenergy conservation can keep down the oil pricesDthe price rise of crude leads to the shrinking of heavy industry

填空题Where can you get more information about the promotion?Contact the ____ or visit its websites.

单选题—Mum, summer holiday is coming. I wonder ______.—How about Qinling Wildlife Park?Awhere can we goBwhere we can goChow we can goDhow can we go

单选题It can be inferred from the passage that _____.Ateenagers under 14 are not allowed to visit the White HouseBforeigners are less likely to be permitted to tour the White HouseCseparate tours can also be scheduled for individual visitorsDsecurity is the chief concern in scheduling White House tours

单选题Where does this conversation probably take place? AA travel agencyBA photography classCA wildlife park

单选题If we visit a museum with friends, we can ____.Ashare the experience with themBcome up with strange ideasCcut down the cost of the visitDdiscuss the next visit plan

单选题When applying for Wildlife Watch membership, a Rockwatch member can enjoy _____.Afree membershipBa special discountCa Rock Artist prizeDguided road shows

单选题We can see a lot of people doing morning exercises in the park even_____a cold morning.AonBinCatDduring

单选题—Mum, ______ I visit the Movie Museum tomorrow?—I’m afraid you can’t. It is closed on Monday.AmustBmayCshouldDneed

单选题Which of the following can Jack do?AHe can take a No.19 bus to Geyuan GardenBHe can visit the Slender West Lake at 8:00CHe can call 0514 -87935285 for further information of Ho Family GardenDHe can go to www. he-garden, net to know more about Ho Family Garden

单选题If you want to spend time with nature, you can do the following things except _____.Ato visit national parksBto see the countryCto stay by a lakeDto visit historic places