Bernoulli’s equation can be derived from the conservation of ()A、energyB、massC、volume   D、pressure

Bernoulli’s equation can be derived from the conservation of ()

  • A、energy
  • B、mass
  • C、volume   
  • D、pressure


The accounting equation may be expressed as( ) A. Assets = Equities - LiabilitiesB. Assets + Liabilities = Owner's EquityC. Assets = Revenues less LiabilitiesD. Assets - Liabilities = Owner's Equity

According to Shannon's equation, what is the channel capacity of an analog voice-grade phone line with a bandwidth of 3100 Hz and a signal-to-noise ratio or 30 dB?A.9.1 KbpsB.9.3 KbpsC.30.9 KbpsD.30.17 Kbps

This new view of particles was initiated by Dirac when he formulated a relativistic equation describing the behavior. of electrons.

Quantity equation of exchange 交易数量方程

关于人体血流能量与血管参数,叙述正确的有A、流体能量:遵守能量守恒定律,简化伯努利方程(Bernoulli equation)是理想流体作稳定流动时所遵从的基本定律B、狭窄处压力阶差:简化伯努利方程可以计算狭窄口两端的压差,解释动态压强对血流梗阻的影响等C、脉搏:脉动血管具有弹性,人体动脉内的容积和压强具有周期性变化,叫作脉搏D、血管顺应性:用来描述血管容积变化和跨壁压强之间的关系,反映血管的弹性E、平均动脉压:就是一个心动压力波动周期的血压平均值

通过简化的伯努利方程(Bernoulli equation)可以求得A、左房室瓣口狭窄的压力阶差B、主动脉瓣口狭窄的压力阶差C、心内分流的压力阶差D、左房室瓣口反流的压力阶差,估算肺动脉压力E、右房室瓣口反流的压力阶差,估算肺动脉压力

经食管超声中血流速度测定利用的原理是A、伯努利方程(Bernoulli equation)B、文丘里效应(Venturi effect)C、Stewart-Hamilton方程D、多普勒效应(Doppler effect)E、连续方程(Continuity equation)

The system’s characteristic equation can be used to determine ( ) of a linear time-invariant system. A.the stabilityB.magnitude of the steady-state errorC.the controllabilityD.the observability


How many positive roots does the equation (x+1/2)2012-x2012+2x+1/2=0 have? ____.

I don‘t think the charge for overhauling the equipment is excessive in _______ to its size. A. correspondence B. equation C. proportion D. dimension



In an iostat report, which of the following options best describes the value of % tm_act?()A、 The total CPU usage for this driveB、 The bandwidth utilization of the indicated driveC、 It can best be represented by the equation (%iowait - %ioidle)D、 It can best be represented by the equation (kilobytes read/kilobytes written) *100

倒时方程 inhour equation

扩散方程 diffusion equation

米氏方程(Michaelis-Menten equation)

填空题y = mx2In the equation above, m is a constant. If y = 32 when x = 4, then when y = 18, which of the following could be the value of x?____

单选题简化的伯努利方程(Bernoulli equation)是()。AΔP=4Vmin2BΔP=4Vmax2CΔP=ρ(V22-V22)Vmin2DΔP=C-ρ/2-ρghEΔP=dv/dt+R(V)

问答题In the xy plane, is the point (4, -2) on the line l?  (1) Point (1, 1) is on line l.  (2) The equation x=2-y describes line l.

单选题简化的伯努利(Bernoulli)方程反映流体流动的什么规律?(  )A湍流流动B质量守恒C层流流动D射流流动E能量守恒

单选题Sidereal time is used by navigators when().Aused with the equation of timeBused in the form of LHA AriesCcalculating the time of moonriseDdetermining local apparent time

名词解释题Stokes’Law and Noyes-Whitney Equation

单选题In an iostat report, which of the following options best describes the value of % tm_act?()A The total CPU usage for this driveB The bandwidth utilization of the indicated driveC It can best be represented by the equation (%iowait - %ioidle)D It can best be represented by the equation (kilobytes read/kilobytes written) *100

多选题通过简化的伯努利方程(Bernoulli equation)可以求得()。A左房室瓣口狭窄的压力阶差B主动脉瓣口狭窄的压力阶差C心内分流的压力阶差D左房室瓣口反流的压力阶差,估算肺动脉压力E右房室瓣口反流的压力阶差,估算肺动脉压力

名词解释题米氏方程(Michaelis-Menten equation)

多选题在PowerPoinl的演示文稿中可以插入的对象有()AMicrosoft Word文档BMicrosoft OfficeCMicrosoft Excel工作表DMicrosoft Equation