单选题What action must be taken when an individual cargo tank is closed off from the inert gas system by the tank isolation valve?()AThe tank must be gas freedBThe tank must be ballastedCThe tank must be vented to the atmosphereDThe bypass valve must also be closed

What action must be taken when an individual cargo tank is closed off from the inert gas system by the tank isolation valve?()

The tank must be gas freed


The tank must be ballasted


The tank must be vented to the atmosphere


The bypass valve must also be closed


解析: 暂无解析


When loading bulk liquid cargo,what is the first action you should take if a cargo valve jammed open?A.Call the owner,operator,or terminal supervisorB.Unplug the deck scuppersC.Order the dock man to shut downD.Run out the vessel's or terminal's fire hose

You are discharging cargo and the inert gas system is in operation to inert the tanks. The pressure in a tank being discharged starts to drop below the allowable limit. What action should you take?A.Cut in another IG fan to increase gas flowB.Open the pressure control valve until the pressure increasesC.Open the tank isolation valve to the fully open positionD.Reduce the pumping rate

By regulation,cargo tank atmosphere must be inert before and during which operation ________.A.StrippingB.LoadingC.CleaningD.All of the above

What is NOT a requirement for the preparation of used,gasoline-propelled cars if they are to be carried as ordinary cargo and not as hazardous cargo ________.A.The engine must be run until it dies from lack of fuelB.The fuel tank must be inerted with CO2C.The ignition key may not be in the ignitionD.The vehicle must be inspected for fuel leaks

The fitting at the end of a cargo line in a tank that allows suction to be taken close to the bottom of a tank is a ______.A.Suction endB.StrainerC.Bell-mouthD.Vacuum valve

What is NOT a requirement of cargo piping installed in tank vessels carrying grade D or E cargo ONLY ________.A.The cargo piping system shall be fixedB.Flanged joints shall be used for pipe sizes exceeding 2 inches in diameterC.Piping through bunker spaces may be run through a pipe tunnelD.Connections at bulkheads must be made so that the plating does not form part of a flanged joint

What is a requirement for remote manual shutdown stations for internal combustion engine driven cargo pumps on tank barges ________.A.They must be conspicuously markedB.They must be located at least 10 feet from the engineC.There must be at least two such shutdown devicesD.The valve rods shall be fitted with stuffing boxes

Which statement is TRUE concerning cargo hose on tank barges ________.A.Cargo hose must be able to withstand the shut-off head plus the static head of the cargo pumpB.Cargo hose must be able to withstand the static head of the cargo pump but no less than 100 psiC.Cargo hose must be able to withstand the shut-off head less the static head of the cargo pump but no less than 100 psiD.Cargo hose must be able to withstand at least 150 psi

You are on a tanker designed to carry molten sulfur.Which statement is TRUE ________.A.There must be two portable toxic vapor detectors on boardB.The cargo tank ventilation system must maintain the H2S vapor concentration at 1.85% or more by volumeC.Cargo temperature may be taken by portable thermometersD.The pressure in the heating coils in the tanks must be less than that of the cargo exerted on them

You are planning to use a crude oil washing system.What precaution must be taken with the tank as the source for the washing machines ________.A.It must be debottomed and the level lowered by at least one meterB.The oil in the source tank must be sampled for compatibilityC.The source tank must have been crude oil washed at least once in the past 150 daysD.The inert gas system must lower the oxygen content to a maximum of 12% oxygen in the tank

Your tanker is carrying a cargo of styrene.Which of the following is NOT a requirement for carriage of this cargo ________.A.P/V valves with galvanized parts must be replacedB.Authorization to carry styrene must be endorsed on the Certificate of InspectionC.You must have a Certificate of Inhibition provided by the shipperD.The cargo tank heating coils must be blanked off

单选题0il product samples should be taken from the().Adock riserBships cargo tanksCshore tank dischargeDAll of the above

单选题Precautionary measures must be taken to()safety of the stevedores,cargo and the ship.AinsureBensureCassureDassume

单选题When loading bulk liquid cargo,what is the FIRST action you should take if a cargo valve jammed open?()ATrip the pump relief valveBOrder the dock man to shut downCCall the owner,operator,or terminal supervisorDRun out the vessel's or terminal's fire hose

单选题When loading bulk liquid cargo,what is the first action you should take if a cargo valve jammed open?()ACall the owner,operator,or terminal supervisorBUnplug the deck scuppersCOrder the dock man to shut downDRun out the vessel's or terminal's fire hose

单选题You are on a container vessel. What concerning the handling and stowage of containerized hazardous materials is TRUE?().AOpen-bed containers may be used to transport hazardous materials if the cargo is properly securedBA portable cargo tank of a flammable,cryogenic liquid may not be in transit for a period exceeding its marked rated holding time unless the liquid is inhibitedCA portable cargo tank containing a cryogenic liquid must be shipped on deck unless forced ventilation is provided to the tween-decksDA container loaded with packages of tear gas would display a placard reading Irritant

单选题What additional precautions should be taken when making temporary repairs to a ship that is operating when hydrogen sulfide is present?()ASeal off all tank and compartment ventilationBRemove all bulk materials from the P-tanksCProvide respiratory protection and monitoringDAll of the above

单选题When checking the oxygen content of the cargo tanks prior to loading cargoes requiring vapor recovery,the atmosphere must be sampled().Aone meter from the tank bottom and one meter below the tank topBone half the ullage of the tank and one meter below the tank topCone half the ullage of the tank and one meter above the tank bottomDat three meter intervals from the tank top

单选题The FIRST course of action in fighting a fire in a cargo or fuel oil tank is to ().Asecure all openings to the tankBdischarge an initial charge of CO2 with a hand portable extinguisherCdirect a fire hose into the tank and energize the fire mainDspray the tank boundaries with a fire hose to promote cooling

单选题In setting the valves on a steam-smothering system on a tank vessel,the master control valve to cargo tanks should be().Aopen and individual tank valves openBopen and the individual tank valves closedCclosed and the individual tank valves closedDclosed and the individual tank valves open

单选题By regulation,cargo tank atmosphere must be inert before and during which operation?()AStrippingBLoadingCCleaningDAll of the above

单选题What action must be taken when an individual cargo tank is closed off from the inert gas system by the tank isolation valve?()AThe tank must be gas freedBThe tank must be ballastedCThe tank must be vented to the atmosphereDThe bypass valve must also be closed

单选题Which action must be taken when an individual cargo tank is closed off from the inert gas system by the tank isolation valve?()AThe tank must be gas freedBThe tank must be ballastedCThe tank must be vented to the atmosphereDThe bypass valve must also be closed

单选题You are discharging cargo and the inert gas system is in operation to inert the tanks. The pressure in a tank being discharged starts to drop below the allowable limit. What action should you take? ()ACut in another IG fan to increase gas flowBOpen the pressure control valve until the pressure increasesCOpen the tank isolation valve to the fully open positionDReduce the pumping rate

单选题When in sight of another vessel,any action taken to avoid collision must().Abe accompanied by sound signalsBnot result in another close quarters situationCinclude a speed changeDAll of the above

单选题Oil product samples should be taken from the().Adock riserBship's cargo tanksCshore tank dischargeDAll of the above

单选题In setting the valves on a steam-smothering system on a tanker,the master control valve to cargo tanks should be().Aopen and individual tank valves openBopen and the individual tank valves closedCclosed and the individual tank valves closedDclosed and the individual tank valves open

单选题Portable fire extinguishers must be provided for the cargo tank area of an unmanned tank barge().Aonly when fully loadedBif one or more tanks are fullCwhen transferring cargoDonly when the barge is being towed