多选题1. public class Test {  2. public  T findLarger(T x, T y) {  3. if(x.compareTo(y)  0) {  4. return x;  5. } else {  6. return y;  7. }  8. }  9. }  and:  22. Test t = new Test();  23. // insert code here  Which two will compile without errors when inserted at line 23?()AObject x = t.findLarger(123, “456”);Bint x = t.findLarger(123, new Double(456));Cint x = t.findLarger(123, new Integer(456));Dint x = (int) t.findLarger(new Double(123), new Double(456));

1. public class Test {  2. public  T findLarger(T x, T y) {  3. if(x.compareTo(y) > 0) {  4. return x;  5. } else {  6. return y;  7. }  8. }  9. }  and:  22. Test t = new Test();  23. // insert code here  Which two will compile without errors when inserted at line 23?()

Object x = t.findLarger(123, “456”);


int x = t.findLarger(123, new Double(456));


int x = t.findLarger(123, new Integer(456));


int x = (int) t.findLarger(new Double(123), new Double(456));


解析: 暂无解析


下列程序段的输出结果是【 】。public class Test {void printValue(int m) {do {System.out.println("The value is"+m);}while (--m>10);}public static void main (String args[]) {int i=10;Test t= new Test();t.printValue(i);}}

下列程序的作用是在屏幕上显示一个200×200大小的窗口,在横线上填入相应的语句。import java.awt.*;public class Test extends Frame. {public static void main (String args[]) {Test t=new Test ("Hello");t.setSize (200,200);t.setBackground (Color.re@D)@;【 】;}public Test (String str) {super(str);}}

( 28 )有如下程序#include iostreamusing namespace std;class Test{public:Test(){ }Test(const Test t) {cout1;}};Test fun(Test u) {Test t=u; return t;}int main(){Test x,y; x=fun(y); return 0;}运行这个程序的输出结果是A )无输出B ) 1C ) 11D ) 111

下面程序段的输出结果是______。 class Test{ public static void main(String args[ ]){ MyThread t=new MyThread( ); t.displayOutput("t has been created"); t.start( ); } } class MyThread extends Thread{ public void display Output(String s){ System.out,println(s); } public void run( ){ displayOutput("t is running"); } }A.t has been created t is runningB.t has been createdC.t is runningD.编译错误

有如下程序: #include using namespace std; Class Test{ public: Test(){} Test(const Testt){cout1;} ); Test fun(Test u){Test t=u;retum t;} int main(){Test X,y;x=fun(y);retum 0;} 运行这个程序的输出结果是( )。A.无输出B.1C.11D.111

请在下划线处填入代码,是程序正常运行并且输出 “ Hello! ”Class Test 【 15 】 {Public static void main (String[] arge){Test t = new Test();t.start();}Public void run(){System.out.println( “ Hello! ” );}

已知如下类说明: public class Test { private float f = 1.0f; int m = 12; static int n=1; public static void main(String arg[]) { Test t = new Test(); // 程序代码… } } 如下哪个使用是正确的?() A.t.fB.this.nC.Test.mD.Test.n

在如下源代码文件Test.java中, 哪个是正确的类定义?() A.public class test { public int x = 0; public test(int x) { this.x = x; } }B.public class Test{ public int x=0; public Test(int x) { this.x = x; } }C.public class Test extends T1, T2 { public int x = 0; public Test (int x) { this.x = x; } }D.public class

下面程序段的输出结果是( )。 class Test{ public s,tatic void main(String args[]){ MyThread t=new MyThread; displayOutput("t has been createD"); start; } } Class MyThread extends Thread{ public void displayOutput(String s){ System.out.println(s); } public void run{ displayOutput("t is running."); } }A. t has been created.B.t has been created. t is running.C.t is running.D.编译出错

public class Test{2.int x=12;3.public void method(intx){4.x+=x;5.System.out.println(x);6.}7.}Given:34.Test t=new Test();35.t.method(5);What is the output from line 5 of the Test class?() A.5B.10C.12D.17E.24

下列代码中,将引起一个编译错误的行是 1) public class Test{ 2) int m,n; 3) public Test(){} 4) public Test(inta){m=a;} 5) public static void main(String args[]){ 6) Test t1,t2; 7) int j,k; 8) j=0;k=0; 9) t1=new Test(); 10) t2=new Test(j,k); 11) } 12) }A.第3行B.第5行C.第6行D.第10行

在下列源代码文件Test.java中,正确定义类的代码是( )。A.pblic class test { public int x=0; public test(int x) { this. x=x;} }B.public class Test { public int x=0; public Test(int x) { this. x=x;} }C.public class Test extends T1,T2{ public int x = 0; public Test(int x){ this. x = x; } }D.protected class Test extends T2{ public int x = 0; public Test(int x) { this. x = x; } }

阅读下面程序 public class Test implements Runnable{ public static void main(String[]args){ _______________________________________; t. start(); } public void mR(){ System. out. println("Hello!"); }} 在程序下画线处填入正确选项是A.Test t=flew Test()B.Thread t=new Thread();C.Thread t=new Thread(new Test());D.Test t=new Thread();

下面程序段的输出结果是 class Test{ public static void main(String args[]){ MyThread t=new MyThread(); t.displayOutput("t has been created)); t.start(); } } class MyThread extends Thread{ public void displayOutput(String s){ System.out.println(s); } public void run(){ displayOutput(t is running."); } }A.t has been created.B.t has been created. t is running.C.t is running.D.编译出错

已知程序的结果为1 2 3,请填空。 include template class A { public: T X, 已知程序的结果为1 2 3,请填空。include<iostream.h>template<class T>class A{public:T X, y, z;void display( ) {cout < < x < < " " < < y < < " " < < z;}};void main( ){A<int>a1;_______________a1.display( ) ;}

有如下类定义: class Test { private int x; public int y; public void setX (int m) {x=m;} public int getX( ) {return x;} }现用Test t=new Text();生成一个对象t,则如下语句中,错误的是( )。A.t.x=10;B.t.y=10;C.t. setX(10);D.int m=t.getX( );

执行下面程序,显示的结果为( )。 public class Test { public static void main (String args[]) { Test t=newTest(); System.out.println (Loverload ("2","3")); } int overload (intx,int y) {return x+y;} String overload (String x,Stnng y){return x+y;} }A.2B.3C.5D.23

下列代码中,将引起编译错误的行是______。 (1) public class Test { (2) int m,n; (3) public Test( ){} (4) public Test(int A){m=a;} (5) public static void main(String args[ ]){ (6) Test t1,t2; (7) int j,k; (8) j=0;k=0; (9) t1=new Test( ); (10) t2=new Test(j,k); (11) 1 (12) }A.第3行B.第5行C.第6行D.第10行

在下画线处填入代码,使程序正常运行并且输出“Hello!”。class Test ______ {public staric void maim (string[] args) {Test t=new Test();t.start();}public void run() {System.out.println("Hello!");}}

阅读下面程序:include template class TAdd{private:T x, y;public:TAdd(T 阅读下面程序:include <iostream.h>template <class T>class TAdd{private:T x, y;public:TAdd(T a, T b){x=a;y=b;}T add(){return x +y;}};void main( ){TAdd<int>a(5,6);TAdd<double>b(2.4,5.8);cout<<"s1 ="<<A. add()<<",";cout<<"s2="<<B, add()<<end1;}写出该程序的运行结果:【 】。

在下列源代码文件Test.java中, ( )是正确的类定义。A.public class test{B.public class Test{ public int x=0;public int x=0; public test (intx) public Test (int x){ {this.x=x; this.x=x;} }} }C.public class Test extends T1,T2{D.protected class Test extends T2{ public int=0;public int x=0; public Test(int x){Public Test (int x){ this.x=x;this.x=x: }} }}

在下列源代码文件Test.java中,哪个选项是正确的类定义?A.public class test{ public int x=0; public test(int x ) { this.x=x; } }B.public class Test { public int x=0; public Test(int x ) { this.x=x; } }C.public class Test extends T1 T2 { public int x=0; public Test(int x){ this.x=x; } }D.protected class Test extends T2 { public int x=0; public Test(int x) { this.x=x; } }

在下列源代码文件Test.java中,哪个选项是正确的类定义? ( )A.public class test { public int x=0; public test(int x) { this.x=x; } }B.public class Test { public int x=0; public Test(int x) { this.x=x; } }C.public class Test extends Ti,T2 { public int x=0; public Test(int x) { this.x=x; } }D.protected class Test extends T2 { public int x=0; public Test(int x) { this.x=x; } }

以下代码的输出结果?public class Test{int x=5;public static void main(String argv[]){Test t=new Test();t.x++;change(t);System.out.println(t.x);}static void change(Test m){m.x+=2;}} A. 7B. 6C. 5D. 8

1. public class Test {  2. int x= 12;  3. public void method(int x) {  4. x+=x;  5. System.out.println(x);  6. }  7. }  Given:  34. Test t = new Test();  35. t.method(5);  What is the output from line 5 of the Test class?() A、 5B、 10C、 12D、 17E、 24

单选题1. public class Test {  2. int x= 12;  3. public void method(int x) {  4. x+=x;  5. System.out.println(x);  6. }  7. }  Given:  34. Test t = new Test();  35. t.method(5);  What is the output from line 5 of the Test class?()A 5B 10C 12D 17E 24

多选题1. public class Test {  2. public  T findLarger(T x, T y) {  3. if(x.compareTo(y)  0) {  4. return x;  5. } else {  6. return y;  7. }  8. }  9. }  and:  22. Test t = new Test();  23. // insert code here  Which two will compile without errors when inserted at line 23?()AObject x = t.findLarger(123, “456”);Bint x = t.findLarger(123, new Double(456));Cint x = t.findLarger(123, new Integer(456));Dint x = (int) t.findLarger(new Double(123), new Double(456));

单选题1.public class Test{ 2.int x=12; 3.public void method(intx){ 4.x+=x; 5.System.out.println(x); 6.} 7.} Given: 34.Test t=new Test(); 35.t.method(5); What is the output from line 5 of the Test class?()A5B10C12D17E24