单选题()is a property of object-oriented software by which an abstract operation may be performed in different ways in different classes.AMethodBPolymorphismCInheritanceDEncapsulation

()is a property of object-oriented software by which an abstract operation may be performed in different ways in different classes.









解析: 该题的关键词为"an abstract operation、 performed in different ways in different classes",其语句结构为"()is a property of object-oriented software",含义为"什么是面向对象软件的一个特性",结合关键词分析,容易判断这是面向对象中的多态性概念(Polymorphism)。


In which phase of the software engineering process is the Software Requirements Specification developed?A. definition phaseB.engineeringC.maintenanceD.development phase

Object-oriented analysis(OOA)is a semiformal specification technique for the object-oriented paradigm. Object-oriented analysis consists of three steps. The first step is(71). It determines how the various results are computed by the product and presents this information in the form. of a(72)and associated scenarios. The second is(73), which determines the classes and their attributes. Then determine the interrelationships and interaction among the classes. The last step is(74), which determines the actions performed by or to each class or subclass and presents this information in the form. of(75).A.use-case modelingB.class modelingC.dynamic modelingD.behavioral modeling

(c) Assess the likely criteria which would need to be satisfied for software to be regarded as ‘quality software’.(4 marks)

Software is divided into two categories,system software and application software.Please choose one which is differ from other threeA.WindOws 98B.Word 2000C.C++compilerD.FoxBase DBMS

( )iS a property of object—oriented software by which an abstract operation ma)’be performed in different ways in different classes. A.Method B.Polymorphism C.Inheritance D.Encapsulation

Traditional Japanese families take women as a piece of property, which is subjected to men’s disposal.()

Which two commands allow you to return to a previous verision of software on the device?() A. request sytem software addB. request sytem software downgradeC. request sytem software replaceD. request sytem software rollback

The task at hand now is to(56)the programmers who still use yesterday's software technology to solve today's software problems. Object-oriented programming requires a new attitude toward problem(57). Problem(57)with computer system becomes more natural. Application can(58)be translated into(59). Although it is commonly believed that it will be easier to train new programmers to use object-oriented techniques than to(60)programmers who have substantial experience in applying conventional programming language constructs.A.testB.forceC.educateD.touch

A software requirements specification is that () .A.a rough list of things that the proposed software ought to doB.a precise list of things that the proposed software ought to doC.a formal list of things that the proposed software must doD.an estimate of the resouroes (time, money, personnel, etc) which will be required to construct the proposed software

The Unified Modeling Language is a standard graphical language for modeling object-oriented software______can show the behavior. of systems in terms of how objects interact with each other.A.Class diagramB.Component diagramC.Sequence diagramD.Use case diagram

Software Engineering Economy is an effective part of software engineering.Which of the following content is the research content of software engineering economy?Ⅰ.Estimation of software development costⅡ.Earn Cost analysis of software developmentⅢ.Adjustment of software development progressA.Ⅲ onlyB.Ⅱ and ⅢC.Ⅰ and ⅡD.all

Until security has been provided the Contractor shall have a maritime lien on ______ for his remuneration.A.the property lostB.the property salvedC.the property involved in the accident which gave rise to the salvage operationsD.any other property in danger which is not and has not been on board the vessel

Object-oriented analysis(OOA.is a semiformal specification technique for the object-oriented paradigm.Object-oriented analysis consists of three steps.The first step is( ).It determines how the various results are computed by the product and presents this information in the form of a( )and associated scenarios.The second is( ),which determines the classes and their attributes.Then determine the interrelationships and interaction among the classes.The last step is( ),which determines the actions performed by or to each class or subclass and presents this information in the form of(请作答此空).A.activity diagramB.component diagramC.sequence diagramD.state diagram

The Unified Modeling Language is a standard graphical language for modeling object-oriented software. ( ) can show the behavior of systems in terms of how objects interact with each other. A.Class diagram B.Component diagram C.Sequence diagram D.Use case diagram

( ) is a property of object-oriented software by which an abstract operation may be performed in different ways in different classes. A.MethoD. B.Polymorphism C.Inheritance D.Encapsulation

Which of the following statements concerning intellectual property is wrong?()A、Intellectual property is an intangible creationB、Intellectual property in ludes patents,trademarks,copyrights,etc.C、Intellectual property is a visible creationD、There are some agreement sconcerning intellectual property under the WTO

Which of the following is an advantage of hardware RAID over software RAID?()A、Hardware RAID costs less than software RAIDB、Hardware RAID is built into the operating system’s softwareC、Hardware RAID has better performance than software RAIDD、Hardware RAID requires no configuration and software RAID does

Which of the following describes the difference between hardware and software RAID technologies?()A、Software RAID offers more storage possibilities than hardware RAIDB、Hardware RAID performs faster than software RAIDC、Hardware RAID is less expensive than software RAIDD、Software RAID volumes are compatible with any OS and hardware RAID volumes are not

Which TWO of the following tasks of system maintenance can be improved by using Remote Deployment Manager?()A、DeploymentB、Software maintenanceC、Driver updatesD、DisposalE、Software inventory

Which built-in do you use to determine which timer in form module has expired?()A、FIND_TIMER B、GET_TIMER_PROPERTYC、GET_APPLICATION_PROPERTY D、GET_CUSTOM_ITEM_EVENT_PROPERTY

Which property of the ListView class is used to get/set the name of the data field whose value exclusively identifes every data row of a ListView when the ClientIDMode property is set to Predictable?()A、LoadViewStateByIDB、UniqueIDC、ClientIDModeD、ClientIDRowSuffix

单选题As an alternative to setting the Visible property to No for the ORDERS_WINDOW, which built-in could you use to achieve the same result? ()AHIDE_WINDOW BCLOSE_WINDOW CREPLACE_CONTENT_VIEWDGET_WINDOW_PROPERTY

单选题You need to allow the user to toggle between automatic query and no automatic query using a pop-up menu. Which built-in would you use in the menu item command to obtain the relationship name? ()AGET_RELATION_PROPERTY BSET_RELATION_PROPERTY CGET_BLOCK_PROPERTY DGET_FORM_PROPERTY

单选题()is a property of object-oriented software by which an abstract operation may be performed in different ways in different classes.AMethodBPolymorphismCInheritanceDEncapsulation

单选题Which of the following statements concerning intellectual property is wrong?()AIntellectual property is an intangible creationBIntellectual property in ludes patents,trademarks,copyrights,etc.CIntellectual property is a visible creationDThere are some agreement sconcerning intellectual property under the WTO

单选题Which built-in do you use to determine which timer in form module has expired?()AFIND_TIMER BGET_TIMER_PROPERTYCGET_APPLICATION_PROPERTY DGET_CUSTOM_ITEM_EVENT_PROPERTY

单选题The Unified Modeling Language is a standard graphical language for modeling object-oriented software()can show the behavior of systems in terms of how objects interact with each other.AClassdiagramBComponentdiagramCSequencediagramDUse case diagram

多选题Which two commands allow you to return to a previous version of software on the device?()Arequest system software addBrequest system software downgradeCrequest system software replaceDrequest system software rollback