单选题A new technique _____, the output of the shirt factory increased by 50 per cent.Ahaving been worked outBhas introducedChaving worked onDhas been turned out

A new technique _____, the output of the shirt factory increased by 50 per cent.

having been worked out


has introduced


having worked on


has been turned out


句意:由于产生了一项新的技术,衬衫加工厂的产量增加了50%。句子主语是工厂,与研究出一项新技术是主动关系,故此应该用现在分词做伴随状语,故A项正确。work out设计出,作出,计算出。turn out结果是。introduce引进。work on继续工作, 设法说服, 影响。根据语法和句意,A项正确。


The factory has turned out more and better bicycles since the new techniques were __. A.adoptedB.adaptedC.adjustedD.assisted

2 The risk committee at Southern Continents Company (SCC) met to discuss a report by its risk manager, StephanieField. The report focused on a number of risks that applied to a chemicals factory recently acquired by SCC in anothercountry, Southland. She explained that the new risks related to the security of the factory in Southland in respect ofburglary, to the supply of one of the key raw materials that experienced fluctuations in world supply and also anenvironmental risk. The environmental risk, Stephanie explained, was to do with the possibility of poisonousemissions from the Southland factory.The SCC chief executive, Choo Wang, who chaired the risk committee, said that the Southland factory was importantto him for two reasons. First, he said it was strategically important to the company. Second, it was important becausehis own bonuses depended upon it. He said that because he had personally negotiated the purchase of the Southlandfactory, the remunerations committee had included a performance bonus on his salary based on the success of theSouthland investment. He told Stephanie that a performance-related bonus was payable when and if the factoryachieved a certain level of output that Choo considered to be ambitious. ‘I don’t get any bonus at all until we reacha high level of output from the factory,’ he said. ‘So I don’t care what the risks are, we will have to manage them.’Stephanie explained that one of her main concerns arose because the employees at the factory in Southland were notaware of the importance of risk management to SCC. She said that the former owner of the factory paid less attentionto risk issues and so the staff were not as aware of risk as Stephanie would like them to be. ‘I would like to get riskawareness embedded in the culture at the Southland factory,’ she said.Choo Wang said that he knew from Stephanie’s report what the risks were, but that he wanted somebody to explainto him what strategies SCC could use to manage the risks.Required:(a) Describe four strategies that can be used to manage risk and identify, with reasons, an appropriate strategyfor each of the three risks mentioned in the case. (12 marks)

After the new technique was introduced, the factory produced ( )cars in 2002 as in the year before.A、as twice manyB、as many twiceC、twice as manyD、as twice as many

the first factory in the united states was a cotton textile mill in pawtucket, in the state of___________.A. Rhode IslandB. New YorkC. ConnecticutD. Georgia

__ the new technology into the factory was not an easy job.A、IntroducingB、IntroduceC、Having introducedD、To have introduced

Given:Which code, inserted at line 4, guarantees that this program will output [1, 2]()? A.Set set = new TreeSet();B.Set set = new HashSet();C.Set set = new SortedSet();D.List set = new SortedList();E.Set set = new LinkedHashSet();

The old factory has ____ a new look. A. taken upB. taken afterC. taken toD. taken on

以下程序的输出的结果是( )。int x=3;main(){ int i;for(i=1;i<x;i++)incre();}incre(){ staic int x=1; x*=x+1; printf(" %d", x);}A.33B.22C.26D.25

在J2EE中,下面的代码中出现编译错误的是()。A.Filef=newFile("/","autoexec.bat");B.DataInput Streamdin=new Data Input Stream(new File Input Stream("autoexec.bat"));C.Input Stream Readerin=new Input Stream Reader(System.in);D.Output Stream Writer out=new Output Stream Writer(System.in);

以下程序的输出的结果是()。include int x=3;void main(){void incre();int i;for ( 以下程序的输出的结果是( )。#include <iostream.h>int x=3;void main(){ void incre(); int i; for (i=1;i<x;i++) incre();}Void incre(){ static int x=1; x*=x+1; cout<<x<<"";}A.3 3B.2 2C.2 6D.2 5

28. What did people usually do before when they had usedup their films?A. They often bought a new camera.B. They often bought some new films.C. They often showed them to their friends.D. They returned their cameras to the factory.

A new technique( ),the yields as a whole increased by 20 percent.A.working outB.having worked outC.having been worked outD.to have been worked out

It’s reported that by the end of this year the output of cement in the factory( )by about 30%. A.will have risen B.has risen C.will be rising D.has been rising

Compared with last year, the output of the factory this year has increased()20%.AwithBatCforDby

The new assembly line having been adopted, the factory produced()cars in as the year before.Aas twice manyBtwice many asCtwice as manyDas many as twice

Compared with last year, the output of the factory this year has increased()20%.A、withB、atC、forD、by

The new assembly line having been adopted, the factory produced()cars in as the year before.A、as twice manyB、twice many asC、twice as manyD、as many as twice

单选题The new factory is______several hundred cars a week.Aturning inBturning offCturning outDturning on

单选题A new technique(),the producity of loading as a whole increased by 20 percent.Aworking outBhaving been worked outChaving worked outDto have been worked out

单选题Compared with last year, the output of the factory this year has increased()20%.AwithBatCforDby

单选题It’s reported that by the end of this month the output of cement in the factory _____ by about 10%.Awill have risenBhas risenCwill be risingDhas been rising

单选题A new technique ______ , the output of the shirt factory increased by 50 per cent.Ahaving been worked out Bhas introducedChaving worked onDhas been turned out

单选题It was in 2005 _____ we began to introduce this new technique into our company.AwhichBthenCwhenDthat

单选题This question ______ now is where to build the new factory.AdiscussesBdiscussingCbe discussedDbeing discussed

单选题A new technique ______ , the gross output increased by 20 percent.Aworking outBhaving worked outChaving been worked outDto have been worked out

单选题It’s reported that by the end of this month the output of cement in the factory ______ by about 10%.Awill have risen Bhas risenCwill be rising Dhas been rising

单选题The new assembly line having been adopted, the factory produced()cars in as the year before.Aas twice manyBtwice many asCtwice as manyDas many as twice