单选题In order to change the system runlevel and execute /etc/inittab entries based on the new runlevel, which of the following commands should be performed?()AtelinitBruninitCsysinitDstartinit
In order to change the system runlevel and execute /etc/inittab entries based on the new runlevel, which of the following commands should be performed?()
Which of the following commands should be used to delete an entry from the /etc/inittab?() A.xitabB.rmitabC.chitabD.delitab
Whichofthefollowingisthecorrectformatfor/etc/inittabentries() A.Runlevel:Action:Identifier:CommandB.Identifier:Runlevel:Action:CommandC.Command:Action:Identifier:ProcessD.Process:Runlevel:Command:Identifier
When line errors occur, which of the following commands should be sued to cause init to re-read the /etc/inittab file if init stops respawning the getty process on a TTY?() A.alogB.telinitC.sysinitD.cfgmgr
The/etc/inittabfileiscomposedofposition-dependententries.Whatisthesecondfieldofan/etc/inittabfileentry?() A.LabelB.ActionC.CommandD.RunLevel
The order of name resolution can be controlled. The default is: 1.BIND 2.NIS 3./etc/hosts To change the order of the above name resolutions, which of the following should be used?()A、nslookupB、hostnameC、/etc/netsvc.confD、/etc/host.equiv
Which of the following commands should be used to view and change the network filesystem tuning parameters available on the system?()A、 noB、 nfsoC、 vmtuneD、 exportfs
Which of the following is the correct format for /etc/inittab entries()A、Runlevel:Action:Identifier:CommandB、Identifier:Runlevel:Action:CommandC、Command:Action:Identifier:ProcessD、Process:Runlevel:Command:Identifier
The order of name resolution can be controlled. The default is: 1.DNS/BIND 2.NIS 3./etc/hosts To change the order of the above name resolutions, which of the following should be used?()A、nslookupB、hostnameC、/etc/host.equivD、environment variable NSORDER
When line errors occur, which of the following commands should be sued to cause init to re-read the /etc/inittab file if init stops respawning the getty process on a TTY?()A、alogB、telinitC、sysinitD、cfgmgr
Because of changes in an application environment, the /etc/inittab file needs to be modified. Which of the following commands would be used to accomplish this in a supported manner()A、viB、chitabC、chssysD、chrsrc
Which of the following commands should be used to delete an entry from the /etc/inittab?()A、xitabB、rmitabC、chitabD、delitab
The /etc/inittab file is composed of position-dependent entries. What is the second field of an /etc/inittab file entry?()A、LabelB、ActionC、CommandD、RunLevel
A system administrator has added a new port entry in /etc/services for a new application to be tested. Which of the following commands should be used to activate this port?()A、telinit -qB、refresh -s inetdC、startsrc -g servicesD、refresh -s portmap
Which of the following commands would a system administrator use to initiate a rescan of the /etc/inittab file()A、telinit -qB、init -rC、initab -sD、exec /etc/inittab
A system administrator would like to modify the system default user characteristics so that each new user will now be assigned (by default) the csh shell rather than the ksh shell. Which of the following actions should be performed?()A、Run the command chlogin -shell "csh"B、Run the command mkuser -default "SHELL=csh"C、Edit /etc/passwd and change all "ksh" entries to "csh"D、Modify the contents of /usr/lib/security/mkuser.default file
In order to change the system runlevel and execute /etc/inittab entries based on the new runlevel, which of the following commands should be performed?()A、telinitB、runinitC、sysinitD、startinit
单选题Which of the following is the correct format for /etc/inittab entries()ARunlevel:Action:Identifier:CommandBIdentifier:Runlevel:Action:CommandCCommand:Action:Identifier:ProcessDProcess:Runlevel:Command:Identifier
单选题A system administrator has added a new port entry in /etc/services for a new application to be tested. Which of the following commands should be used to activate this port?()Atelinit -qBrefresh -s inetdCstartsrc -g servicesDrefresh -s portmap
单选题Which of the following commands would a system administrator use to initiate a rescan of the /etc/inittab file()Atelinit -qBinit -rCinitab -sDexec /etc/inittab
单选题The order of name resolution can be controlled. The default is: 1.DNS/BIND 2.NIS 3./etc/hosts To change the order of the above name resolutions, which of the following should be used?()AnslookupBhostnameC/etc/host.equivDenvironment variable NSORDER
单选题A system administrator would like to modify the system default user characteristics so that each new user will now be assigned (by default) the csh shell rather than the ksh shell. Which of the following actions should be performed?()ARun the command chlogin -shell cshBRun the command mkuser -default SHELL=cshCEdit /etc/passwd and change all ksh entries to cshDModify the contents of /usr/lib/security/mkuser.default file
单选题The order of name resolution can be controlled. The default is: 1.BIND 2.NIS 3./etc/hosts To change the order of the above name resolutions, which of the following should be used?()AnslookupBhostnameC/etc/netsvc.confD/etc/host.equiv
单选题In a three-disk volume group, a disk was physically removed from the system without performing any software procedures to properly remove the disk. Which of the following commands should be performed to recover from this error?()AextendvgBcfgmgrCreducevgDvaryoffvg
单选题Which of the following commands should be used to delete an entry from the /etc/inittab?()AxitabBrmitabCchitabDdelitab
单选题Because of changes in an application environment, the /etc/inittab file needs to be modified. Which of the following commands would be used to accomplish this in a supported manner()AviBchitabCchssysDchrsrc
单选题Which of the following commands should be used to view and change the network filesystem tuning parameters available on the system?()A noB nfsoC vmtuneD exportfs
单选题When line errors occur, which of the following commands should be sued to cause init to re-read the /etc/inittab file if init stops respawning the getty process on a TTY?()AalogBtelinitCsysinitDcfgmgr