单选题He asked me()English culture.AaboutBofCforDon

He asked me()English culture.









解析: 暂无解析


He looked me right __________ the eyes and lied. A.atB.inC.forD.on

She asked me whether( )English. A、was IB、am IC、are youD、I was

He asked me where () from. A、did I cameB、I cameC、do I comeD、I come

Most westerners coming to China are curious () Chinese culture. A.aboutB.ofC.onD.for

_____ greeting, would you please give me an example to use in English? A.Talking aboutB.Talked aboutC.Speaking ofD.Spoken of

He often asked me the question _______ the work was worth doing. A. whetherB. whereC. thatD. when

They once spoke ( )the President about him. A、toB、ofC、forD、at

She has deep love ( ) her country. A、toB、ofC、forD、about

( ) greeting, would you please give me an example to use in English? A、Spoken ofB、Speaking ofC、Talked ofD、Talking of

It was clever ______ you to make such a decisive decision at the moment.A、aboutB、ofC、 onD、with

()requested, we are enclosing a quotation sheet()our silk garments. A、As⋯aboutB、At⋯aboutC、At⋯forD、As⋯for

Last time he told me that he()English for nearly two years. A、had learnedB、is learningC、will learnD、would learn

14.A. worry aboutB. pay forC. ask forD. make sure

__________the English novels you asked for,I also brought you an English-Chinese dictionary.A.In spite ofB.In addition toC.In return forD.Instead of

The damage arose ______ the accident.A.againstB.ofC.forD.from

He was obsessed with American horror movies.A: kept thinking aboutB:took advantage ofC: paid no attention toD: cared nothing about

(  )surprised me was(  )he could speak English SO well.A.What:howB.What:thatC.That;thatD.Whom;that

She asked me whether()English.Awas IBam ICare youDI was

He asked me()English culture.AaboutBofCforDon

He asked me where()from.Adid I cameBI cameCdo I comeDI come

If you get into difficulties, don"t hesitate to () help.A、ask aboutB、ask afterC、ask forD、ask in

He asked me()English culture.A、aboutB、ofC、forD、on

How often do you()your brother?A、hear aboutB、hear ofC、hear toD、hear from

单选题He asked me()English culture.AaboutBofCforDon

单选题He asked me where()from.Adid I cameBI cameCdo I comeDI come

问答题题型:翻译 “Will it be possible to get me another ticket?” he asked hopefully.

问答题“Will it be possible to get me another ticket?” he asked hopefully.

单选题She asked me whether()English.Awas IBam ICare youDI was