单选题According to the passage, some states choose to provide tax breaks because they want to.Acast aside these promotionsBpinch state budget booksCslow down local economyDencourage their economies

According to the passage, some states choose to provide tax breaks because they want to.

cast aside these promotions


pinch state budget books


slow down local economy


encourage their economies


细节题。第四段首句提到了一些州减少消费税的目的,即in hopes of stimulating local economies,与选项D表达内容相同。


Passage ThreeFeeling tired lately? Has the doctor said he cannot find anything wrong with you? Perhaps he sent you to a hospital, but all the advanced equipment there shows that there is nothing wrong.Then consider this, you might be in a state of subhealth. (亚健康)Subhealth, also called the third state or grey state, is explained as a borderline (临界)state between health and disease. According to an investigation by the National Health Organization, over 45 percent of subhealth people are middle-aged or elderly. The percentage is even higher among people who work in management positions as well as students around exam time.Symptoms (症状) include a lack of energy, depression, slow reactions, insomnia (失眠), agitation (焦虑)and poor memory. Other symptoms include shortness of breath, sweating and aching in the waist and legs.The key to preventing and recovering from suhhealth, according to some medical experts, is to form. good living habits, alternate work with rest, exercise regularly, and take part in open-air activities.As for meals, people are advised to eat less salt and sugar. They should also eat more fresh vegetables, fruits, fish, because they are rich in nutritional (营养的)elements—vitamins, and trace elements(微量元素)—that are important to the body.Nutrition experts point out that it is not good to eat too much at one meal because it may cause unhealthy changes in the digestive tract(消化道). They also say that a balanced diet is very helpful in avoiding subhealth.44. According to this passage, which of the following is RIGHT?A. When you are in a state of subhealth, you should go to see a doctor and buy some medicine.B. When you are in a state of subhealth, you should stay at home and keep silent.C. When you are in a state of subhealth, you should find out the reasons and relax yourself.D. When you are in a state of subhealth, you should have yourself examined in foreign countries.

Bicycle riders want the city government to set aside special lanes for bicycles on some of the main streets, but though they have got some supporters, ( )likes the idea.A、everyoneB、not everyoneC、no oneD、someone

according to the author, the articles of confederation failed because of the following reasons. which is not true?A. The Congress could not raise money to pay the national army and to pay debts owed to France and other nations.B. The Congress had no power to tax any citizen.C. The new states did not cooperate with the Congress or with each other.D. Some new states wanted to be free from the Union

According to the passage,which of the following is true? ( )A. Tell the truth,even when you are wrong.B. Keep some animals to kill them.C.Look down on new ideas.D. Everything on the Internet is good for children.

According to the passage,the major disadvantage of newspapers in its_______A.high costB.lack of changesC.slow speedD.lack of interaction

Even in the t960s, women were seldom on the jury list in some states because_______ .( )[A] they were automatically banned by state laws[B] they fell far short of the required qualifications[C] they were supposed to perform. domestic duties[D] they tended to evade public engagement

Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A. Some companies in the United States moved to Sweden, Germany and Belgium.B. Fresh air, spacious room and being away from others attract people to move to the suburbs.C. People wouldn't pay tax when they moved out of cities.D. The neighborhood should be maintained by old and poor people.

When a winch breaks down,or some similar occurrence makes only one winch available at a hatch,which alternate rig would provide a temporary solution while repairs are made ________.A.Frisco RigB.Split fall rigC.West Coast RigD.Yard and stay jury rig

According to this passage, which of the following is TRUE?___________A.Company workers started to dress down about twenty years agoB.Dress-down has become an everyday phenomenon since the early 1990sC."Dress-down Friday" was first given as a favor from employersD.Many workers want to wear casual clothes to impress people

共用题干Charter SchoolsAmerican public education has changed in recent years.One change is that increasing numbers of American parents and teachers are starting independent public schools _______(1)charter schools(特许学校).In 1991,there were no charter schools in the United States.Today,more than 2,300 charter schools_________(2)in 34 states and the District of Columbia.575,000 students___________(3)these schools.The students are from 5 years of age through 18 or older.A charter school is_________(4)by groups of parents,teachers and community (社区)members. It is similar in some ways__________(5) a traditional public school. It receives tax money to operate just as other public schools do.The_________(6)it receives depends on the number of students.The charter school must prove to local orstate governments that its students are learning.These governments____________(7)the school with the agreement,or charter that permits it to operate.Unlike a traditional public school,__________(8),the charter school does not have to obey most laws governing public schools.Local,state or federal governments cannot tellit what to________(9).Each school can choose its own goals and decide the ways it wants to___________ (10)those goals.Class sizes usually are smaller than in many traditional public schools.Many students and parents say _________(11)in charter schools can be morecreative.However,state education agencies,local education-governing committees and unionsoften_________(12)charter schools.They say these schools may receive moneybadly__________(13)by traditional public schools.Experts say some charter schools are doing well while others are struggling.Congress provided 200 million dollars for________(14)charter schools in the 2002 federal budget(预算).But,often the schools say they lack enough money for their _________(15).Many also lack needed space._________(7) A:buy B:review C:give D:provide

共用题干Charter SchoolsAmerican public education has changed in recent years.One change is that increasing numbers of American parents and teachers are starting independent public schools _______(1)charter schools(特许学校).In 1991,there were no charter schools in the United States.Today,more than 2,300 charter schools_________(2)in 34 states and the District of Columbia.575,000 students___________(3)these schools.The students are from 5 years of age through 18 or older.A charter school is_________(4)by groups of parents,teachers and community (社区)members. It is similar in some ways__________(5) a traditional public school. It receives tax money to operate just as other public schools do.The_________(6)it receives depends on the number of students.The charter school must prove to local orstate governments that its students are learning.These governments____________(7)the school with the agreement,or charter that permits it to operate.Unlike a traditional public school,__________(8),the charter school does not have to obey most laws governing public schools.Local,state or federal governments cannot tellit what to________(9).Each school can choose its own goals and decide the ways it wants to___________ (10)those goals.Class sizes usually are smaller than in many traditional public schools.Many students and parents say _________(11)in charter schools can be morecreative.However,state education agencies,local education-governing committees and unionsoften_________(12)charter schools.They say these schools may receive moneybadly__________(13)by traditional public schools.Experts say some charter schools are doing well while others are struggling.Congress provided 200 million dollars for________(14)charter schools in the 2002 federal budget(预算).But,often the schools say they lack enough money for their _________(15).Many also lack needed space._________(12) A:oppose B:change C:enter D:encourage

In the United States,educational policies are determined by()A、the federal governmentB、the state and board of trustees in some statesC、local school districtD、board of trustees

单选题According to the passage, scientists can’t observe some of the earliest steps in brain activity becausee.Athose changes are subtle and masked by some reactionsBsubtle changes in blood flow began earlierCthe imaging techniques are out of placeDthe flow of blood to increase to an area of the brain is slow

单选题According to the passage,Melbourne is a city where _____ .ARich people choose to liveBthe best wine is producedCVarious cultures existDAsian food is popular

单选题According to the passage, the sales tax is on all the following EXCEPT.AclothesBdesk padsCchildren shoesDportable computers

单选题What is the problem with Premier’s present IT system? AIt is very complicated to operate.BIt frequently breaks down.CIt is very slow.

单选题According to the passage, residents in the state of Mississippi saved last year from tax breaks about.A$10 millionB$47. 4 millionCno statistics availableDnearly a 3 percent increase

单选题According to the author, the schooling framework often ______.Aproduces slow students with poor memoriesBignores some parts of the official curriculumCfails to provide enough knowledge about lifeDgives little care to the quality of teaching materials

单选题According to the passage, music is mysterious (line 16) because ______.Amusical skill varies greatly from person to person within a populationBit is not as aggressive an activity as hunting isCit is found in some cultures but not othersDit does not to appear to convey an obvious survival benefitEmusical skill cannot be inherited

单选题In which area does the local government encourage telecommuting programs according to the passage?ANew York City.BAdirondack Mountains.CWashington.DNew York State.

填空题According to the passage, to slow the process of adaptation is the solution to “hedonic treadmill”.____

单选题Some states have an income tax ____ to that of the federal government.AsameBsimilarCalikeDlikely

单选题According to the passage, to decide the exact amount of tax to be paid is _____.AsimpleBeasyCdifficultDinteresting

单选题According to this passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?ACompany workers started to dress down about twenty years ago.BDress-down has become an everyday phenomenon since the early 1990s.C“Dress-down Friday” was first given as a favor from employers.DMany workers want to wear casual clothes to impress people.

单选题According to the passage the problems of college education partly arise from the fact that _____.Asociety cannot provide enough jobs for properly trained college graduatesBhigh school graduates do not fit the pattern of college educationCtoe many students have to earn their own livingDcollege administrators encourage students to drop out

单选题According to the passage the problems of college education partly arise from the fact that______.Asociety cannot provide enough jobs for properly trained college graduatesBhigh school graduates do not fit the pattern of college educationCtoe many students have to earn their own livingDcollege administrators encourage students to drop out

单选题Rebecca may like ______ according to the passage.Aplaying musicBchatting with friendsCdoing some shopping