填空题Nikola Tesla invented alternating current technology that enabled electricity to be transmitted over long distances.____

Nikola Tesla invented alternating current technology that enabled electricity to be transmitted over long distances.____


由题干中“Nikola Tesla”定位至F段。文中讲到,Nikola Tesla发明的交流电技术使人们得以远距离地输送电力(made it possible to transmit electricity over long distances)。故匹配段落为F段。


The long-term assets are known as ______ assets. A fixed ;B current ;C net

Why is there no natural reason for famine?A、We now have technology to preserve and keep food.B、We can transport food over long distances.C、The government can import food and distribute it to its people.D、Nature can never create any disasters for human beings.

Liabilities that will be due within a short time (usually one year or less) and that are to be paid out of current assets are called ______.A.long-term trustB.long-term liabilitiesC.current liabilitiesD.current investment

Which of the following components are used to convert alternating current produced in the generator windings to direct current?A.Armature and equalizerB.Commutator and brushesC.Rotor and interpolesD.Field and exciter

Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) is an important innovation in optical networks.Which two descriptions best define DWDM?() A. optical technology for transmitting up to 32 channels over multiple fiber strandsB. optical technology for transmitting up to 16 channels over multiple fiber strandsC. a WDM system that is compatible with EDFA technologyD. a technology for transmitting more closely packed optical signals using more sophisticated transceiver designs than CWDM .

共用题干第二篇Superconducting Ceramic(陶瓷)An underaround revolution beqins this winter. With the flip(轻击)of a switch, 30,000 homes in one part of Detroit will soon become the first in the country to receive electricity transmitted by ice-cold high-performance cables.Other American cities are expected to follow Detroit's example in the years ahead,which could conserve enormousamounts of rower.The new electrical cables at the Frisbie power station in Detroit are revolutionary because they are made of superconductors.A superconductor is a material that transmits electricity with little or no resistance.Resistance is the degree to which a substance resists electric current.All common electrical conductors have a certain amount of electrical resistance.They convert at least some of the electrical energy passing through them into waste heat.Superconductors don't.No one understands how superconductivity works.It just does.Making superconductors isn't easy.A superconducting material has to be cooled to an extremely low temperature to lose its resistance.The first superconductors,made more than 50 years ago,had to be cooled to -263 degrees Celsius before they lost their resistance.Newer superconducting materials lose their resistance at-143 degrees Celsius.The superconductors cable installed at the Frisbie station is made of a ceramic material that contains copper,oxygen,bismuth(秘),strontium(锶)and calcium (钙).A ceramic is a hard,strong compound made from clay or minerals.The superconducting ceramic has been fashioned into a tape that is wrapped lengthwise around a long tube filled with liquid nitrogen.Liquid nitrogen is supercold and lowers the temperature of the ceramic tape to the point where it conveys electricity with zero resistance.The United States loses an enormous amount of electricity each year to resistance. Because cooled superconductors have no resistance,they waste much less power. Other cities are watching the Frisbie experiment in the hope that they might switch to superconducting cable and conserve power,too.What is the benefit of the revolution mentioned in the first paragraph?A:With a flip of switch,electricity can be transmitted,B:Other American cities can benefit from the high-performance cables.C:Great amounts of power can be conserved.D:Detroit will first receive electricity transmitted by the new electrical cables.

How are we to develop new technology if we can’t study current technology to figure out how to______it?A.improveB.restC.causeD.conceal

Measles(麻疹)()a long time to get over.AspendBspendsCtakeDtakes

Ensuring that data is transmitted securely over an IP network is the main purpose of:()A、TelnetB、FTPC、SIPD、TLS

过流(Over Current)故障

You are the network consultant from passguide.com. You have been asked for which two features of optical networks allow data to be transmitted over extremely long distances? ()A、EncryptionB、Bandwidth limitsC、Minimal signal lossD、No EMI

Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) is an important innovation in optical networks.Which two descriptions best define DWDM?()A、optical technology for transmitting up to 32 channels over multiple fiber strandsB、optical technology for transmitting up to 16 channels over multiple fiber strandsC、a WDM system that is compatible with EDFA technologyD、a technology for transmitting more closely packed optical signals using more sophisticated transceiver designs than CWDM .

The ultra long haul amplification technology used in ZXWM M900 system includes large-power ()technology and ()amplifier.

What two descriptions best define DWDM? ()A、 a WDM system that is compatible with EDFA technologyB、 an optical technology for transmitting up to 16 channels over multiple fiber strandsC、 an optical technology for transmitting up to 32 channels over multiple fiber strandsD、 a technology for transmitting multiple optical signals using less sophisticated transceiver designthen CWDME、 a technology for transmitting more closely packed optical signals using more sophisticatedtransceiver designs than CWDM

单选题Possible phase relationships between voltage and current in an alternating current circuit include which of the following conditions?()ACurrent and voltage may be in phaseBCurrent may lead the voltageCCurrent may lag the voltageDAll of the above

单选题The alternating current generator supplying a load has a voltage drop resulted from the loadWhen the load has a lagging power factor this voltage drop ().Ais smallBmay be neglectedCis usefulDis considerable

问答题Fuel Cells: 21st Century Electricity  The 21st century’s leading energy source may very well depend on the development of a technology that was first discovered in 1839. Indeed, many experts believe that the future of electricity generation will not come from further refinement of solar, wind, coal or nuclear energy, but from fuel cells. Among the various types of fuel cells, the ceramic or solid oxide fuel cell promises to achieve the greatest efficiency of conversion of fossil fuels such as gas and coal to electricity while producing only very low levels of pollutants. To this end, a consortium comprising five leading organizations has established Ceramic Fuels Ltd, initially to expand fuel cell research and development and secondly, to bring the technology to commercial application.  Ceramic fuel cells are electrochemical devices that directly convert fuels such as gasified coal or natural gas into electricity without the limitation of the Carnot cycle (an ideal thermodynamic cycle in which heat is taken onto a working fluid at a constant upper temperature and rejected at a constant lower temperature). In many respects, fuel cells work like batteries. As long as they are constantly supplied with fuel and oxidant, fuel cells can continuously produce power, removing the need for recharging.  Fuel cells offer several advantages over traditional thermal power plants. The major difference between these two power generators is that the chemical energy of the fuel cell is converted directly to electrical power without intermediate conversion first to heat. The efficiency of a coal-fired thermal plant is typically in the range of 30%-35%. In a combined cycle gas turbine system running on natural gas, the maximum efficiency is in the range 45%-50%. Many experts believe high temperature fuel cells could reach efficiencies of 80%-85%. Ceramic fuel cells thus offer a more efficient and less polluting alternative to current power generation technologies.  By-products from fuel cells are high quality heat, carbon dioxide and steam. The temperature of the exhaust gases is well above 500℃, meaning that solid oxide fuel cells are very attractive for electricity and heat generation as, in addition to supplying electricity, the leftover amounts of heat created during the process could be used to produce heat for industries, provide hot water supplies or warm buildings.  Fuel cell technology is not new. In fact, the principles of fuel cell operation were first reported by British scientist Sir William Grove in 1839. His prototype used dilute sulphuric acid and operated at room temperature. Ceramic fuel cells developed much later, with the first one operating at 1000°C in 1937.  Ceramic fuel cells offer many advantages over other energy systems:  ● they have the potential to produce electricity efficient from several fuel sources  ● they can generate large amounts of electricity  ● they are relatively quick to install  Fuel cell research and development is extremely competitive worldwide, with the USA, Japan and some European countries leading the charge to commercialize this promising technology. For instance, a Dutch Belgian company has developed a fuel cell for a Volkswagen van and is also working on a larger unit to power a bus. Additionally, a German company is working on a fuel cell for the European space shuttle program and for submarines, while a Canadian company is evaluating a fuel cell to be used in small buses.  Recent reports point to promising large international markets for ceramic fuel cells. Prospects for fuel cells in South East Asian markets appear good. Several countries, including Indonesia, Thailand and The Philippines are expected to demonstrate high rates of growth in demand for power an encouraging situation for those countries quick enough to develop and commercialize fuel cell technology.  Energy is a vital component of a technology-based society and the growing need for electricity generation by the most efficient method will ensure a promising future for ceramic fuel cell technology. The Ceramic Fuel Cells Ltd initiative represents a major collaborative venture between public and private sectors. It is envisaged that this venture will go a long way towards achieving a greater efficiency of energy use worldwide.  Do the following statements reflect the claims of the writer in the Reading Passage?  YES         if the statement reflects the claims of the writer  NO         if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer  NOT GIVEN     if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this  Statements:  1.Sir William Grove was a physicist.  2.Future transport vehicles may be powered by fuel cells.  3.European companies were first in the race to develop fuel cell technology.  4.Some rapidly developing South East Asian countries will soon market fuel cells.  5.Cooperation between private companies and governments will encourage wider use of efficient energy sources.

多选题You are the network consultant from passguide.com. You have been asked for which two features of optical networks allow data to be transmitted over extremely long distances? ()AEncryptionBBandwidth limitsCMinimal signal lossDNo EMI

单选题()is electricity that is flowing where it’s not supposed to through water, fittings on your boat, wet wood, damp surfaces, etc.AStray currentBRated currentCStarting currentDEarth current

多选题What two descriptions best define DWDM? ()Aa WDM system that is compatible with EDFA technologyBan optical technology for transmitting up to 16 channels over multiple fiber strandsCan optical technology for transmitting up to 32 channels over multiple fiber strandsDa technology for transmitting multiple optical signals using less sophisticated transceiver designthen CWDMEa technology for transmitting more closely packed optical signals using more sophisticatedtransceiver designs than CWDM

单选题The Owners to take over and pay all fuel remaining in the Vessel’s bunkers on re-delivery at current price at the port of redelivery,or at the nearest main bunkering port,if the bunker price at the port of redelivery is not available. This indicates that the Owners are to take over and pay the remaining bunkers().Aat current price at the nearest main bunkering portBat current price at the port of redelivery if it is not available to obtain the current price at the nearest main bunkering portCat current price at the nearest main bunkering port if it is cheaper than that at the port of redeliveryDat current price at the port of redelivery if it is obtainable,even the price is higher at the nearest main bunkering port

单选题In an alternating current electrical system, a low system power factor is a direct sign of ()Awasted energyBefficient operationCa short in the exciter field windingsDan excessive number of minor system grounds

问答题过流(Over Current)故障

单选题The frequency of the alternating current generated by a synchronous generator is governed by the speed and the()Afull excitationBloadCpower factorDnumber of poles

单选题What is implied in the first sentence?AAmericans are better prepared for death than other people.BAmericans enjoy a higher life quality than ever before.CAmericans are over-confident of their medical technology.DAmericans take a vain pride in their long life expectancy.

单选题Many great scientists and inventors of the past, such as Nikola Tesla, has possessed the ability of extraordinary, visualization skills that enabled them to analyze the most minute details of complex machines before the devices were even constructed.Ahas possessed the ability of extraordinary visualization skillsBhave been able to possess extraordinary visualization skillsCpossessed skills in visualization that was extraordinaryDpossessed extraordinary visualization skillsEpossessed skills of visualizing that was extraordinary

填空题Nikola Tesla invented alternating current technology that enabled electricity to be transmitted over long distances.____

单选题Which of the following components are used to convert alternating current produced in the generator windings to direct current?()AArmature and equalizerBCommutator and brushesCRotor and interpolesDField and exciter