单选题I regret()you of the accident.AinformBinformingCto informDwill inform

I regret()you of the accident.





to inform


will inform


解析: 暂无解析


奉访未晤,甚怅。Much to my regret you weren’t at home when I called.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

I regret () you that your application has been refused. A.informingB.being informedC.to be informedD.to inform

We regret to inform. you that the materials you ordered are (). A.out of workB.out of reachC.out of practiceD.out of stock

I never expected that he was so shocked at the news.I regret () him. A、not tellingB、to tellC、not to tellD、telling

You __________ an important detail in your report of the accident. A. left behindB. fished outC. left outD. made out

James is reporting the car accident to the police on the spot.POLICE: Can you tell me what___1__ hereJAMES: Yes. I had a bad traffic accident. Look, my car looks like a squashed Coke can.POLICE: Did you see the car before it hit youJAMES: No, I didn't. That car was too __2___.POLICE: Which lane were you inJAMES: I don't remember.POLICE: How fast were you__3___ thenJAMES: Less than 30 miles per hour.POLICE: Which direction were you__4___ from And which direction were you headingJAMES: I was heading from east to west.POLICE: OK, please move your car off to the side of the road. We will check on it. Do you feel like you need an ambulance, sirJAMES: No, I didn't get __5___. Thanks for your concern.POLICE: No problem, sir.

I’m afraid his son has ___ an accident. A.involvedB.involved inC.got involvedD.got involved in

After careful review, we regret to inform. you that we are unable to ()you any further extensions for the payment on your loan.A、takeB、giveC、haveD、grant

We very much () that you are not in a position to entertain any fresh orders at present.A、regretB、regret to learnC、regretfulD、regrettable

I regret having left the work unfinished, I ____________ everything ahead carefully.A、should planB、should have plannedC、plannedD、must plan

I’d like to know if you could ____ the details of the accident. A. remindB. recallC. realizeD. memory

I regret ______ the trouble I have caused you.A.toB.atC.forD.on

I regret ______ you of the accident.A.informB.informingC.to informD.will inform

I feel regret about what's happened.A:sorry B:disappointedC:shameful D:disheartened

We regret to inform you that thematerials you ordered are ______.A.out of work B.out of reachC.out of stock D.out of practice

We regret()to accept your terms of payment and therefore have to return the order to you.A、cannotB、being unableC、not ableD、not be able

单选题—You seem to have known all about the accident.—_____.ASo I haveBSo I doCSo have IDSo do I

单选题I don’t regret _____ her what I thought about her proposal, even if it upset her.AtellBto tellCtoldDtelling

单选题I regret()that I'm unable to help you.AsayingBto sayCsayDsaid

单选题______ is that I promised to make friends with the dishonest girl.AThe only thing what I regretBWhat I regret mostCAll what I really regret mostDThat I regret most

单选题I regret()you of the accident.AinformBinformingCto informDwill inform

单选题In()to your inquiries, we regret to inform you that we can’t help you in this matter.AorderBresponseCanswerDreaction

单选题I regret()the trouble I have caused you.AtoBatCforDon

单选题I have a tinge of regret that I didn’t accept her offer.Ataint Bsign Cshade Dmark

单选题We regret to inform you that the materials you ordered are ______.Aout of work Bout of reach Cout of stock Dout of practice

单选题I regret _____ you that your application has been refused.AinformBbeing informedCto be informedDto inform

单选题Clair:  Ms. Britt: No, but it’s the first time we have seen the city of Shanghai.  Clair: Well, Shanghai is a famous scenery city. I’m sure you will not regret coming here.  Mr. Britt: I believe so.AWhat do you think of China?BHave you ever been to China?CIs this your first trip to China?DDo you enjoy the flight?

填空题We regret to inform you that we no longer manufacture the product you are (interest) ____ in.