单选题A victim is coughing and wheezing from a partialobstruction of the airway. An observer should ().Aperform the Heimlich maneuverBimmediately start CPRCgive back blows and something to drinkDallow the person to continue coughing and dislodge the obstruction on his own

A victim is coughing and wheezing from a partialobstruction of the airway. An observer should ().

perform the Heimlich maneuver


immediately start CPR


give back blows and something to drink


allow the person to continue coughing and dislodge the obstruction on his own


解析: 暂无解析


According to Paragraph 3,who is the final victim of spam? 【 】A. The businessB. The advertiserC.The employeeD.The consumer

When it is necessary to remove a victim from a life threatening situation,the person giving first aid must ().A.Pull the victim by the feetB.Avoid subjecting the victim to any unnecessary disturbanceC.Carry the victim to a location where injuries can be assessedD.Place the victim on a stretcher before attempting removal

HOW TO HELP VICTIMS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Domestic violence is a very painful experience for those who have to go through it. The victims often have very low self-esteem. They tend to blame themselves for the abuse and make excuses for the abuser. Great patience and understanding are needed in order to help these victims. Then how do we deal with domestic violence Firstly, (1). If someone you know has unexplained injuries or seems fearful of other people in the household, she may be a victim of domestic violence. Secondly, (2). Talk to the victim and express understanding that she is in a difficult situation. Do not simply ask her to leave her abuser. It will not help the situation. It will make her feel more alone and bad. Thirdly, (3). Listen to everything the victim has to say, and do not try to give any judgment. Let the victim know that you are available to help. Fourthly,(4). Encourage the victim to take part in events and activities outside of the abusive relationship. Besides, provide them with information for anti-abuse programs. Last but not least, (5). You can always call the local Domestic Violence Help Center for help and advice.A. communicate with the victim in a right wayB. recognize the signs of domestic violenceC. ask the victim to take part in some activitiesD. turn to the Domestic Violence Help CenterE. listen to the victim carefully

The room was quiet,______the occasional coughing from my throat.A.in caseB.except forC.by farD.instead of

The actual number of the victim in this case of information theft may be just 1,600 or less.

The best treatment for preventing traumatic shock after an accident is to ______.A.have the victim exercise to increase circulationB.keep the victim from electrical equipmentC.keep the victim warm and dry while lying downD.apply ice packs and avoid excitement

A shipmate chokes suddenly,cannot speak,and starts to turn blue. You should ______.A.perform the Heimlich maneuverB.make the victim lie down with the feet elevated to get blood to the brainC.immediately administer CPRD.do nothing until the victim becomes unconscious

A victim is coughing and wheezing from a partialobstruction of the airway. An observer should ______.A.perform the Heimlich maneuverB.immediately start CPRC.give back blows and something to drinkD.allow the person to continue coughing and dislodge the obstruction on his own

You are attempting to administer CPR to a victim.When you blow into his mouth it is apparent that no air is getting into the lungs.What should you do ________.A.Blow harder to force the air past the tongueB.Raise the victim's head higher than his feetC.Press on the victim's lungs so that air pressure will blow out any obstructionD.Re-tip the head and try again

Before CPR is started,you should ______.A.Establish an open airwayB.Treat any bleeding woundsC.Insure the victim is consciousD.Make the victim comfortable

If a crew member is exposed to phenol by way of skin or eye contact, you should IMMEDIATELY ______.A.administer oxygenB.treat victim for shockC.flush skin and eyes with waterD.give victim stimulant

单选题A tourniquet should be used to control bleeding ONLY().Awith puncture woundsBwhen all other means have failedCwhen the victim is unconsciousDto prevent bleeding from minor wounds

单选题Before you begin administering artificial respiration, you should be sure the victim()Ais comfortableBis warmCis not bleedingDhas a clear airway

单选题When a rescuer finds an electrical burn victim in the vicinity of live electrical equipment or wiring,his first step is to().Aflush water over any burned area of the patientBapply ointment to the burned areas on the patientCget assistance to shut down electrical power in the areaDremove the patient from the vicinity of the live electrical equipment or wiring

单选题What can be determined about an injury from examining the condition of a victim’s pupils? ()AThe degree of pain being sufferedBThe degree of vision impairmentCWhether or not the brain is functioning properlyDWhether or not the victim's blood pressure is normal

单选题A conscious victim who has suffered a blow to the head has symptoms that indicate the possibility of concussion. If the patient feels no indication of neck or spine injury,recommended treatment would include().Aturning the victim's head to the side to keep his airway openBpositioning the victim so the head is lower than the bodyCgiving the victim water if he is thirsty,but no foodDelevating the head and shoulders slightly with a pillow

单选题A shipmate chokes suddenly,cannot speak,and starts to turn blue. You should().Aperform the Heimlich maneuverBmake the victim lie down with the feet elevated to get blood to the brainCimmediately administer CPRDdo nothing until the victim becomes unconscious

单选题When starting CPR on a drowning victim,you should().Astart chest compressions before the victim is removed from the waterBdrain water from the lungs before ventilatingCbegin mouth-to-mouth ventilations as soon as possibleDdo not tilt the head back since it may cause vomiting

单选题A crew member is having an epileptic convulsion. You should().Agive the victim artificial respirationBcompletely restrain the victimCgive the victim one 30 mg tablet of phenobarbitalDkeep the victim from injuring him or herself

单选题A crew member is having an epileptic convulsion. You should().Agive the victim artificial respirationBcompletely restrain the victimCgive the victim one 30 mg. tablet of phenobarbitalDkeep the victim from injuring him or herself

单选题If a crew member is exposed to phenol by way of skin or eye contact,you should IMMEDIATELY().Aadminister oxygenBtreat victim for shockCflush skin and eyes with waterDgive victim stimulant

单选题When a man who has fallen overboard is being picked up by a lifeboat,the boat should approach with the wind().Aastern and the victim just off the bowBahead and the victim just off the bowCjust off the bow and the victim to windwardDjust off the bow and the victim to leeward

单选题As a last resort,a tourniquet can be used to().Ahold a victim in a stretcherBstop uncontrolled bleedingChold a large bandage in placeDrestrain a delirious victim

单选题Before treating the injuries, the victim’s feet should be elevated, otherwise it might make the abdominal injuries more serious.AliftedBloweredCleveledDseparated

单选题You are coughing so badly, and I really think you ______go and see a doctor. But it’s up to you.AshouldBcanCwouldDwill

单选题What is a treatment for traumatic shock?()AAdminister CPRBAdminister fluidsCOpen clothing to allow cooling of the bodyDKeep the victim in a sitting position

单选题A conscious victim who has suffered a blow to the head has symptoms that indicate the possibility of concussion. If the patient feels no indication of neck or spine injury,recommended treatment would include().Aturning the victims's head to the side to keep his airway openBpositioning the victim so the head is lower than the bodyCgiving the victim water if he is thirsty,but no foodDelevating the head and shoulders slightly with a pillow