单选题This is not _________ they had expected after years of pains taking research.Aa result as bad asBas a result as badCas bad as a resultDas bad a result as

This is not _________ they had expected after years of pains taking research.

a result as bad as


as a result as bad


as bad as a result


as bad a result as




The old couple decided to move out of town to a quiet () , where they had spent several years immediately after their marriage. A.spaceB.suburbC.neighborhoodD.area

Our concert turned out to be a great success, _________they had never expected.() A.whatB.thatC.whenD.which

He was not as active as I had ______him to be.A.inspectedB.recognizedC.objectedD.expected

After five years away in my hometown, I find that 76. __________

The experiment was ______ easier titan we had expected.A. moreB. much moreC. muchD. more much

Mrs. Robson had lived in the house ______.A. since she had sold her flatB. for less than a decadeC . since she had been bornD. for more than ten years

If they ____ earlier than expected, they ____ here now. A. had started, would beB. started, might beC. had started, would have beenD. will start, might have been

The old man _____ two days after he had been sent to hospital. A diedB would dieC had diedD has died

What apparently had happened, three years ago, was that Kate _____ to a different building.A:wentB:has goneC:had goneD:would go

I( )at the same job for fifteen years, and one day I just woke up and said, "Enough!" A、have been workingB、have workedC、had workedD、had been working

She ______ soon after dark and arrived home an hour later.A、had set outB、set outC、have set outD、had been set out

By the time I left the school, she _______ English for three years. A.has teachedB.has taughtC.had teachedD.had taught

20 When are the visitors expected to ask questions?A During the lunch hour.B After the welcome speechC Before the tour of the labs

It can be inferred from the text that most unhappily married adults __( )[A] should divorce in no more than 5 years[B] prefer to stay together for another 5 years[C] feel happy after staying together for another 5 years[D] become much happier after divorce

Writing out all the invitations by hand was more time-consuming than we_____________A.expectB.had expectedC.are expectingD.have expected

They overcame all the difficulties and fulfilled the plan three months ahead of time,( )is something we had not expected.A.thatB.whatC.itD.which

The cost of repairing the water damage to the museum after the storm ___ to be more than one million dollars.A. expects B. is expecting C. expected D. is expected

Only those who worked here for more than five years are eligibie for the special payment.A:encouraged B:enforcedC:expected D:entitled

John and Mary()for years before they got married.A、had been in loveB、had broken upC、had separatedD、had been divorced

单选题The father expected his son to______ the family tradition that had been handed down for nearly two hundred years.Acarry on Bpass through Caccount for Dbring on

单选题Years of()labor had hardened his muscles.AsurvivalBmentalCrestlessDmanual

单选题The Garbage Record Book, as a part of the ship’s official logbook, shall be kept on board and preserved for a period of ()A3 years after making the first entryB2 years after the last entryC3 months after last entryD3 years after the last entry

单选题He didn't live up to ______ had been expected of him.AthatBwhatCwhichDall

判断题India’s economy is expected to grow at a fast pace of 8 percent in the years to come.A对B错

单选题He failed to live up to _____ had been expected of him.AwhatBwhichCthatDall


单选题—Did they offer us enough books?—_____ than we had expected.AMuch moreBMany moreCLittle moreDRather