单选题The relative air pressure in the inlet manifold of a turbocharged diesel engine is usually()Agreater than the average exhaust manifold pressureBless than the average exhaust manifold pressureCgreater at the turbine wheel than at the impellerDgreater at reduced engine speed

The relative air pressure in the inlet manifold of a turbocharged diesel engine is usually()

greater than the average exhaust manifold pressure


less than the average exhaust manifold pressure


greater at the turbine wheel than at the impeller


greater at reduced engine speed


解析: 暂无解析


If the exhaust gas temperature of the incinerator is too high, or if sparks are developed, What should you do? A.Close the inlet and outletvalves for diesel oilB.Open the air nozzles in the secondary combustion chamber until it stopsC.Open the air nozzles in the primary combustion chamber until it stopsD.Close inlet valve for pressurized air

The high air velocity leaving the compressor of an exhaust gas turbocharger is converted to pressure in the_______.A.inlet nozzle ringB.turbine wheel bladeC.diffuser passagesD.inlet volute

Which of the following problems should be taken when cleaning the air filter on a diesel engine equipped with a turbocharger? .A.Reduce engine speed to idle before removing the filterB.Soak the dirty filter in kerosene onlyC.Blow out the air inlet with compressed airD.Cover the air inlet after removing the filter

The relative air pressure in the inlet manifold of a turbocharged diesel engine is usually______.A.greater than the average exhaust manifold pressureB.less than the average exhaust manifold pressureC.greater at the turbine wheel than at the impellerD.greater at reduced engine speed

The expression THE AIR IS SATURATED means ______.A.the relative humidity is 100%B.the vapor pressure is at its minimum for the prevailing temperatureC.precipitation has commencedD.cloud cover is 100%

The dew point is reached when the ______.A.temperature of the air equals the temperature of the seawaterB.atmospheric pressure is 14.7 lbs. per square inchC.relative humidity reaches 50%D.air becomes saturated with water vapor

单选题Which of the following statements describes the function of an air compressor intake filter?()AProtects against suction valve floatBProvides a positive pressure on the air inlet valvesCPrevents lubricating oil contamination of the compressed air supplyDProtects against the damaging effects of airborne solid particles

单选题The expression THE AIR IS SATURATED means().Athe relative humidity is 100%Bthe vapor pressure is at its minimum for the prevailing temperatureCprecipitation has commencedDcloud cover is 100%

单选题Air blowing from the intake air filter of an operating air compressor indicates ().Abroken inlet valvesBbroken discharge valvesCpulsations in the air distribution systemDoverloading of the air distribution system

单选题Which of the following statements is not true concerning symptom of a fire in the scavenge air box?()Aan increase in the exhaust temperature of the affected cylinderBthe turbocharger may surgeCthe explosion pressure in all cylinders will rise violentlyDsmoke from the turbocharger air inlet filter will be seen

单选题One characteristic of a pulse type turbo-charging system is()Ahigh average exhaust manifoldBgreatly fluctuating inlet manifold pressureCconstant exhaust manifold pressureDmultiple exhaust pipes to the turbocharger

单选题A re-heater in an air conditioning system functions to ().Acontrol inlet air temperatureBcontrol inlet air volumeCmaintain relative humidity at 15%Drestore conditioned air temperature to a comfortable level

单选题Compared to a low pressure system,generally the air in a high is().Awarmer,less dense,and less stableBcool,more dense,and drierCmuggy and cloudyDextremely moist with high relative humidity

单选题The relative air pressure in the inlet manifold of a turbocharged diesel engine is usually()Agreater than the average exhaust manifold pressureBless than the average exhaust manifold pressureCgreater at the turbine wheel than at the impellerDgreater at reduced engine speed

单选题When air is at its dew point it is at its()Alowest absolute humidityBlowest relative humidityChighest absolute humidityDhighest relative humidity

单选题A turbocharged diesel engine will have an intake manifold pressure()Aconstantly decreasing as engine load increaseBconstantly increasing as the amount of supercharging increasesCapproximately equal to exhaust manifold pressure at all timesDapproximately equal to atmospheric pressure at all times

单选题Which of the following problems could cause air to blow out through the inlet air filter of a running compressor?()AExcessive compression in the cylinderBA broken intake valveCA dirty inlet filter elementDAn improperly adjusted discharge valve

单选题In an engine with air inlet valve and exhaust valve on its cylinder heads the fresh air will enter into the cylinder () and the gases exhaust (), there being an adequate overlap between the inlet opening and the exhaust closing.Adownwards;upwardsBupwards;downwardsCdownwards;downwardsDupwards;upwards

单选题A naturally aspirated diesel engine at full throttle will have an intake manifold pressure ()Aslightly less than atmospheric pressureBapproximately equal to exhaust manifold pressure at all timesCthat is widely fluctuating constantlyDdecreasing as engine load increases

单选题When comparing the air with 50% of relative humidity with the air with 100% of relative humidity, which one will hold more water?()Athe formerBthe latterCnot for sureDsame each other

单选题Which condition indicates the air side fouling of an after-cooler on a turbocharged diesel engine?()AAn increased air temperature differential between the cooler inlet and outletBA decrease in the air pressure differential across the coolerCExcessive condensate forming in the air boxDA decrease in the air temperature differential between the cooler inlet and outlet

单选题Which of the following problems should be taken when cleaning the air filter on a diesel engine equipped with a turbocharger?()AReduce engine speed to idle before removing the filterBSoak the dirty filter in kerosene onlyCBlow out the air inlet with compressed airDCover the air inlet after removing the filter

单选题Which of the following conditions can cause below normal air pressure in the intake manifold of a turbocharged diesel engine?()AExcessive piston blow-by to the manifoldBInsufficient cooling water flowCAccumulated water in the air boxesDClogged air intake filters

单选题On what do you depend having the air cooler of main engine chemically washed?()Aincreased air pressure differenced before and aft air coolerBreduced exhaust temperature in all cylindersCreduced temperature difference between water inlet and outletDboth A and C

单选题In a two-stroke engine, there are always a series of openings known as (), and in some circumstances, there are also openings known as (), in the part of the cylinder liner.Ascavenging air ports;exhaust portsBinlet ports;scavenging air portsCscavenging air ports;inlet portsDexhaust ports;inlet ports

单选题Which of the following statements is correct regarding a turbocharged four-stroke/cycle diesel generator?()AAt zero load the intake manifold pressure is greater than the exhaust manifold pressureBAt full load the intake manifold pressure and exhaust manifold pressure are equalCAt full load the intake manifold pressure is less than the exhaust manifold pressureDAt full load the intake manifold pressure is greater than the exhaust manifold pressure

单选题An increase in the air inlet manifold pressure of a diesel engine will result in a/an ().Adecrease in maximum cylinder pressureBincrease in ignition lagCdecrease in fuel consumption per horsepower-hourDdecrease in exhaust manifold pressure

单选题The timing of diesel engine air starting valves is controlled by()Athe air start valve timing gears and rodsBa cylinder check valveCindividual cams and valve gearDan air manifold poppet valve