单选题To turn over a liferaft that is floating upside down,you should pull on the().AcanopyBmanropesCsea painterDrighting lines

To turn over a liferaft that is floating upside down,you should pull on the().





sea painter


righting lines


解析: 暂无解析


27. Would you mind _________the TV? Your father is working now.A. turning upB. turning downC. to turn upD. to turn down

If you feel a chill when you are ( ) a cold, you are already sick.A、coming up withB、coming up overC、coming down withD、coming down over

[A] handed out[B] turn over[C] brought back[D] passed down

Do remember to ______ the light when you leave the room. A. turn up B. turn on C. turn off D. turn down

If a davit-launched liferaft aboard a ship cannot be launched because of damage to the davit,you should ______.A.inflate the liferaft on deckB.roll the liferaft over the sideC.go to another liferaft stationD.get a saw and cut the liferaft free

To turn over a liferaft that is floating upside down,you should pull on the ______.A.canopyB.manropesC.sea painterD.righting lines

How do you operate a portable CO2 fire extinguisher?______.A.Point the horn downB.Turn cylinder upside-downC.Break the rupture discD.Pull pin, squeeze grip

To begin the game, children must place the 125 picture cards faced down. Each player then draws a picturecard, turns it over, and waits for their turn to ()the picture card to the map.A. addB. additionC. additiveD. additionally

Will you please turn down the TV?()AI‘ll turn it down next time.BNever mind if you turn it down.CIt sounds reasonable.DSorry. I haven‘t realized you‘re sleeping.

-Can you turn down the radio, please? -()A、I’m sorry, I didn’t realize it was that loudB、Please forgive meC、I’ll keep it down next time

The radio is too noisy, please().A、turn down itB、turn it downC、turn off itD、turn it up

The foam extinguisher should be used ().A、in the endB、upside downC、down sideD、on top

When the order “Let go the anchor” is received ,you should ().A、release the brakeB、hoist the anchor ballC、turn the windlass over slowlyD、A and B

A technician is trying to retrieve a screw that fell inside a case and is just out of reach. Which of the following is the BEST procedure to retrieve the screw?()A、Turn the case upside down, shake gently and let the screw fall out.B、Use a shop vacuum to retrieve the screw.C、Use the hardware abstraction layer (HAL).D、Use an extension magnet.

单选题An inflatable liferaft is thrown into the water from a sinking vessel. What occurs automatically after the painter trips the CO2 bottles to inflate the raft?()AThe sea anchor deploysBThe floor inflatesCIf upside down,the craft rights itselfDThe painter detaches from the raft

单选题If a davit-launched liferaft aboard a ship cannot be launched because of damage to the davit,you should().Ainflate the liferaft on deckBroll the liferaft over the sideCgo to another liferaft stationDget a saw and cut the liferaft free

单选题How much control you want to turn over to the car may depend on your age and().Awhere are you goingBwhere you are goingCwhere do you go toDthat you are going

单选题To turn over a liferaft that is floating upside down,you should pull on the().AcanopyBmanropesCsea painterDrighting lines

单选题-Can you turn down the radio, please? -()AI’m sorry, I didn’t realize it was that loudBPlease forgive meCI’ll keep it down next time

单选题Will you please turn down the TV?()AI‘ll turn it down next time.BNever mind if you turn it down.CIt sounds reasonable.DSorry. I haven‘t realized you‘re sleeping.

单选题How much control you want to turn over to the car may()your age and where you are going.Adepend onBcall onCcome onDgo on

单选题To launch a liferaft by hand you should().Acut the casing bands,throw the liferaft over the side,and it will then inflateBdetach the operating cord,throw the raft over the side,and it will then inflateCcut the casing bands,throw the raft over the side,and pull the operating cordDthrow the liferaft over the side and pull the operating cord

单选题Have you ever heard of the upside-down catfish, the only kind that _____ swims on its back?AhabituallyBcasuallyClaboriouslyDseemingly

单选题— ______ you turn down your radio, please?—Yes, I can.AMayBNeedCMustDCan

单选题An inflatable liferaft is floating in its container,attached to the ship by its painter,as the ship is sinking rapidly. Which action should be taken with respect to the liferaft container? ()ACut the painter line so that it will not pull the liferaft container downBSwim away from the container so that you will not be in danger as it goes downCTake no action as the pull on the painter will cause the liferaft to inflate and open the containerDManually open the container and inflate the liferaft with the hand pump

单选题Hang national flag upside down should be strictly ().AprohibitBprohibitedCprohibitingDprohibits

单选题—Excuse me. Could you tell me the way ______the nearest supermarket?—Go down the street and turn left. Then you’ll see it.AtoBofCinDat

单选题If an inflatable liferaft inflates upside down,you can right it by().Apushing up on one sideBstanding on the CO2 bottle,holding the bottom straps,and throwing your weight backwardsCgetting at least three or four men to push down on the side containing the CO2 cylinderDdoing nothing; it will right itself after the canopy supports inflate