单选题Which syntax turns an existing constraint on?()AALTER TABLE table_name ENABLE constraint_name;BALTER TABLE table_name STATUS = ENABLE CONSTRAINT constraint _ name;CALTER TABLE table_name ENABLE CONSTRAINT constraint _ name;DALTER TABLE table_name TURN ON CONSTRAINT constraint _ name;
Which syntax turns an existing constraint on?()
ALTER TABLE table_name ENABLE constraint_name;
ALTER TABLE table_name STATUS = ENABLE CONSTRAINT constraint _ name;
ALTER TABLE table_name ENABLE CONSTRAINT constraint _ name;
ALTER TABLE table_name TURN ON CONSTRAINT constraint _ name;
You need to modify the STUDENTS table to add a primary key on the STUDENT_ID column. The table is currently empty. Which statement accomplishes this task?() A. ALTER TABLE students ADD PRIMARY KEY _ id;B. ALTER TABLE students ADD CONSTRAINT PRIMARY KEY (student_id);C. ALTER TABLE students ADD CONSTRAINT stud_id_pk PRIMARY KEY student_id;D. ALTER TABLE students ADD CONSTRAINT stud_id_pk PRIMARY KEY (student_id);E. ALTER TABLE students MODIFY CONSTRAINT stud_id_pk PRIMARY KEY (student_id);
Which statement explicitly names a constraint? () A. ALTER TABLE student_grades ADD FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES students (student_id);B. ALTER TABLE student_grades ADD CONSTRAINT NAME = student_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES students (student_id);C. ALTER TABLE student_grades ADD CONSTRAINT student_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES students (student_id);D. ALTER TABLE student grades ADD NAMED CONSTRAINT student_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES students (student_id);E. ALTER TABLE student grades ADD NAME student_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES students (student_id);
Which syntax turns an existing constraint on? () A. ALTER TABLE table_name ENABLE constraint_name;B. ALTER TABLE table_name STATUS = ENABLE CONSTRAINT constraint _ name;C. ALTER TABLE table_name ENABLE CONSTRAINT constraint _ name;D. ALTER TABLE table_name TURN ON CONSTRAINT constraint _ name;
删除PRIMARYKEY约束条件及其所有依赖约束条件的语法是什么()A、ALTER TABLE table_name DROP CONSTRAINT constraint_name CASCADEB、ALTER TABLE table_name DROP CONSTRAINT FOREIGN KEY CASCADEC、DROP CONSTRAINT table_name(constraint_name)D、ALTER TABLE table_name DROP CONSTRAINT constraint_name
Which syntax turns an existing constraint on?()A、ALTER TABLE table_name ENABLE constraint_name;B、ALTER TABLE table_name STATUS = ENABLE CONSTRAINT constraint_name;C、ALTER TABLE table_name ENABLE CONSTRAINT constraint_name;D、ALTER TABLE table_name STATUS ENABLE CONSTRAINT constraint_name;E、ALTER TABLE table_name TURN ON CONSTRAINT constraint_name;
A constraint in a table is defined with the INITIALLY IMMEDIATE clause. You executed the ALTER TABLEcommand with the ENABLE VALIDATE option to enable the constraint that was disabled. What are the twoeffects of this command()A、It fails if any existing row violates the constraint.B、It does not validate the existing data in the table.C、It enables the constraint to be enforced at the end of each transaction.D、It prevents insert, update, and delete operations on the table while the constraint is in the process of beingenabled
如下能正确执行的语句是()A、select * from table_name where 1=2B、truncate table table_nameC、delete from table_name where null=nullD、alter table table_name add column idd int
以下()语句从表TABLE_NAME中提取前10条记录。A、select*from TABLE_NAME where rowcount=10B、selectTOP 10*from TABLE_NAMEC、selectTOPof 10*from TABLE_NAMED、select*from TABLE_NAME wherer owcount=10
Which syntax turns an existing constraint on?()A、ALTER TABLE table_name ENABLE constraint_name;B、ALTER TABLE table_name STATUS = ENABLE CONSTRAINT constraint _ name;C、ALTER TABLE table_name ENABLE CONSTRAINT constraint _ name;D、ALTER TABLE table_name TURN ON CONSTRAINT constraint _ name;
Which statement adds a constraint that ensures the CUSTOMER_NAME column of the CUSTOMERS table holds a value?()A、ALTER TABLE customers ADD CONSTRAINT cust_name_nn CHECK customer_name IS NOT NULL;B、ALTER TABLE customers MODIFY CONSTRAINT cust_name_nn CHECK customer_name IS NOT NULL;C、ALTER TABLE customers MODIFY customer_name CONSTRAINT cust_name_nn NOT NULL;D、ALTER TABLE customers MODIFY customer_name CONSTRAINT cust_name_nn IS NOT NULL;E、ALTER TABLE customers MODIFY name CONSTRAINT cust_name_nn NOT NULL;F、ALTER TABLE customers ADD CONSTRAINT cust_name_nn CHECK customer_name NOT NULL;
You need to modify the STUDENTS table to add a primary key on the STUDENT_ID column. The table is currently empty.Which statement accomplishes this task?()A、ALTER TABLE students ADD PRIMARY KEY student_id;B、ALTER TABLE students ADD CONSTRAINT PRIMARY KEY (student _ id);C、ALTER TABLE students ADD CONSTRAINT stud _ id _pk PRIMARY KEY (student _ id);D、ALTER TABLE students MODIFY CONSTRAINT stud _ id _pk PRIMARY KEY (student _ id);
You need to modify the STUDENTS table to add a primary key on the STUDENT_ID column. The table is currently empty. Which statement accomplishes this task?()A、ALTER TABLE students ADD PRIMARY KEY _ id;B、ALTER TABLE students ADD CONSTRAINT PRIMARY KEY (student_id);C、ALTER TABLE students ADD CONSTRAINT stud_id_pk PRIMARY KEY student_id;D、ALTER TABLE students ADD CONSTRAINT stud_id_pk PRIMARY KEY (student_id);E、ALTER TABLE students MODIFY CONSTRAINT stud_id_pk PRIMARY KEY (student_id);
Which statement explicitly names a constraint?()A、ALTER TABLE student_grades ADD FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES students(student_id);B、ALTER TABLE student_grades ADD CONSTRAINT NAME = student_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES students(student_id);C、ALTER TABLE student_grades ADD CONSTRAINT student_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES students(student_id);D、ALTER TABLE student grades ADD NAMED CONSTRAINT student_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES students(student_id);E、ALTER TABLE student grades ADD NAME student_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES students(student_id);
Examine the following statement that is used to modify the constraint on the SALES table: SQL ALTER TABLE SALES MODIFY CONSTRAINT pk DISABLE VALIDATE; Which three statements are true regarding the above command()A、The constraint remains valid.B、The index on the constraint is dropped.C、It allows the loading of data into the table using SQL*Loader.D、New data conforms to the constraint, but existing data is not checkedE、It allows the data manipulation on the table using INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE SQL statements.
Examine the following statement that is used to modify the primary key constraint on the SALES table: SQL ALTER TABLE SALES MODIFY CONSTRAINT pk DISABLE VALIDATE; Which three statements aretrue regarding the above command()A、The constraint remains valid.B、The index on the constraint is dropped.C、It allows the loading of data into the table using SQL *Loader.D、New data conforms to the constraint, but existing data is not checked.E、It allows the data manipulation on the table using INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE SQL statements.
单选题删除PRIMARYKEY约束条件及其所有依赖约束条件的语法是什么()AALTER TABLE table_name DROP CONSTRAINT constraint_name CASCADEBALTER TABLE table_name DROP CONSTRAINT FOREIGN KEY CASCADECDROP CONSTRAINT table_name(constraint_name)DALTER TABLE table_name DROP CONSTRAINT constraint_name
多选题如下能正确执行的语句是()Aselect * from table_name where 1=2Btruncate table table_nameCdelete from table_name where null=nullDalter table table_name add column idd int
多选题A constraint in a table is defined with the INITIALLY IMMEDIATE clause. You executed the ALTER TABLEcommand with the ENABLE VALIDATE option to enable the constraint that was disabled. What are the twoeffects of this command()AIt fails if any existing row violates the constraint.BIt does not validate the existing data in the table.CIt enables the constraint to be enforced at the end of each transaction.DIt prevents insert, update, and delete operations on the table while the constraint is in the process of beingenabled
单选题以下()语句从表TABLE_NAME中提取前10条记录。Aselect*from TABLE_NAME where rowcount=10BselectTOP 10*from TABLE_NAMECselectTOPof 10*from TABLE_NAMEDselect*from TABLE_NAME wherer owcount=10
多选题Examine the following statement that is used to modify the primary key constraint on the SALES table: SQL ALTER TABLE SALES MODIFY CONSTRAINT pk DISABLE VALIDATE; Which three statements aretrue regarding the above command()AThe constraint remains valid.BThe index on the constraint is dropped.CIt allows the loading of data into the table using SQL *Loader.DNew data conforms to the constraint, but existing data is not checked.EIt allows the data manipulation on the table using INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE SQL statements.
多选题A constraint in a table is defined with the INITIALLY IMMEDIATE clause. You executed the ALTER TABLE command with the ENABLE VALIDATE option to enable the constraint that was disabled. What are the two effects of this command?()AIt fails if any existing row violates the constraint.BIt does not validate the existing data in the table.CIt enables the constraint to be enforced at the end of each transaction.DIt prevents insert, update, and delete operations on the table while the constraint is in the process of being enabled.
单选题Which syntax turns an existing constraint on?()AALTER TABLE table_name ENABLE constraint_name;BALTER TABLE table_name STATUS = ENABLE CONSTRAINT constraint_name;CALTER TABLE table_name ENABLE CONSTRAINT constraint_name;DALTER TABLE table_name STATUS ENABLE CONSTRAINT constraint_name;EALTER TABLE table_name TURN ON CONSTRAINT constraint_name;
多选题Examine the following statement that is used to modify the constraint on the SALES table: SQL ALTER TABLE SALES MODIFY CONSTRAINT pk DISABLE VALIDATE; Which three statements are true regarding the above command()AThe constraint remains valid.BThe index on the constraint is dropped.CIt allows the loading of data into the table using SQL*Loader.DNew data conforms to the constraint, but existing data is not checkedEIt allows the data manipulation on the table using INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE SQL statements.
单选题Which statement adds a constraint that ensures the CUSTOMER_NAME column of the CUSTOMERS table holds a value?()AALTER TABLE customers ADD CONSTRAINT cust_name_nn CHECK customer_name IS NOT NULL;BALTER TABLE customers MODIFY CONSTRAINT cust_name_nn CHECK customer_name IS NOT NULL;CALTER TABLE customers MODIFY customer_name CONSTRAINT cust_name_nn NOT NULL;DALTER TABLE customers MODIFY customer_name CONSTRAINT cust_name_nn IS NOT NULL;EALTER TABLE customers MODIFY name CONSTRAINT cust_name_nn NOT NULL;FALTER TABLE customers ADD CONSTRAINT cust_name_nn CHECK customer_name NOT NULL;