Which syntax turns an existing constraint on? () A. ALTER TABLE table_name ENABLE constraint_name;B. ALTER TABLE table_name STATUS = ENABLE CONSTRAINT constraint _ name;C. ALTER TABLE table_name ENABLE CONSTRAINT constraint _ name;D. ALTER TABLE table_name TURN ON CONSTRAINT constraint _ name;
Which syntax turns an existing constraint on? ()
A. ALTER TABLE table_name ENABLE constraint_name;
B. ALTER TABLE table_name STATUS = ENABLE CONSTRAINT constraint _ name;
C. ALTER TABLE table_name ENABLE CONSTRAINT constraint _ name;
D. ALTER TABLE table_name TURN ON CONSTRAINT constraint _ name;
It was just in the room_____he was born_____he die. A、where, which.B、that, that.C、where, that.D、which, that.
______to do now is just I am eager to know at first. But how can I get to know it?A. What, whatB. Will, whatC. Which, whichD. I will, which
( ) studies the ways words are combined to form. sentences in a language ./fontA、PhoneticsB、PhonologyC、MorphologyD、Syntax
Giventhetwosecurityconstraintsinadeploymentsecurity-constraint102.!--acorrecturl-patternandhttp-methodgoeshere--103.auth-constraintrole-nameSALES/role-name/auth-.auth-constraint104.role-nameSALES/role-name105./auth-constraint106./security-constraint107.security-constraint108.!--acorrecturl-patternandhttp-methodgoeshere--109.!--Insertanauth-constrainthere--110./security-constraintIfthetwosecurityconstraintshavethesameurl-patternandhttp-methodwhichtwo insertedindependentlyatline109,willallowuserswithrolenamesofeitherSALESorMARKETINGtoaccessthisresource?()
The beautiful mountain village__________ we spent our holiday last year is locatedin __________ is now part of Guangxi.A.which ; whereB.where; whatC.that ; whatD.when ; which