单选题With what can cells take in sugar?AinsulinBpancreasCdiabetesDimmune system

With what can cells take in sugar?







immune system


最后一段第二句话“In diabetes, it kills the special cells in the pancreas that make insulin Without insulin, cells cannot take in sugar.”由此可见胰岛素可以吸收糖分。故选A。


You should never ____ more than you can do. A、take offB、take onC、take outD、take up

Can journalists take photos at the press conference to be held before the performance?A.Yes, they can. But they’ve got to take photos in a certain placeB.Yes, they can. But they’ve got to take photos in designated places.C.Yes, they can. But they have to find a suitable placeD.Yes, they can. But they’ve got to take photos at lower places.

Recently, there’s been much theft in the school. What security measures shall we take then?A.We can install cameras and set up police line for you.B.We can install infrared surveillance cameras and intrusion alarms for you.C.We can install alarming system for you.D.We can equip techniques and electronic system for you.

——Would you tell me ___you want your tea , with sugar or milk ?——Sugar , please . A、whetherB、whenC、howD、what

______ the toy ________ and see if you can find what's wrong with it. A. Separate ⋯apartB. Cut ⋯into piecesC. Take ⋯.apartD. Tell ⋯apart

What can we know from the conversation?A.Annie will give up driving.B.Annie will not take a test any more.C.Annie will keep on trying.

You can remember what you do if you(). A、take a diaryB、keep a diaryC、make a diary

What can students do in the practical areas?A. Take science courses.B. Enjoy excellent meals.C. Attend workshops.

What can students do in the practical areas?A. Take science courcesesB. Enjoy excenllnt mearsC. Attend workshops.

Martin: Can you cover for me on Sunday? I'm supposed to teach the high school class. Lisa: Sure. ______ ? Martin: We're going to the beach for the weekend. Lisa: Well, don't worry. I'll take good care of Sunday school.A.What's inB.What's the thingC.What's upD.What's down

4 All organisations require trained employees. However, training can take many forms, some of which are internal to the organisation.Required:Explain what is meant by the terms:(a) Computer based training. (3 marks)

Which of the following statements is NOT true?[A] Today you can get calcium without eating any high-fat or high-calorie food by choosing skim milk or low-fat yogurt.[B] Calcium plays an important role in the movement of protein and nutrients inside cells.[C] You can rely on pills instead of a calcium-rich diet to take enough calcium.[D] If you want to absorb calcium, you should expose yourself to the sun's rays.

What cannot be learned from the passage?A、computers will take the place of nurses in the futureB、it is not likely that computers can plan their own moves in chess gamesC、it is not likely that computers can perform. tasks as well as people doD、some programs have been written to give the computers i

No Sweet Talk About SugarSugar's proponents call it quick energy, opponents say it's empty calories (卡路里) 。 But to the average person, who consumes a quarter of a pound of it each day, sugar is mostly an irresistibly good taste.In fact, people seem to have an innate "sweet tooth."Human societies have long equated sweetness with goodness - sweet mystery of life, sweet smell of success, sweetheart - and that enhances (增强;提高) the attraction.But in recent years, sugar has also been singled out as a potential enemy of the healthy life.Cited for such evils as distracting youngsters from more nutritious (营养的) foodstuffs, enhancing obesity (肥胖), ruining teeth and causing diabetes(糖尿病), it has become the most maligned (恶毒的) of the main components of our diet.Sugar, like starch, is a carbohydrate (碳水化合物).Its many types include sucrose (table sugar refined from sugarcane or beets), lactose (milk sugar), fructose (fruit sugar), glucose (blood sugar), dextrose (右旋糖), maltose(麦芽糖) and galactose (半乳糖).Seventy percent of the sugar in the labels on all the packaged products in your pantry (食品室) and see how many list sugar (or corn syrup) as a main ingredient (成分) 。Early this century, the average North American consumed about 76 pounds of refined sugar a year, but starches formed two thirds of his dietary carbohydrates.Today, per-capita refined sugar consumption hovers around 95 pounds, and all types of sugar represent more than half the carbohydrate calories.But in relying on sucrose-sweetened processed foods as a main carbohydrate source, we may miss the essential nutrients - fiber, vitamins and minerals - found in other carbohydrate foods like fruits, vegetables and breads.The body has no physiological need for sucrose that cannot be satisfied by other, more nutritious foods.The body can convert starches to sugar, or use the sugar in fruits and vegetables for energy.In fact, nutrition experts say that even the purported (传说的) need for sugar as quick energy is a myth except in a few rare situations, such as a diabetic in insulin shock.During exercise, the body calls upon its reserve of glycogen (肝糖) (and, if that runs low, fatty acids from the breakdown of triglycerides) to supply the muscles with needed energy.If you eat sugar before exercising, your body simply stores it.As for sugar's reputed adverse (不利的) health effects, the following can be said on the basis of available evidence:Obesity, Sugar supplies four calories per gram - about the same as protein and less half that of fat.Excess caloric intake, not sugar, causes obesity.But since calories can be highly concentrated in sugar-sweetened foods, you may eat many more calories than you need of such foods before you feel full or even realize how much you consumed.Tooth decay.Sugar definitely promotes the development of dental caries.Bacteria in the mouth digest (消化) the sugar on tooth surfaces, and produce acid which eats away the enamel (珐琅).It is the time sugar remains on the teeth, rather than the amount eaten, that makes the difference.To reduce the risk of decay, dentists recommend rinsing your mouth or brushing you teeth after consuming anything sweet, and avoiding sweets between meals.Diabetes.In diabetes, the pancreas (胰腺) fails to produce enough insulin to clear the blood of excess glucose.Thus, diabetics must curb their intake of sweets lest their blood-sugar levels rise dangerously high.But the important factor in diabetes is controlling body weight.Heart Disease.The theory that sugar is an important factor in heart disease does not have wide support among experts, who say that fats and cholesterol (胆固醇) are the more likely culprits (罪魁祸首).Some people have a tendency to develop high blood levels of fatty substances called triglycerides, which may promote atherosclerosis (动脉硬化).They are often advised to reduce their sugar intake, but losing weight is more important.Diets free of sucrose can lower abnormally high triglyceride levels, but they have been found to have little or no effect on triglyceride levels that are acceptable in the first place.1、What does the word "innate" mean?()A、born withB、implantedC、badD、healthy2、Which of the following statements is NOT true?()A、There are many types of sugar such as sucrose, lactose, fructose, etc.B、Sugar can cause many health problems such as obesity, tooth decay and diabetes.C、Sugar is not nutritious because it doesn't contain fiber, vitamin and mineral.D、Sugar is physiologically needed by the body and can not be substituted by other substance.3、"Curb their intake of sweets" can also be referred to as()their intake of sweets.A、increaseB、decreaseC、limitD、take4、Based on the ideas presented in the passage we can conclude that ().A、there is not available evidence to show sugar's bad effectsB、if you eat a lot of sweet food, you may suffer from obesity, because such food contains a lot of caloriesC、to limit sugar intake is the most important thing for the atherosclerosis patientD、most experts believe that sugar can cause heart disease5、From the passage, we know().A、sugar eats away the enamel, thus causing tooth decayB、the cause for diabetes is the excessive intake of sugarC、fats and cholesterol have nothing to do with heart diseaseD、high level triglycerides may increase the chances of atherosclerosis

Steve:Can I get you a cup of coffee?Julia:______A、I don't take sugar, thank you.B、You can, please.C、Thank you for the coffee.D、That's very nice of you.

why do you need to take the lube oil sample for analysis ? in the analyzing , what can you possibly find ?and if you find these substances ,what are the possible problems the engines may have ?why ?

19 What can students do in the practical areas?A Take science coursesB Enjoy excellent mealsC Attend workshops

What can students do in the practical areas ?A. Take science coursesB. Enjoy excellent mealsC. Attend workshops

共用题干What Is Insulin-dependent Diabetes?When you eat,your body takes the sugar from food and turns it into fuel.______(46)Your body uses glucose for energy,so it can do everything from breathing air to playing a video game.But glucose can't be used by the body on its own-it needs a hormone called insulin to bring it into the cells of the body.Most people get the insulin they need from the pancreas,a large organ near the stomach?The pancreas makes insulin;insulin brings glucose into the cells;and the body gets the energy it needs.When a person has insulin一dependent diabetes,it's because the pancreas is not making insulin.So someone could be eating lots of food and getting all the glucose he needs,but without insulin,there is no way for the body to use the glucose for energy.______(47)You may have heard older people talk about having diabetes,maybe people of your grandparents'age.Usually,this is a different kind of diabetes called non一insulin一dependent diabetes.It can also be called Type 2 diabetes,or adult-onset diabetes.______(48) When a kid is diagnosed with juvenile(insulin-dependent)diabetes,he will have that type of diabetes for his whole life.It won't ever change to non-insulin-dependent diabetes when he gets older.Scientists now think that a person who has juvenile diabetes was born with a certain gene or genes that made the person more likely to get the illness.______(49)Many scientists believe that along with having certain genes,something else outside the person's body, like a viral infection,is necessary to set the diabetes in motion by affecting the cells in the pancreas that make insulin.But the person must have the gene(or genes)for diabetes to start' out with一this means you can't get diabetes just from catching a flu,virus,or cold.And this type of diabetes isn't caused by eating too many sugary foods,either.Diabetes can take a long time to develop in a person's body-sometimes months or years?Another important thing to remember is that diabetes is not contagious.______(50)______(47)A:Genes are something that you inherit from your parents,and they are in your body even before you're born.B:This sugar-fuel is called glucose?C:It may be possible to beat insulin resistance through lifestyle changes.D:You can't catch diabetes from people who have it,no matter how close you sit to them or if you kiss them.E:The glucose can't get into the cells of the body without insulin.F:When a person has this kind of diabetes,the pancreas usually can still make insulin,but the person's body needs more than the pancreas can make?

I asked my teacher_______.A.what courses should I takeB.should I take what coursesC.I should take what coursesD.what courses I should take

What is system balance? ()A、Each cell can handle the same amount of subscribersB、The network is dimensioned for all mobile classesC、All cells are of the same sizeD、All BTSs use the same output powerE、Uplink and downlink coverage is the same

单选题PPL scientists will try to solve their problem by ______.Aremoving the sugar molecule on the surface of pig cells.Bdistinguishing human tissues form those of pigs.Cusing the sugar-free nucleus in cloning a pig.Dtaking out the sugar genes from the cell of a pig.

单选题All of the following are true about sugar EXCEPT ______.ARefined sugar alone can be a diet for people to live on for a few daysBSugar can cause diabetes, cancer and heart diseasesCUnrefined sugar was once good and very cheap if used to feed and fatten livestockDSugar cannot be used as a daily diet

多选题What are two possible actions an IOS IPS can take if a packet in a session matches a signature?()Areset the connectionBforward the packetCcheck the packet against an ACLDdrop the packet

单选题What can be the best title for the text?AAmericans work more and vacation less.BWhere Americans go on their summer vacations.CDifferent places for summer vacations.DNot all Americans take summer vacations.

单选题What is the main consideration when deciding to invest in shares?Ahow much you pay for the sharesBhow quickly you can make a profitChow willing you are to take risksDhow financially secure you are

单选题According to this passage, _____.Athe game plan for keeping brain cells sparking doesn’t work for everyoneBDr. Small’s memory tests can show you what to do about brain agingCDr. Small’s advice can help us fight brain aging effectivelyDour brains can reconstruct memories themselves