单选题Which knot should be used to send a man over the side when he may have to use both hands().ABowlineBFrench bowlineCBowline on a bightDRunning bowline

Which knot should be used to send a man over the side when he may have to use both hands().



French bowline


Bowline on a bight


Running bowline


解析: 暂无解析


Which knot should be used to send a man over the side when he may have to use both hands?________.A.BowlineB.French bowlineC.Bowline on a bightD.Running bowline

Which IPsec security protocol should be used when confidentiality is required?() A. AHB. MD5C. PSKD. ESP

Which statement is TRUE about the use of a“gob rope”________.A.The gob rope is a mooring line for tying up lighters for working cargo alongside a vessel anchored in an open roadsteadB.The gob rope is used to secure the towline aft over the centerline of a tugC.The gob rope is a line hung over a vessel's side to assist in boardingD.The gob rope is a rope used in mooring a vessel to a buoy

When a student has something in his mind and he should ignore the irrelevant parts when reading, which of the following strategies can be used?A.skimming B.detailed readingC.scanningD.predicting

When a student has something in his mind and he should ignore the irrelevant parts when reading, which of the following strategies can be used?A.skimmingB.detailed readingC.scanningD.predicting

When creating a Web service which requires reliable delivery of SOAP messages, which transport should be used?()A、 SOAP/TCPB、 SOAP/JMSC、 SOAP/HTTPD、 SOAP/SMTPE、 SOAP/HTTPS

Which of the following is best practice when disposing of used equipment?()A、Donating to a non-profit groupB、Use a local recycling companyC、Send equipment back to manufacturerD、Following local laws

Which two are true about the JSTL core iteration custom tags?()A、It may iterate over arrays, collections, maps, and strings.B、The body of the tag may contain EL code, but not scripting code.C、When looping over collections, a loop status object may be used in the tag body.D、It may iterate over a map, but only the key of the mapping may be used in the tag body.E、When looping over integers (for example begin=’1’ end=’10’), a loop status object may not be used inthe tag body.

Which IPsec security protocol should be used when confidentiality is required?()A、AHB、MD5C、PSKD、ESP

Which of the following multimeter settings should only be used when there is no electrical flow through the part being tested? ()(Select TWO).A、AmpereB、ContinuityC、VoltD、ResistanceE、Wattage

Which statement is true about configuring a back-to-back connection frame-relay on Juniper Routers?()A、Both DTE and DCE will send keep-alives by default so no special configuration is required.B、The circuit is negotiated automatically so no special configuration is required.C、All equipment is by default DTE, one side should be set to DCED、All equipment is by default DCE, one side should be set to DTE

You work in a company which uses SQL Server 2008. You are the administrator of the company database. Now you are in charge of a SQL Server 2008 instance which contains a database. According to the company requirement, you have to move the application from Microsoft SQL Server 2000 to Microsoft SQL Server 2008. You have to monitor the SQL Server instance to record the use of features.  These features will be discontinued. What should you do? ()A、The SQL Server 2008 Upgrade Advisor should be used. B、The SQL Server Profiler which captures the SQL:BatchCompleted and Exception event classes should be used. C、A SQL server-side trace that captures the Deprecation Announcement and Deprecation Final Support event classes should be used D、A SQL server-side trace that captures the SQL:BatchCompleted and Exception event classes should be used.

单选题Besides saving distance along the track line,another advantage of the Scharnow Turn over the Williamson Turn in a man overboard situation because().Ait is fasterBit can be used in both the immediate action and the delayed action situationsCin fog,if the turn is started as soon as the man goes over,the vessel will be at the point where he went over when the turn is completedDit returns the vessel to the original track line on a reciprocal course

单选题The controversy mentioned in the passage focuses on _____.Awhether psychologists should use drugs to cure their patientsBhow psychologists should treat their patientsCthe fact that all of the drugs have harmful side effectsDthe extent to which drugs should be used to fight psychological illness

单选题Which statement is true?()A A flow layout can be used to position a component that should resize horizontally when the  container is resized.B A grid layout can be used to position a component tat should maintain a constant size even when  the container is resized.C A border layout can be used to position component that should maintain a constant size even when  the container is resized.D The grid bag layout can be used to give a grid-like layout which differs from the normal grid in that individual rows and columns can have unique sizes.E If two components are placed in the same column of a grid bag layout, and one component resizes horizontally, then the other component must resize horizontally.

单选题When a student has something in his mind and he should ignore the irrelevant parts when reading, which of the following strategies can be used? _____AskimmingBdetailed readingCscanningDpredicting

单选题On a vessel,if someone fell overboard and you did not know over which side the person fell,you should().Aimmediately reverse the enginesBstop the propellers from turning and throw a ring buoy over the sideCincrease speed to full to get the vessel away from the personDfirst put the rudder hard over in either direction

单选题When creating a Web service which requires reliable delivery of SOAP messages, which transport should be used?()A SOAP/TCPB SOAP/JMSC SOAP/HTTPD SOAP/SMTPE SOAP/HTTPS

单选题Which knot should be used to send a man over the side when he may have to use both hands().ABowlineBFrench bowlineCBowline on a bightDRunning bowline

单选题To launch a liferaft by hand you should().Acut the casing bands,throw the liferaft over the side,and it will then inflateBdetach the operating cord,throw the raft over the side,and it will then inflateCcut the casing bands,throw the raft over the side,and pull the operating cordDthrow the liferaft over the side and pull the operating cord

单选题In order to distribute the side pressures over a wide area of the cylinder walls and liners, which of the listed types of pistons are used in modem low pressure air compressors?()ADifferentialBTrunkCBarrelDValve-in-head

单选题What equipment is customarily used when seamen are working on a stage rigged over the side of a vessel().AJacob's ladderBManropesCHeaving linesDAll of the above

多选题Which of the following multimeter settings should only be used when there is no electrical flow through the part being tested? ()(Select TWO).AAmpereBContinuityCVoltDResistanceEWattage

单选题A crew member has just fallen overboard off your port side. Which action should you take?().AImmediately put the rudder over hard rightBImmediately put the rudder over hard leftCImmediately put the engines asternDWait until the stern is well clear of the man and then put the rudder over hard right

单选题You are standing the wheelwatch when you hear the cry,“Man overboard starboard side”.You should instinctively().AGive full right rudderBGive full left rudderCPut the rudder amidshipsDThrow a life ring to mark the spot

单选题Which statement is true about configuring a back-to-back connection frame-relay on Juniper Routers?()ABoth DTE and DCE will send keep-alives by default so no special configuration is required.BThe circuit is negotiated automatically so no special configuration is required.CAll equipment is by default DTE, one side should be set to DCEDAll equipment is by default DCE, one side should be set to DTE

单选题You are on watch at sea a man falls overboard on the port side, forward near No. 1 hatch. What of the following should you do first?().ACall the masterBPut the helm hard over toward the port sideCSound the alarm to arouse all handsDStop the engines

单选题When underway in a channel,you should if safe and practicable().Astay near the middle of the channelBkeep to the starboard side of any vessels you meetCexchange whistle signals with any other vessels in the channelDkeep to the side of the channel which lies to your starboard