单选题The term restricted visibility,when used in the Rules,refers to().Asituations when you can see vessels on radar that you cannot see visuallyBvisibility of less than half a mileCany condition where visibility is restrictedDvisibility where you cannot see shore

The term restricted visibility,when used in the Rules,refers to().

situations when you can see vessels on radar that you cannot see visually


visibility of less than half a mile


any condition where visibility is restricted


visibility where you cannot see shore


解析: 暂无解析


In credit mix, tenor refers to ______.A.term of loanB.term structure of loanC.term of assetD.term structure of asset

The term sociolect is used for less drastic difference which is restricted to variation in pronunciation.()

The term geographical dialect is used for less drastic difference which is restricted to variation in pronunciation.()

In the last paragraph, "play down their visibility" refers to ______.A) show offB) be very modestC) not show themselvesD) to debase themselves

Rewrite rules are used in which CoS scenario?() A.When a single device is configured to provide differentiated services.B.When multiple devices in a network are configured to use CoS to provide differentiated services.C.When a device is used to connect to another autonomous system.D.When CoS is used to classifiy traffic as low priority.

Which term represents the mode that is used when the router stores log messages in RAM memory?() A. syslog loggingB. terminal loggingC. buffered loggingD. console logging

Which term represents the mode that is used when the router stores log messages in RAMmemory? () A. syslog loggingB. terminal loggingC. buffered loggingD. console logging

More exact assessment of visibility when ________ is used to determine the range of vessel or other objects in the vicinity.A.radarB.omegaC.satellite navigatorD.DF

According to the Rules, when should lights be displayed?______.A.During the hours of darknessB.At all times when underwayC.From sunset to sunrise and restricted visibilityD.Sunrise to sunset

For the purpose of the Rules, except where otherwise required, the term ______.A.vessel includes seaplanesB.seaplane includes non-displacement craftC.vessel engaged in fishing includes a vessel fishing with trolling linesD.vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver includes fishing vessels

The term dialect,as a technical term in linguistics,carries value judgement and not simply refers to a distinct form of language.A对B错

The term dialect,as a technical term in linguistics,carries value judgement and not simply refers to a distinct form of language.

Which term represents the mode that is used when the router stores log messages in RAMmemory? ()A、syslog loggingB、terminal loggingC、buffered loggingD、console logging

单选题According to the Rules,when should lights be displayed?().ADuring the hours of darknessBAt all times when underwayCFrom sunset to sunrise and restricted visibilityDSunrise to sunset

单选题The steering and sailing rules for vessels in restricted visibility apply to vessels().Ain sight of one another in fogBnavigating in or near an area of restricted visibilityConly if they are showing special purpose lightsDonly if they have operational radar

单选题The term restricted visibility,when used in the Rules,refers to().Asituations when you can see vessels on radar that you cannot see visuallyBvisibility of less than half a mileCany condition where visibility is restrictedDvisibility where you cannot see shore

单选题When visibility is 20 nautical miles, we say that visibility is().Avery goodBgoodCpoorDmoderate

单选题For the purpose of the Rules,except where otherwise required,the term().Avessel includes seaplanesBseaplane includes non-displacement craftCvessel engaged in fishing includes a vessel fishing with trolling linesDvessel restricted in her ability to maneuver includes fishing vessels

单选题When the ship is in restricted visibility, the officer in charge of the engineering watch shall ensure that () Ⅰ.Bridge order relating to changes in speed or direction of operation areimmediately implemented Ⅱ.auxiliary machinery used for maneuvering is readily available Ⅲ.permanent air or steam pressure is available for sound signalsAⅠ+ⅡBⅠ+ⅢCⅡ+ⅢDⅠ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ

单选题When visibility is restricted(),we can say it is restricted visibility.Aby long distanceBby the darkness at nightCby a vessel in frontDby fog or falling snow

单选题Which term represents the mode that is used when the router stores log messages in RAM memory?()Asyslog loggingBterminal loggingCbuffered loggingDconsole logging

单选题In restricted visibility a towed vessel must sound a fog signal when it is().Athe last vessel in the towBthe last vessel in the tow and it is carrying a crewCmanned,regardless of its position in the towDNone of the above are correct

单选题The term used in levying customs duties when such are fixed at rates proportioned to estimated value of goods concerned is ().Aad valoremBinfiniteCsecureDspecific

单选题A power-driven vessel shall have her engine ready for()when the visibility is restricted.Aimmediate stoppingBimmediate maneuveringCimmediate anchoringDimmediate going astern

单选题At an unsheltered anchorage the chief engineer officer shall consult with the master whetheror not to maintain an underway watch“An underway watch” means()Aa watch which is kept with lower standardBa watch which is kept when the ship isnt sailingCa watch which is kept when the ship is sailingDa watch which is kept when the ship is in a restricted visibility area

单选题When two vessels are in sight of one another and NOT in or near an area of restricted visibility,any of the following signals may be given EXCEPT().Aa light signal of at least five short and rapid flashesBone prolonged,one short,one prolonged,and one short whistle blastsCfour short whistle blastsDtwo short whistle blasts

单选题The term flood current refers to that time when the water().Ais flowing towards the landBis moving towards the oceanClevel is not changingDlevel is rising because of heavy rains

单选题More exact assessment of visibility when()is used to determine the range of vessel or other objects in the vicinity.AradarBomegaCsatellite navigatorDDF