单选题When visibility is 20 nautical miles, we say that visibility is().Avery goodBgoodCpoorDmoderate

When visibility is 20 nautical miles, we say that visibility is().

very good








解析: 暂无解析


display:none 和 visibility:hidden的说法,正确的是?() A、display:none与visibility:hidden都可以用来隐藏某个元素B、display:none在隐藏元素的时候,将其占位空间也去掉;而visibility:hidden只是隐藏了内容而已,其占位空间仍然保留。C、display:none是不符合html5标准的D、visibility:hidden是不符合html5标准的

Which two statements are true when row archival management is enabled?() A. The ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE column visibility is controlled by the ROW ARCHIVAL VISIBILITY session parameter.B. The ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE column is updated manually or by a program that could reference activity tracking columns, to indicate that a row is no longer considered active.C. The ROW ARCHIVAL VISIBILITY session parameter defaults to active rows only.D. The ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE column is visible if referenced in the select list of a query.E. The ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE column is updated automatically by the Oracle Server based on activity tracking columns, to Indicate that a row is no longer considered active.

When visibility is reduced to about 5 miles, we say that visibility is________.A.very goodB.goodC.poorD.moderate

More exact assessment of visibility when ________ is used to determine the range of vessel or other objects in the vicinity.A.radarB.omegaC.satellite navigatorD.DF

According to Annex V to MARPOL 73/78,garbage containing plastic is permitted to be disposed of by ______.A.incinerating offshoreB.discharging when at least 12 nautical miles from nearest landC.grinding to less than 1 and discharging at least 12 nautical miles from nearest landD.grinding to less than 1 and discharging at least 25 nautical miles from nearest land

No person on board any vessel to which Annex V to MARPOL 73/78 applies may discharge garbage of any type when ______.A.less than 12 nautical miles from PRCB.less than 12 nautical miles from nearest landC.in the navigable waters of the PRCD.less than 25 nautical miles from nearest land

Vessels to which Annex V to MARPOL 73/78 applies may discharge garbage containing plastics ______.A.5 nautical miles from nearest landB.12 nautical miles from nearest landC.25 nautical miles from nearest landD.None of the above



单选题When visibility is reduced to about 5 miles, we say that visibility is().Avery goodBgoodCpoorDmoderate

单选题No person on board any vessel to which Annex V to MARPOL 73/78 applies may discharge garbage of any type when().Aless than 12 nautical miles from PRCBless than 12 nautical miles from nearest landCin the navigable waters of the PRCDless than 25 nautical miles from nearest land

单选题When visibility is 10 nautical miles, we say that visibility is().Avery goodBgoodCpoorDmoderate

单选题The term restricted visibility,when used in the Rules,refers to().Asituations when you can see vessels on radar that you cannot see visuallyBvisibility of less than half a mileCany condition where visibility is restrictedDvisibility where you cannot see shore

单选题When our imports ______ our exports, we say we have a favorable trade balance; however, when our imports and exports are the other way round we say we have an unfavorable trade balance.Afall shortBfall short ofCrun out ofDare lack of

单选题Vessels to which Annex V to MARPOL 73/78 applies may discharge garbage containing plastics ().A5 nautical miles from nearest landB12 nautical miles from nearest landC25 nautical miles from nearest landDNone of the above

单选题According to Annex I of MARPOL 73/78, oily waste from cargo tanks of oil tankers can be discharged when the ship is more than()away from the nearest land.A50 nautical milesB30 nautical milesC15 nautical milesD12 nautical miles

单选题When visibility is about 1 nautical mile only, we say that visibility is().AveryBgoodCmoderateDpoor

单选题Geographic range is the maximum distance at which a light may be seen under().Aexisting visibility conditions,limited only by the curvature of the EarthBperfect visibility conditions,limited only by the curvature of the EarthCexisting visibility conditions,limited only by the intensity of the lightDperfect visibility conditions,limited only by interference from background lighting

单选题The nominal range of a light may be accurately defined as the maximum distance at which a light may be seen().Aunder existing visibility conditionsBunder perfect visibilityCwith ten miles visibilityDwith fifteen miles visibility

单选题When visibility is restricted(),we can say it is restricted visibility.Aby long distanceBby the darkness at nightCby a vessel in frontDby fog or falling snow

单选题Except as provided for otherwise,an oil tanker might discharge certain amount at certain rate of oil or oily mixtures into sea when().Athe tanker is within 50 nautical miles from the nearest landBthe tanker is no more than 50 nautical miles from the nearest landCthe tanker is more than 50 nautical miles from the nearest landDthe tanker is not more than 50 nautical miles from the nearest land

单选题In restricted visibility a towed vessel must sound a fog signal when it is().Athe last vessel in the towBthe last vessel in the tow and it is carrying a crewCmanned,regardless of its position in the towDNone of the above are correct

单选题A power-driven vessel shall have her engine ready for()when the visibility is restricted.Aimmediate stoppingBimmediate maneuveringCimmediate anchoringDimmediate going astern

多选题Which two statements are true when row archival management is enabled?()AThe ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE column visibility is controlled by the ROW ARCHIVAL VISIBILITY session parameter.BThe ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE column is updated manually or by a program that could reference activity tracking columns, to indicate that a row is no longer considered active.CThe ROW ARCHIVAL VISIBILITY session parameter defaults to active rows only.DThe ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE column is visible if referenced in the select list of a query.EThe ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE column is updated automatically by the Oracle Server based on activity tracking columns, to Indicate that a row is no longer considered active.

单选题()objects are those which stand out clearly from the background or other objects and are easily identifiable from a few miles offshore in normal visibility.AConspicuousBPermanentCPreliminaryDTemporary

单选题A person on a fixed or floating platform engaged in oil exploration MAY discharge food waste into the sea when the distance from the nearest land is at least().A3 nautical milesB5 nautical milesC12 nautical milesD25 nautical miles

单选题More exact assessment of visibility when()is used to determine the range of vessel or other objects in the vicinity.AradarBomegaCsatellite navigatorDDF