单选题The author believes that _____.Aart is useful only when it is made into a money earnerBthe promotion of economic growth is the only goal of today’s societyCuniversities should not provide literature or art coursesDthe society needs both technical skills and arts

The author believes that _____.

art is useful only when it is made into a money earner


the promotion of economic growth is the only goal of today’s society


universities should not provide literature or art courses


the society needs both technical skills and arts


推理题。由“it has even been pointed out in justification for the funding of the arts that they can be useful money earners.”可知,艺术同样可以挣钱。


In a matrix organizational form, which factor(s) make it difficult for a project manager to provide a valid input into the employee's performance review?A . Not working directly with the assigned functional employeesB . Employees spend only a short amount of time assigned to the projectC . Not being knowledgeable enough to evaluate employees on technical judgmentD . All of the aboveE . A and B only

22 In a matrix organizational form, which factor(s) make it difficult for a project manager to provide a valid input into the employee's performance review?A. Not working directly with the assigned functional employeesB. Employees spend only a short amount of time assigned to the projectC. Not being knowledgeable enough to evaluate employees on technical judgmentD. All of the aboveE. A and B only

Today’s modern TV cameras require () light as compared with the earlier models. A.only a fewB.only fewC.only a littleD.only little

We can learn from the last paragraph that the author believes ________.[A] happiness more often than not ends in sadness[B] the anti-happy art is distasteful but refreshing[C] misery should be enjoyed rather than denied[D] the anti-happy art flourishes when economy booms

Which of the following brings LITTLE impact on the development of 20th century literature?() A.Friedrich Nietzche’s assertions: God is deadB.Arther Schopenharuer’s and Henry Bergson’s philosophical ideas of irrationality.C.Oscar Wilde’s idea of Art for Art’s Sake.D.Freudian-Jungian psycho-analysis

听力原文:The primary objective of financial reporting is to provide information useful for making investment and lending decisions.(6)A.The financial reporting is to provide information for the investors and lenders only.B.The main aim of financial reporting is to offer information useful for decision-making.C.Investment and lending decisions can be made from the financial reporting.D.Investment and lending decisions can not be made from the financial reporting.

Software engineering is the science and art of specifying, designing, implementing, and(66)with economy, timeliness and elegance, programs,(67)and operating procedures whereby computers can be made useful to humanity.This definition implicitly sets(68)the basic goal of software engineering research and development: The basic goal of software engineering is to facilitate specification, design, implementation and evolution of programs, documentation and operating(69)which are useful to humanity in an economic,(70)and elegant manner(using the appropriate science and art).A.envelopmentB.envelopingC.evolvementD.evolving

We can learn from the last paragraph that the author believesA.Happiness more often than not ends in sadness. B.The anti-happy art is distasteful by refreshing. C.Misery should be enjoyed rather than denied. D.The anti-happy art flourishes when economy booms

资料:Economic performance is improving in most of the world's leading economies but is still short of a self-sustaining upswing, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development said on Wednesday.In an update to its economic forecasts, the Paris-based international organisation representing advanced economies said that more private sector investment was needed for the expansion to endure, for wages to rise sustainability and for inequalities to be tackled.Although all leading economies are now recording positive growth, Catherine Mann, the OECD's chief economist, urged governments to “curb your enthusiasm [ because] strong and sustained medium-term global growth is not yet secured”.The OECD's economic outlook shows upgrades to the 2017 growth forecasts in China, Russia and Europe excluding the UK with the world outlook also appearing stronger in 2018.World growth should rise from a low of 3.1 per cent in 2016, to 3.5 per cent this year and 3.7 per cent in 2018, the OECD forecast, with the US, the Eurozone, Brazil and Russia contributing most to the improved global outlook.China's predicted growth rate of 6.8 per cent in 2017 and 6.6 per cent in 2018 has been revised higher by 0.2 percentage points in both years and although India's growth rate has been revised down, reflecting adjustment to its new goods and services tax, it is likely to remain the fastest growing large economy in the world.Only the UK, which remains embroiled in Brexit negotiations, has a deteriorating outlook. Responding to the OECD's forecast that the British economy will be the slowest growing in the Group of Seven in 2018 having been near the top of the league table in 2016, the British Treasury said it was not complacent.According to the passage,which one of the following statement is true?A.The Russia’s 2017 economic growth forecast has been revised higher.B.The leading economies have achieved sustainable long-term growth.C.The OECD is not optimistic about China's economic growth.D.India's economic growth forecast have been upgraded.

Which of the following best states the author’s attitude toward the information that scholars have gathered about Proust’s writing in 1909?( ) A.The author is disappointed that no new documents have come to light since Fallois’speculations. B.The author is dissatisfied because there are too many gaps and inconsistencies in the drafts. C.The author is confident that Fallois’s 1954 guess has been proved largely correct,but regrets that still more detailed documentation concerning Proust’s transition from the essay to the novel has not emerged. D.The author is satisfied that the facts of Proust’s life in 1909 have been thoroughly established,but believes such documents as drafts and correspondence are only of limited value in a critical assessment of Proust’s writing.

A customer needs an Oracle Database Server. Based on the customer’s sizing data, the IBM Oracle Competency Center has determined that the server requirements can be met with a 4-way p5-550 or a 4-way p5-570.  If the pSeries technical specialist proposes a p5-570 versus a p5-550 system, what key differences should be pointed out to the customer?()A、The p5-570 is rack mounted but the p5-550 is not.B、The p5-570 will provide more growth, but at a higher cost.C、The p5-570 is 200-240 volt only and the p5-550 is 110 volt only.D、The p5-570 needs a special feature to become a deskside machine.

问答题Expressionism  Expressionism is an art movement that produced a wealth of wonderful works of art, and the lives of the artists who created them were no less colorful and exciting. The word expressionism can be used to describe art from different times and places, most of them were part of a movement that took place in Germany from 1905 to 1920. They shared some of the beliefs. Those beliefs were that art should try to change society, to make it less conservative. It should express the energy of nature—following in the footsteps of Vincent van Gogh—-and personal feeling rather than simply representing nature. It should feel uncomfortable, which means it should challenge the traditional ways of looking at the world. This differed from the opinion of Henri Matisse who believed that art should be comfortable. Expressionist art should be inspired by folk art, and the art of what were then called primitive people, for example from Africa.  The aim of the Expressionists was to express personal feeling about what they were painting rather than representing it exactly as it was. It should have strong colors and shapes, be relatively direct, untutored and unplanned and should still contain recognizable things, but not be realistic. The lines could be distorted, and the colors could be strengthened or changed as in the art movement that began in 1905 called Fauvism.  Expressionism was more than a style in painting. It could be found in theatre and cinema, literature and architecture. It was a sharing of ideas and experiences across all these media. The life stories of the Expressionist artists show just how much they had in common. Many began by studying applied art, such as furniture design, often to please their parents. Although they later made more personal art, they continued to make use of those technical skills. Both art critics and the public received this new movement with derision and outrage. Expressionist artists were trying to shock by challenging the traditional, conservative views held by many people. Gradually, however, it became accepted and even admired.  All the Expressionists were affected by World War I (1914-18). Some fled from Germany and spent the war years in exile. Some never returned to their homeland. Most served in the war and some were killed. At first some of them hoped a war would change society for the better but they were soon disillusioned when they saw the destruction and suffering that it caused. In the years after the war, many Expressionist artist revealed the horrors they experienced in their work.  After World War I, Expressionism became very fashionable in Germany, where art was allowed to flourish. This freedom ended in 1933 when Hitler declared all Expressionists were degenerate. This led to them being sacked from their jobs or forced to leave Germany. In 1937 the Nazis took thousands of art works from German museums and put them in an enormous exhibition called the Degenerate Art Exhibition, to show how bad and decadent this art was. It presented a view of the world that went against their political and cultural ambitions to rid Germany of all inferior races.

问答题For a very long period of historical development, mankind could only pass on music through performance and oral instruction. When mankind invented musical scores, music started to break away from the boundaries of being merely a performing art, and develop into a system of “written symbols” that can be recorded and spread. Undoubtedly, however, it was the scientists who should be crowned as the founders of the real revolutionary milestone of human musical communication. Scientists invented marvelous means of music transmission, beginning from the earliest mechanical “record turntable” to today’s many kinds of “electronic media”.

单选题The author’s statement regarding how artists use the languages of art implies that _____.Aartists are better equipped than art historians to provide detailed evaluations of other artist’s workBmany artists have an unusually quick, intuitive understanding of languageCartists can produce works of art even if they cannot analyze their methods of doing soDartists of the past, such as Giotto, were better educated about artistic issues than were artists of the author’s time

单选题Which of the following is true?AAmong the 2 000 universities, only a few private ones are outstanding in their reputation.BAmong all the universities, a few private institutions and several greatest state universities enjoy a high reputation both at home and abroad.CAmong all the universities, only several of the greatest state universities enjoy a high reputation.DAmong the universities, only the private institutions are well known internationally.

单选题The author believes that ______.Aart is useful only when it is made into a money earnerBthe promotion of economic growth is the only goal of today’s societyCuniversities should not provide literature or art coursesDthe society needs both technical skills and arts

单选题If someone in Israel today needs a repairman in case of a power failure, _____.Athey can have if fixed in no timeBit’s no longer necessary to make an appointmentCthe appointment takes only half a day to makeDthey only have to wait half an hour at most

单选题—I think science is more useful than art.—I disagree. I think art is _____ science.Anot so useful asBless useful thanCthe most useful ofDas useful as

单选题The author of this passage tries to __________.Apresent certain facts of how the development of a person’s attitude can be influencedBshow that our society is not doing enough to help children shape their attitudesCpoint out that teachers are the only people who can influence the children’s attitudesDprove that speeches and books are the only factors to indoctrinate children

单选题Which of the following best states that author’s attitude toward comics, as expressed in the passage?AThey constitute an innovative art from.BThey can be a worthwhile subject for study.CThey are critically important to an understanding of modern art.DTheir visual structure is more complex than that of medieval art.

单选题What is called science or art, according to the author?Athe deficit answers of some of man’s questionsBMan’s thoughtsCall of man’s questionsDthe meaning of reality

单选题The author of the passage explicitly, disagrees with which of the following statements?AIn modern society even non-artists can master techniques that great artists of the 14th century did not employ.BThe ability to represent a three-dimensional object on a flat surface has nothing to do with art.CIn modern society the victory of representational skills has created a problem for art critics.DThe way that artists are able to represent the visible world is an area that needs a great deal more study before it can be fully understood.

单选题Passage1The medical world is gradually realizing that the quality of the environment in hospitals may play a significant role in the process of recovery from illness.As part of a nationwide effort in Britain to bring art out of the galleries and into public places,some of the country's most talented artists have been called in to transform older hospitals and to soften the hard edges of modern buildings. Of the 2,500 National Health Service hospitals in Britain,almost 100 now have significant collections of contemporary art in corridors,waiting areas and treatment rooms.These recent initiatives owe a great deal to one artist,Peter Senior,who set up his studio at a Manchester hospital in northeastern England during the early 1970s.He felt the artist had lost his place in modern society,and that art should be enjoyed by a wider audience.A typical hospital waiting room might have as many as 500 visitors each week. What better place to hold regular exhibitions of art?Senior held the first exhibition of his own paintings in the out-patients waiting area of the Manchester Royal Hospital in 1975.Believed to be Britain's first hospital artist, Senior was so much in demand that he was soon joined by a team of six young art school graduates.The effect is striking. Now in the corridors and waiting rooms the visitor experiences a full view of fresh colors, playful images and restful courtyards.The quality of the environment may reduce the need for expensive drugs when a patient is recovering from an illness. A study has shown that patients who had a view onto a garden needed half the number of strong pain killers compared with patients who had no view at all or only a brick wall to look at.According to Peter Senior, _______.Aart is losing its audience in modern societyBart galleries should be changed into hospitalsCpatients should be encouraged to learn paintingDart should be encouraged in British hospitals

问答题Practice 5  Expressionism was more than a style in painting. It could be found in theatre and cinema, literature and architecture. It was a sharing of ideas and experiences across all these media. The life stories of the Expressionist artists show just how much they had in common. Many began by studying applied art, such as furniture design, often to please their parents. Although they later made more personal art, they continued to make use of those technical skills. Both art critics and the public received this new movement with derision and outrage. Expressionist artists were trying to shock by challenging the traditional, conservative views held by many people. Gradually, however, it became accepted and even admired.  All the Expressionists were affected by World War I (1914-18). Some fled from Germany and spent the war years in exile. Some never returned to their homeland. Most served in the war and some were killed. At first some of them hoped a war would change society for the better but they were soon disillusioned when they saw the destruction and suffering that it caused. In the years after the war, many Expressionist artist revealed the horrors they experienced in their work.

单选题According to the passage,literature,music and the arts ______.Ado not contribute to economic growth at allBare less useful to the society because they do not make direct contribution to economyCare similar to medical and social services in their way of promoting economic growthDshould develop only when they are good for economic growth

单选题A change of a Chinese vessel’s name can only be made by the ().ACCSBthe CustomsCMOCDMSA

单选题A customer needs an Oracle Database Server. Based on the customer’s sizing data, the IBM Oracle Competency Center has determined that the server requirements can be met with a 4-way p5-550 or a 4-way p5-570.  If the pSeries technical specialist proposes a p5-570 versus a p5-550 system, what key differences should be pointed out to the customer?()AThe p5-570 is rack mounted but the p5-550 is not.BThe p5-570 will provide more growth, but at a higher cost.CThe p5-570 is 200-240 volt only and the p5-550 is 110 volt only.DThe p5-570 needs a special feature to become a deskside machine.

单选题Concerning programs for children, it may be inferred that the author believes that such programs should _____.Ainclude no cartoons at allBinclude ones which provide cultureCbe presented only in the morningDbe presented without commercials