单选题What is the name of the place where the doctor’s NHS practice is done?AIn Ealing.BIn the downtown of London.CIn one of London’s suburbs.DIn Heston near the Gym.

What is the name of the place where the doctor’s NHS practice is done?

In Ealing.


In the downtown of London.


In one of London’s suburbs.


In Heston near the Gym.


本题是细节题。第三段提到:46岁的医生Gossain在位于伦敦西南他开业的Fulham有着约100名左右的服务对象,但他却一再地向Ealing,Hammersmith and Hounslow的卫生局填表申领为他们服务的费用。(Dr Gossain,46,had a target list of about l00 patients in his practice at Fulham,southwest London,whom he used repeatedly on claim forms to Ealing,Hammersmith and Hounslow Health Authority.),因此答案为选项C。


What is the name of the tavern where Maggie’s father gets drunk?() A.The Cold Feet Inn And TavernB.Greenwood , Hale’s Inn And TavernC.Maggie’s Rejected Grooms Inn And TavernD.Hale’s Last Stop Inn And Tavern

In Britain people usually have a doctor near their home or in their town. This is the local doctor. You have to register with a doctor before you can make an appointment. You usually have to fill in a form. and the doctor examines you. Families often all register with the same doctor. Doctors often work together in groups, and the name of the place where they work is a Doctor's Surgery. The government pays for this system, and it is free to go to see your doctor. If the doctor decides that you need treatment he can prescribe medicine. For example he can prescribe antibiotics for an infection. Medicine can be tablets to take with water or liquid to drink. The doctor writes the prescription. You take the prescription to the chemist's, and the chemist will make up the medicine for you. You usually have to pay some money for the medicine --- but you don't have to pay the full price.(1). British people usually go a long way to see a doctor.A、 Right.B、Wrong.C、Doesn't say.(2). Some rich British families don't register with the same doctor.A、 Right.B、Wrong.C、Doesn't way.(3). British people don't have to pay when they see their doctor.A、 Right.B、Wrong.C、Doesn't say.(4). Doctors always work alone in their own Doctor's Surgery.A、 Right.B、Wrong.C、Doesn't say.(5). British people usually have to pay for their prescription at the chemist's.A、 Right.B、Wrong.C、Doesn't say.

AUsually, when your teacher asks a question, there is only one correct answer. But there is one question that has millions of current answers. That question is “What’s your name?” Everyone gives a different answer, but everyone is correct.Have you ever wondered about people’s names? Where do they come from? What do they mean?People’s first names, or given names, are chosen by their parents. Sometimes the name of a grandparent or other member of the family is used. Some parents choose the name of a well-known person. A boy could be named George Washington Smith; a girl could be named Helen Keller Jones.Some people give their children names that mean good things. Clara means “bright”; Beatrice means “one who gives happiness”; Donald means “world ruler”; Leonard means “as brave as a lion”.The earliest last names, or surnames, were taken from place names. A family with the name Brook or Brooks probably lived near brook(小溪);someone who was called Longstreet probably lived on a long, paved road. The Greenwood family lived in or near a leafy forest.Other early surnames came from people’s occupations. The most common occupational name is Smith, which means a person who makes things with iron or other metals. In the past, smiths were very important workers in every town and village. Some other occupational names are: Carter — a person who owned or drove a cart; Potter —a person who made pots and pans.The ancestors of the Baker family probably baked bread for their neighbors in their native village. The Carpenter’s great-great-great-grandfather probably built houses and furniture.Sometimes people were known for the color of their hair or skin, or their size, or their special abilities. When there were two men who were named John in the same village, the John with the gray hair probably became John Gray. Or the John was very tall could call himself John Tallman. John Fish was probably an excellent swimmer and John Lightfoot was probably a fast runner or a good dancer.Some family names were made by adding something to the father’s name. English-speaking people added –s or –son. The Johnsons are descendants of John; the Roberts family’s ancestor was Robert. Irish and Scottish people added Mac or Mc or O. Perhaps all of the MacDonnells and the McDonnells and the O’Donnells are descendants of the same Donnell.56. Which of the following aspects do the surnames in the passage NOT cover? A. Places where people lived.B. People’s characters.C. Talents that people possessed.D. People’s occupations.

●已知有关系模式R(S_NO,S_NAME,AGE),其中S-NO表示学生的学号,类型为Char[8],前4位表示入学年份。查询所有2005年入学的学生姓名(S_NAME),SQL语句是 (24) 。(24) A.SELECT S_NAME FROM R WHERE S_NO=′2005%′B.SELECT S_NAME FROM R WHERE S_NO LIKE ′2005%′C.SELECT S_NAME FROM R WHERE S_NO=′2005%′D.SELECT S_NAME FROM R WHERE S_NO ′2005%′

哪些是正确的 like 运算表达式?A.select * from net_46 where s_name like ’晓’B.select * from net_46 where s_name like ’&晓&’C.select * from net_46 where s_name like ’$晓$’D.select * from net_46 where s_name like ’%晓%’

East London has traditional ly been an area which has attracted immigrants.The chance to find jobs in London has led to immigrants from many different parts of the world living there.Also, because it was the home of London s docks, it was easy for people to get there by ship.One famous bui lding in Brick Lane has been a church, a synagogue and is now a mosque Nowadays this part of London, which is known as the East End.is home to people from many different parts of the world.including Africa, Asia and the Caribbean.This means that there are many shops and restaurants selling ethnic food.In the past the East End was one of the poorest parts of London, but now it is becoming more fashionable and house prices are rising rapidly.This is because many people want to live near to where they work in the centre of the city.Also improved transport links to both other parts of London and to other countries via the Channel Tunnel train station and Dock lands Airport have attracted more people to the area.21.East London has()A.has never been a home for immigrantsB.has recently become a home for immigrantsC.has always been a home for immigrants22.Immigrants are attracted by()A.low house pricesB.jobsC.ethnic food23.London s docks were()A.easy to reach by planeB.mainly in East LondonC.a good place to find work24.East London()A.is a cheap place to liveB.has never been a cheap place to live inC.ued to be a cheap place to live in25.House prices are rising rapidly because()A.it has good transport links and more people want to live there near the center of LondonB.there are lots of jobs in East LondonC.there are lots of good shops and restaurants

A:( ).B:Hi. My name's Rose. Are you from London?A. Hello, I'm Paul. What's your name?B. Hello, who are you? What's your name?C. Where are you from?

– Is there a drugstore near here?– ( ).A. It's very smallB. It's very crowdedC. It's a cheap oneD. Yes, there is a big one

下面哪些句子可以表示"您贵姓?"() A、What's your last name?B、What's your family name?C、What's your name?D、What's your first name?

对于基本表S(S#,Name,Sex,Birthday)和SC(S#,C#,Grade),其中S#、Name、Sex、Birthday、C#和G rade分别表示学号、姓名、性别、生日、课程号和成绩。与下列SQL语句等价的关系代数式是______。 SELECT S#,Name FROM S WHERE S# NOT IN (SELECT S# FROM SC WHERE C#='c102')。A.πS#,Name(σC#≠'c102'(SSC))B.πS#,Name(S)-πS#,Name(σC#≠'c102'(SSC))C.πS#,Nmne(SσC#≠'c102'(SC))D.πS#,Name(S(SC))

Where did this story happen?A.A place across the East River.B.A toy shop near the writer"s office.C.Sheftel"s.D.Uncertain.

Where is the nearest parking place to Shakespeare’s Birthplace?A.Behind the exhibition hall.B.Opposite the Visiturs’Centre.C.At Windsor Street.D.Near the Coffee House.

【语言素材】Topic: My FriendsA: She's short and thin. She has two big eyes. She's cute.B: What's her name? She's short and she has long hair. She has an orange schoolbag.C: It's me, Sarah.B: Guess! He's strong and he has two big eyes. He's very friendly.C: It's Zhang Peng.B: Who's he?C: Wu Yifan! He's tall and thin. He has glasses.DialogueJ: Mum, I have a new friend.M: Really? A Chinese friend?J: Yes, he's very friendly.M: What's his name?J: His name is Zhang Peng.J: Look! He's tall and strong.M: Yes, he is.【教学目标】① Knowledge objectives:Students can recognize, read and use some adjectives about describing friends.Students can master the sentence pattern: What's his name? His name is ..., He's ...② Ability objectives:Students can introduce friends to others by practicing the sentences.Students can improve their ability of speaking.③ Emotional objectives:Students can find the beauty of others and learn to cherish friendship.【教学重点】Key words: tall, strong, short, thin, friendly, quietTarget language: What's his name? His name is ... He is ...【教学难点】How to use these words and sentences to introduce others?【教学实录】Step 1 Warming-upGreet the students.Ask the whole class to stand up, sing and act the song "Friend Together".Step 2 Leading-inShow the pictures of two cartoon figures: Peter and Lily.Tell students Peter is our friend, write "friend" on the blackboard, and ask students to greet Peter. Then tell them Peter and Lily are our friends, plus "s" in the blackboard. Students read "friends" 3 times.Lead in today's class and write down the topic "My Friends" on the blackboard.Step 3 Presentation and Practice① Words learning and practice...② Sentence learning and practice...Step 4 Consolidation...Step 5 Summary & HomeworkOne student acts as an assistant teacher to guide all the students to read the words and sentences together.Ask students to finish the following homework.① Listen to the tape and read the dialogue.② Introduce one classmate to your parents.教学设计根据上述案例中的教学目标要求,进行呈现和操练环节(Presentation and Practice)及巩固(Consolidation)环节的教学设计,并分别说明设计意图。设计要求:(1)呈现和操练环节应包括单词和句式的操练。(2)巩固环节需设计两项教学活动。

Is there a drugstore near here?()A、It‘s very small.B、It‘s very crowded.C、It‘s a cheap one.D、Yes, there is a big one.

(), Tom? I fell off my bike and hurt me legsA、What's the matterB、What's going onC、What did you doD、What have you done

问答题Practice 5  ● You are on a business trip to one of your company’s factories in Paris to inspect some machines in trouble. You are asked to report to your Department Manager about your work progress there.  ● Write a memo  ● telling him what you have done so far,  ● stating what the trouble is,  ● saying what you are going to do next.  ● Write 40—50 words on the opposite page.

单选题The best title of the passage can be.AA Dishonest PersonBThe Guilty Practice for a Noble ProfessionCThe Illegal NHS of a GP in LondonDThe Fortune-making Activities of a Doctor

单选题What is the main topic of this passage?AThe increasing rate of crime in London.BThe center of England’s cultural diversity.CThe people’s criticism of London police.DThe poor inter-racial relations in London.

单选题One of the best features of the journalist’s lifestyle is you never know what’s next.Ayou never know what’s nextBit’s so unpredictableCthat you never know what’s nextDone can never predict what’s nextEits unpredictability

单选题()is a room on or near the bridge provided with the necessary fittings and furniture for the handling and stowage of charts and where the chronometers are placed.ACaptain's cabinBChief Officer's lockerCChartroomDPilot's cabin

单选题What is the name of the place where the doctor’s NHS practice is done?AIn Ealing.BIn the downtown of London.CIn one of London’s suburbs.DIn Heston near the Gym.

单选题Why did the professional conduct committee delay its heating of the case under question?ABecause the committee said it had been too busy then.BBecause the doctor said that he had hurt his back.CBecause the doctor was too busy with his NHS to his patients.DBecause the committee was different on the doctor’s behavior.

单选题Is there a drugstore near here?()AIt‘s very small.BIt‘s very crowded.CIt‘s a cheap one.DYes, there is a big one.

单选题What’s Michael’s plan on Saturday?AShowing his sister and her husband around.BGoing out with some guys to that new nightspot downtown.CGoing to the football game.

单选题—I regretted what I have done.—_____ gone is gone. _____ no use regretting it any more.AWhat’s; That’sBIt’s; That’sCWhat’s; It’sDThat’s; It’s

问答题Practice 10  The momentum is building ahead of next month’s G8 summit in Scotland where the leaders of the world’s richest nations will debate what they can do to help some of the world’s poorest. Africa is the priority and the politicians will discuss reducing the debt burden, ending trade regulations which put the continent’s economy at a disadvantage, and giving more aid. Mark Doyle, who’s reported from Africa for many years, looks at why aid is necessary, and why much of what’s been donated in the past has not worked.  All around the edge of Africa-along the coastline, near the continents’ ports—are monuments to exploitation. On the island of Goree, for example, just off the coast of Senegal, there’s: the Slave House. This was the last place many Africans saw before being shipped off to a lifetime of slavery in American or, just as often, to death on the high seas.  There are many more places like this dating from the three hundred and fifty years or so of the African slave trade. When people wonder why Africa is so poor, they need look no further for the start of an explanation.

填空题What does the speaker think of following a doctor’s advice?Following a doctor’s advice is not always ____.

单选题What odes George say about his part of London?AIt is a place well worth visiting.BIt has problems as well as advantages.CIt is the city’s center.