单选题What will be the result of using the SQL DROP USER SCOTT CASCADE; command?()A The user, Scott, is dropped, all the objects in Scott’s schema are placed in the Recycle Bin, and the objects that are  already in the Recycle Bin are dropped.B The user, Scott, is dropped, all the objects in Scott’s schema are placed in the Recycle Bin, and all the objects in the Recycle Bin, belonging to the user Scott, are not dropped.C The user, Scott, is dropped, all the objects in the Scott’s schema are not placed in the Recycle Bin, and the objects in the Recycle Bin, belonging to the user, Scott, are not dropped.D The user, Scott, is dropped, all the objects in Scott’s schema are not placed in the Recycle Bin, and the objects in the Recycle Bin are dropped.

What will be the result of using the SQL> DROP USER SCOTT CASCADE; command?()

 The user, Scott, is dropped, all the objects in Scott’s schema are placed in the Recycle Bin, and the objects that are  already in the Recycle Bin are dropped.


 The user, Scott, is dropped, all the objects in Scott’s schema are placed in the Recycle Bin, and all the objects in the Recycle Bin, belonging to the user Scott, are not dropped.


 The user, Scott, is dropped, all the objects in the Scott’s schema are not placed in the Recycle Bin, and the objects in the Recycle Bin, belonging to the user, Scott, are not dropped.


 The user, Scott, is dropped, all the objects in Scott’s schema are not placed in the Recycle Bin, and the objects in the Recycle Bin are dropped.


解析: 暂无解析


Your database interface is running. A user SCOTT starts a SQL *Plus session, and issues the following query:SQL SELECT * FROM sales;Which process would retrieve the result from the database and return it to the client program?()A. User processB. Server processC. System Monitor (SMON)D. Process Monitor (PMON)E. Checkpoint process (CKPT)

You executed the following command to drop a user:DROP USER scott CASCADE;Which two statements regarding the above command are correct?() A. All the objects of scott are moved to the Recycle Bin.B. Any objects in the Recycle Bin belonging to scott are purged.C. All the objects owned by scott are permanently dropped from the database.D. All the objects of scott in the Recycle Bin must be purged before executing the DROP command.E. Any objects in the Recycle Bin belonging to scott will not be affected by the above DROP command.

The DBA issues this SQL command: CREATE USER scott IDENTIFIED by tiger; What privileges does the user Scott have at this point?() A. no privilegesB. only the SELECT privilegeC. only the CONNECT privilegeD. all the privileges of a default user

The DBA issues this SQL command:What privileges does the user Scott have at this point?() A. No privileges.B. Only the SELECT privilege.C. Only the CONNECT privilege.D. All the privileges of a default user.

在Oracle中,用ALTER将scott的口令改为hello,下列哪个是正确的?( )A.ALTER USER scott IDENTIFIED BY helloB.ALTER scott USER IDENTIFIED BY helloC.ALTER USER scott IDENTIFIED AS helloD.ALTER USER hello IDENTIFIED BY scott

You work as a database administrator for Certkiller .com. While granting a role,SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE, to a user, Certkiller, using Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Database Control, you have cleared the DEFAULT check box. What will be the result?()A、The user cannot use the role at all.B、The role would not be granted to the user.C、The user needs to enable the role explicitly.D、The user can start using the role immediately.E、The user would have the admin option for the role.

Your database is running in ARCHIVELOG mode. The SCOTT.EMP table belongs to the DATA1 tablespace. The junior DBA erroneously runs a script that executes the following statement:   SQL DROP TABLE SCOTT.EMP PURGE;   After one hour, you are performing the user managed incomplete recovery. Which datafiles will you restore from the last full backup?()A、 the datafiles associated with the SYSTEM tablespaceB、 the datafiles associated to the DATA1 tablespaceC、 the datafiles associated to the SYSTEM and DATA1 tablespacesD、 all the datafiles in the database

授予删除任何表的系统权限(DROP ANY TABLE)给user1,并使其能继续授该权限给其他用户,以下正确的SQL语句是()A、Grant drop any table to user1B、Grant drop any table to user1 with admin optionC、Grant drop table to user1D、Grant drop any table to user1 with check potion

You created a profile APP_USER and assigned it to the users. After a month, you decide to drop theprofile.Some user sessions are currently connected to the database instance and are using the APP_USERprofile. This command is used to drop the profile: SQL DROP PROFILE app_user;  Which statement describes the result()A、The command produces an error.B、The profile is dropped and current user sessions use the DEFAULT profile immediately.C、The profile is dropped and only the subsequent user sessions use the DEFAULT profile.D、The profile is dropped, the sessions are terminated, and the subsequent user sessions use theDEFAULT profile.

Your database interface is running. A user SCOTT starts a SQL *Plus session, and issues the following query: SQL SELECT * FROM sales; Which process would retrieve the result from the database and return it to the client program?()A、User processB、Server processC、System Monitor (SMON)D、Process Monitor (PMON)E、Checkpoint process (CKPT)

The DBA issues this SQL command:CREATE USER scott IDENTIFIED by tiger;What privileges does the user Scott have at this point?()A、no privilegesB、only the SELECT privilegeC、only the CONNECT privilegeD、all the privileges of a default user

You issue the following code:    EXEC DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER_PRIVS.GRANT_SWITCH_CONSUMER_GROUP        (’SCOTT’ ’GRP1’, TRUE);   What will be the result of executing the above code?()  A、 The switch privilege will be granted to the user, Scott, for changing the consumer group to GRP1.B、 The switch privilege will be granted to the user, Scott, for changing the consumer group from GRP1 to any other group.C、 The code will not execute successfully because there is no GRANT_SWITCH_CONSUMER_GROUP procedure in the DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER_PRIVS package.D、The code will execute successfully but no privilege will be granted to the user, Scott.

The DBA issues this SQL command: CREATE USER scott IDENTIFIES by tiger; What privileges does the user Scott have at this point? ()A、No privileges.B、Only the SELECT privilege.C、Only the CONNECT privilege.D、All the privileges of a default user.

In user-managed backup and recover procedures, how are data files backed up? ()A、Using SQL commands.B、Using SQL*Plus commands.C、Using operating system commands.D、Using Recover Manager commands.

单选题The DBA issues this SQL command: CREATE USER scott IDENTIFIED by tiger; What privileges does the user Scott have at this point?()Ano privilegesBonly the SELECT privilegeConly the CONNECT privilegeDall the privileges of a default user

多选题You executed the following command to drop a user: DROP USER scott CASCADE; Which two statements regarding the above command are correct?()AAll the objects of scott are moved to the Recycle Bin.BAny objects in the Recycle Bin belonging to scott are purged.CAll the objects owned by scott are permanently dropped from the database.DAll the objects of scott in the Recycle Bin must be purged before executing the DROP command.EAny objects in the Recycle Bin belonging to scott will not be affected by the above DROP command.

单选题Your database interface is running. A user SCOTT starts a SQL *Plus session, and issues the following query:   SQL SELECT * FROM sales;   Which process would retrieve the result from the database and return it to the client program?()A User processB Server processC System Monitor (SMON)D Process Monitor (PMON)E Checkpoint process (CKPT)

单选题In your test database, you find that a user’s session is executing a lot of SQL statements, resulting in the generation of a large number of trace files. While investigating the reason, you find that SQL trace has been enabled at the instance level.  You want to disable SQL trace, remotely, only for that user session to reduce the volume of trace data being generated.  How do you achieve this objective?()Aby setting the SQL_TRACE parameter to FALSE in the parameter fileBby using DBMS_MONITOR.SESSION_TRACE_DISABLE to disable the tracing for the user sessionCby setting the SQL_TRACE parameter to FALSE by using the ALTER SYSTEM command in the user sessionDby setting the SQL_TRACE parameter to FALSE by using the ALTER SESSION command in the user session

单选题You execute the following command toauditdatabase activities:  SQLAUDITDROP ANY TABLE BY scott BY SESSION WHENEVER SUCCESSFUL;  What is the effect of this command()AOneauditrecord is created for every successful DROP TABLE command executed in the session ofSCOTT.BOneauditrecord is generated for the session when SCOTT grants the DROP ANY TABLE privilege toother users.COne audit record is created for the whole session if user SCOTT successfully drops one or more tablesin his session.DOne audit record is created for every session of any other user in which a table owned by SCOTT isdropped successfully.EOne audit record is created for every successful DROP TABLE command executed by any user to droptables owned by SCOTT.

单选题You want to enable the user, Scott, to change to the GRP1 consumer group by issuing the following code:        SQL EXEC DBMS_SESSION.SWITCH_CURRENT_CONSUMER_GROUP  (’SCOTT’,       ’GRP1’, FALSE);   How will you grant the switch privilege to the user, Scott?()A by using the DBMS_SESSION packageB by granting the DBA roleC by using the DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER packageD by using the DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER_PRIVS package

单选题You issue the following code:    EXEC DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER_PRIVS.GRANT_SWITCH_CONSUMER_GROUP        (’SCOTT’ ’GRP1’, TRUE);   What will be the result of executing the above code?()A The switch privilege will be granted to the user, Scott, for changing the consumer group to GRP1.B The switch privilege will be granted to the user, Scott, for changing the consumer group from GRP1 to any other group.C The code will not execute successfully because there is no GRANT_SWITCH_CONSUMER_GROUP procedure in the DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER_PRIVS package.DThe code will execute successfully but no privilege will be granted to the user, Scott.

单选题You work as a database administrator for Certkiller .com. While granting a role,SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE, to a user, Certkiller, using Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Database Control, you have cleared the DEFAULT check box. What will be the result?()AThe user cannot use the role at all.BThe role would not be granted to the user.CThe user needs to enable the role explicitly.DThe user can start using the role immediately.EThe user would have the admin option for the role.

单选题Your database interface is running. A user SCOTT starts a SQL *Plus session, and issues the following query: SQL SELECT * FROM sales; Which process would retrieve the result from the database and return it to the client program?()AUser processBServer processCSystem Monitor (SMON)DProcess Monitor (PMON)ECheckpoint process (CKPT)

单选题You execute the following command to audit the database activities:  SQL AUDIT DROP ANY TABLE BY scott BY SESSION WHENEVER SUCCESSFUL;  What is the effect of this command?()AOne audit record is created for the whole session if user SCOTT successfully drops one or more tables in his session.BOne audit record is created for every session when any user successfully drops a table owned by SCOTT.COne audit record is created for each successful DROP TABLE command executed by any user to drop tables owned by SCOTT.DOne audit record is generated for the session when SCOTT grants the DROP ANY TABLE privilege to other users in his session.EOne audit record is created for each successful DROP TABLE command executed in the session of SCOTT.

单选题You created a profile APP_USER and assigned it to the users. After a month, you decide to drop theprofile.Some user sessions are currently connected to the database instance and are using the APP_USERprofile. This command is used to drop the profile: SQL DROP PROFILE app_user;  Which statement describes the result()AThe command produces an error.BThe profile is dropped and current user sessions use the DEFAULT profile immediately.CThe profile is dropped and only the subsequent user sessions use the DEFAULT profile.DThe profile is dropped, the sessions are terminated, and the subsequent user sessions use theDEFAULT profile.

单选题The user HR owns the EMP table. The user HR grants privileges to the user SCOTT by using this command:  SQL GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE ON emp TO scott WITH GRANT OPTION; The user SCOTT executes this command to grant privileges to the user JIM: SQL GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE ON hr.emp TO jim;  Now, the user HR decides to revoke privileges from JIM using this command: SQL REVOKE SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE ON emp FROM jim; Which statement is true after HR issues the REVOKE command()AThe command fails because SCOTT still has privileges.BThe command succeeds and privileges are revoked from JIM.CThe command fails because HR cannot revoke the privileges from JIM.DThe command succeeds and only HR has the privilege to perform the SELECT, INSERT, and UPDATEoperations on the EMP table.

单选题The DBA issues this SQL command: CREATE USER scott IDENTIFIES by tiger; What privileges does the user Scott have at this point? ()ANo privileges.BOnly the SELECT privilege.COnly the CONNECT privilege.DAll the privileges of a default user.