单选题_____AChildren’s food.BHoliday food.CChinese food.DWestern food.


Children’s food.


Holiday food.


Chinese food.


Western food.


细节题。由男士的话“I wonder if you have a spectra menu for children.”可知,他想要儿童食品,所以正确答案为A。
M: I wonder if you have a spectra menu for children.
W: I’m sorry. But we don’t have one.
Q: What kind of food does the man ask for?


填空题(____)保险单; (____)保险范围

单选题Your new product would not have sold so well but for a lot of advertisements we put on the television.A如果我们没在电视上作大量广告,你们的新产品就不会有很好的销路。B虽然我们未在电视上作大量广告,你们的产品依然销路很好。C若不是我们作了大量的电视广告,你们的新产品销路不会这么好。

填空题Yesterday they received a written (invite) ____ to a dinner from Mr. Black.

填空题In the past few years, traffic problems (become) ____ more and more serious.

单选题Not until the day before yesterday _____ to give a speech at the meeting.Ahe agreedBdoes he agreeChe agreesDdid he agree

单选题Most people in the United States buy insurance _____.Ato pay for their own medical careBto help to live on their low incomesCto improve the national health care serviceDto solve one of the important political problems


单选题Obtaining enough food is the first concern for every nation; in some countries food shortages have become a serious problem.A生产足够的粮食是各国的首要国策;有些国家已面临粮食减产这一重大问题。B能否获得充足的粮食关系到每个国家的生存;有些国家粮食短缺的问题日益严重。C获得足够的粮食是所有国家的头等大事;粮食短缺已成为一些国家的严重问题。

单选题Many doctors think it is helpful for night-shift workers _____.Ato sleep with a bright light onBto plan sleep patterns carefullyCto avoid being disturbed at workDto sleep for a long time after work


单选题When he was in London, he tried to avoid _____ his friends in the street.AmeetsBmetCmeetingDto meet

单选题The best title for the passage might be _____.ABuy Nothing Day in the U. S.BThe Future of Buy Nothing DayCFree Dinners on Buy Nothing DayDStudents’ Activities on Buy Nothing Day

单选题If you are a small firm and you are confident you know the risk assessment, you can do it yourself.A如果你们公司规模小,并自信对风险评估很了解,你们可以自己进行这项工作。B如果你们拥有一家小公司,并有信心去理解这项工作,你可以自己作风险评估。C如果你是一家小公司,而且熟悉风险投资,你就可以自己去投资。

单选题I can’t find the key to my office. I _____ have lost it on my way home.AwouldBshouldCmustDought to

单选题Customers consider location as the first factor when _____ a decision about buying a house.AmakeBmadeCto makeDmaking

单选题She didn’t go to the party last night, _____ she had to finish her term paper.AifBthoughCtillDbecause

单选题In our company, great changes _____ since the new manager came.Atook placeBtake placeCwill have taken placeDhave taken place


填空题My uncle and aunt (constant) ____ came to see me when I was ill in hospital.




单选题It has been quite a long time _____ the two companies established a business relationship.AalthoughBbecauseCifDsince

填空题What must the applicants do to meet the demands of the 2008 Olympic Games?Contribute sufficient funds, products, and ____.

单选题Candidates who are not contacted within four weeks after the interview may consider their application unsuccessful.A面试后四周内仍未接到通知的求职者可以考虑再申请。B求职者在面试后四周内不来签订合同则被认为是放弃申请。C求职者如果在面试后四周内尚未得到通知,则可认为未被录用。

单选题_____AUpstairs.BDownstairs.CRight behind the woman.DAcross the bus stop.

填空题Before the flight takes off, all passengers are asked to (fast) ____ their seat belts.
