单选题61.A relieved B confirmed C resolved D confiictedAABBCCDD

61.A relieved   B confirmed   C resolved   D confiicted











This medicine has( )my toothache. A. relievingB. relieveC. relievedD. been relieved

Hearing problems may be alleviated by changes in diet and exercise habits.A.removedB.curedC.worsenedD.relieved

47_____A. regrettedB. rememberedC. concludedD. confirmed


The medicine the doctor gave him ___ his headache. A、freedB、refreshedC、releasedD、relieved

Before he spoke to the crowd, Jackson took a deep breath to ____ his excessive nervousness.A. EndureB. fortifyC. relieveD. prohibit

This letter is _____ our telephone conversation this morning.A、confirmedB、to confirmC、to have confirmedD、to be confirmed

Which of the following credit is not mentioned in the passage?A.irrevocableB.revocableC.standbyD.confirmed

When making changes to a server, which of the following is the BEST way to troubleshoot a problem?() A. Perform root cause analysis and then test the theory to determine the cause.B. Make changes to the system and document everything once the problem is resolved.C. Make multiple changes to all affected areas to resolve all potential issues.D. Make a change and if the problem is not resolved, reverse the change.

The patient has been ________ of the safety of the operation.[A] assured[B] guaranteed[C] entrusted[D] confirmed

It’s true that these herbs(药单)can be used to __________pain.A.decreaseB.reduceC.relieveD.relax

请在(14)处填上最佳答案。[A] released[B] relayed[C] relieved[D] remained

A vessel not to impede the passage of another vessel is not relieved ______ taking collision-avoiding action.A.onB.ofC.inD.for

I was awfully tired when I got home from work, but a half hour nap ______ me.A.reviveD.B.releaseD.C.relieveD.D.recovereD.

The procurement manager is relieved that the new software he bought will be_______withthe existing TT system.A.Compatible B.feasible C.believable D.receivable

The symptoms of the disease manifested themselves ten days later.A:eased B:improvedC:relieved D:appeared

The symptoms of the disease manifested themselves ten days later.A:eased B:appeared C:improved D:relieved

We resolved the problem after group discussion.A: causedB: metC: solvedD: posed

Which of the following is true about the following share access properties? ()A、 +managers will be resolved as a Winbind group.  B、 The timo and taki users can manipulate files regardless of the file system permissions.  C、 +managers will be resolved as a Unix group.  D、 +managers is a builtin default Samba group.  E、 The "admin users" can be applied only to print shares.

One of the is sues that have to be resolved in an export transaction is the currency to()in the payment clause.A、InB、OnC、WithD、At

Refer to the exhibit. Which rule does the DHCP server use when there is an IP address conflict?()A、The address is removed from the pool until the conflict is resolved.B、The address remains in the pool until the conflict is resolved.C、Only the IP detected by Gratuitous ARP is removed from the pool.D、Only the IP detected by Ping is removed from the pool.E、The IP will be shown, even after the conflict is resolved.

When making changes to a server, which of the following is the BEST way to troubleshoot a problem?()A、 Perform root cause analysis and then test the theory to determine the cause.B、 Make changes to the system and document everything once the problem is resolved.C、 Make multiple changes to all affected areas to resolve all potential issues.D、 Make a change and if the problem is not resolved, reverse the change.

单选题Refer to the exhibit. Which rule does the DHCP server use when there is an IP address conflict?()AThe address is removed from the pool until the conflict is resolved.BThe address remains in the pool until the conflict is resolved.COnly the IP detected by Gratuitous ARP is removed from the pool.DOnly the IP detected by Ping is removed from the pool.EThe IP will be shown, even after the conflict is resolved.

单选题65. A remembered B resolved C happened D occurredAABBCCDD

单选题61.A No matter how B As C As long as D WhereAABBCCDD

单选题A vessel not to impede the passage of another vessel is not relieved () taking collision-avoiding action.AonBofCinDfor

单选题Exhausted from a day of hiking across steep, rain-soaked paths, the group of campers were relieved upon the final reaching of the car.Agroup of campers were relieved upon the final reaching of the carBcamping group became relieved after they got to the carCgroup of campers was relieved to finally reach the carDcampers were relieved after the car was finally reachedEgroup was relieved after the campers finally reached the car