单选题Vessels wishing to communicate with the Port Health Officer should do()on VHF Channel 14.AsoBthatCthisDsame
Vessels wishing to communicate with the Port Health Officer should do()on VHF Channel 14.
Which statement is True?A.The Port State Control Officer has no right to check a SSPB.The Master has the right to refuse the request from a Port State Control Officer to check the confidential part of the SSP on boardC.The Confidential part of a SSP can never be subject to non-flag StateD.Even the flag State has no right to check the SSP thoroughly
All masters, owners and agents ________ that vessels when requesting Immigration and Port Health Clearance must anchor at the designated Immigration and Quarantine Anchorage and exhibit the appropriate signals.A.remindB.is remindedC.are remindedD.to remind
The master of any vessel entering Singapore may ______ radio pratique to the Port Health Officer through his local agent.A.apply toB.apply forC.apply withD.apply in
What form should the master hand over to the Customs Officer at the port of arrival? ______.A.Last Port ClearanceB.Declaration of Crew's BaggagesC.Maritime Declaration of HealthD.List of Bonded Stores
The granting of radio pratique ______ the vessel only as far as the Port Officer of Health is concerned.A.clearB.clearsC.clearingD.is cleared
All ships ______ suspected infectious disease on board should radio information to Port Health Officer.A.withB.hasC.haveD.had
Please give particulars of every case of {illness or death} occurring on board,the Health officer said to the master.A.Symptoms or CaseB.disease or accidentC.sickness or mortalityD.Health or person
Vessels in port may use ______ for receiving typhoon warnings during the typhoon season.A.Their transmittersB.Their receiversC.Their radarsD.Their lorans
When a ship is in port, who will keep gangway watch?()A、An officer.B、A sailor on duty.C、Wharf man.D、An engineer.
-Will you take me to see your chief officer? -Sorry, he has gone (). Would you like to leave a message for him? A、shoreB、landC、ashoreD、port
单选题Prior to taking over the deck watch in port,the relieving officer shall not be informed by the officer in charge of the deck watch as to().Athe depth of the water at the berthBthe ship‟s draughtCthe duty of the relieving officerDthe arrangement of anchor and the scope of the anchor chain
单选题SOLAS vessels should be able to communicate with a shore station().Ano matter where they are and what time it isBat scheduled time and in major ocean regionsCat fixed time and positionDwhen they get permission
单选题Two vessels are approaching each other near head on. What action should be taken to avoid collision?().AThe first vessel to sight the other should give wayBThe vessel making the slower speed should give wayCBoth vessels should alter course to starboardDBoth vessels should alter course to port
单选题What form should the master hand over to the Customs Officer at the port of arrival().ALast Port ClearanceBDeclaration of Crew's BaggagesCMaritime Declaration of HealthDList of Bonded Stores
单选题The port State control officer or the surveyor authorized by the port State Administration must be aware that()may be carried on product carriers.Acategory A substancesBcrude oilCcertain“oil like”noxious liquid substancesDcategory B,C and D substances
单选题The provisional pratique by radio () a vessel to proceed directly to berths or working anchorages and begin normal business activities without the inspection of the Port Health Officer.ApermitBpermittingCis permittedDpermits
单选题Fire protection regulations for towing vessels require that all crew members participate in drills and receive instruction at least once a month. Who is responsible for ensuring that this takes place?()AThe Officer in Charge,Marine InspectionBThe Master,or person in charge of the vesselCThe vessel's owner or managerDThe company's port captain or port engineer
单选题Vessels are required()Singapore Port Service when passing the points indicated.Acommunicating withBto communicate withCbe communicatedDwill communicate
单选题Vessels in port may use()for receiving typhoon warnings during the typhoon season.Atheir transmittersBtheir receiversCtheir radarsDtheir lorans
单选题Vessels,()support vessels,should not enter the safety zone of a deepwater port unless clearance has been obtained from the Vessel Traffic Supervisor.AbesidesBexceptedCotherwiseDother than
单选题The master of any vessel entering Singapore may () radio pratique to the Port Health Officer through his local agent.Aapply toBapply forCapply withDapply in
单选题If employees have any health problem, they should _____.Atelephone the factoryBinform the Senior NurseCreport to their line managerDcontact the health and safety officer
单选题All masters,owners and agents()that vessels when requesting Immigration and Port Health Clearance must anchor at the designated Immigration and Quarantine Anchorage and exhibit the appropriate signals.AremindBis remindedCare remindedDto remind
单选题The granting of radio pratique ()the vessel only as far as the Port Officer of Health is concerned.AclearBclearsCclearingDis cleared
单选题Two vessels meeting in a “head-on” situation are directed by the Rules to().Aalter course to starboard and pass port to portBalter course to port and pass starboard to starboardCdecide on which side the passage will occur by matching whistle signalsDslow to bare steerageway