单选题The expenses for such work done by stevedores are()shipowners’().Afor, accountBto, paymentCon, accountDwith, payment

The expenses for such work done by stevedores are()shipowners’().

for, account


to, payment


on, account


with, payment


解析: 暂无解析


What do you think of the work Tom has done recently? I feel ()that the work shouldn‘t have been done so carelessly. A、badlyB、directlyC、stronglyD、hardly

My wife is out of work now, so we have to ________ our living expenses. A.cut downB.cut outC.cut offD.cut short

Don’t put off today’s work for tomorrow. I mean, today’s work _____ today.A. may do B. must do C. may be done D. must be done

He is not such a man()would leave his work half done. A、asB、thatC、whoD、whoever

The work was done()her instructions.A. according toB. according withC. accordance with

The man directing and supervising the work of stevedores is the______.A.local agentB.watchmanC.dockerD.Foreman

_______ a good beginning is made, the work is half done. A.WhileB.As soon asC.AsD.Once

Before adjusting the derrick, what work should be done?

______ in a charter-party are working days on which the weather allows loading work or discharging work to be done.A.Whether working daysB.Weather working daysC.Running daysD.Calendar days

In modern times,the work of stowage is generally deputed to stevedores,but that does not generally relieve the shipowners ______ their duties even though the stevedores are,under the charter-party,to be appointed by the Charterers.A.toB.byC.inD.of

Where normal delivery at the port of destination is prevented by some cause beyond the control of the master,and the master may and must deal with the cargo for the benefit of its owners by landing it,carrying it,or transshipping it,as may seem best,the Shipowner may then charge the cargo owners with ______ to cover the expenses thus incurred in their interests.A.pro rata freightB.advance freightC.dead freightD.back freight 答案

There is still an immense amount of work to be done.A:muchB:enormousC:little D:extensive

开关舱的工作通常是由船员来做。()A、The work of opening and closing hatches is usually done by crew members.B、The work of opening and closing hatch covers is usually done by crew members.C、The work of opening hatch covers is usually done by crew members.D、The work of closing hatch covers is usually done by crew members.

单选题The ratio of the work done by the machine()the work done on it is called the efficiency of the machine.AagainstBwithCtoDfor

单选题开关舱的工作通常是由船员来做。()AThe work of opening and closing hatches is usually done by crew members.BThe work of opening and closing hatch covers is usually done by crew members.CThe work of opening hatch covers is usually done by crew members.DThe work of closing hatch covers is usually done by crew members.

单选题The expenses for such work done by stevedores are()shipowners’().Afor, accountBto, paymentCon, accountDwith, payment

单选题If the vessel does not arrive by the canceling date,and the Charterer()expenses,these expenses can be claimed by him from the Shipowner where they are in the reasonable contemplation of the parties.AoccursBincursCdiscusDrecurs

单选题In modern times,the work of stowage is generally deputed to stevedores,but that does not generally relieve the shipowners()their duties even though the stevedores are,under the charter-party,to be appointed by the Charterers.AtoBbyCinDof

单选题The work()by the time you get there.Awill have been doneBwas doneChad been doneDhas done

单选题Where normal delivery at the port of destination is prevented by some cause beyond the control of the master,and the master may and must deal with the cargo for the benefit of its owners by landing it,carrying it,or transshipping it,as may seem best,the Shipowner may then charge the cargo owners with()to cover the expenses thus incurred in their interests.Apro rata freightBadvance freightCdead freightDback freight

单选题From the passage we know that welfare reform aims at _____.Asaving welfare fundsBrebuilding the work ethicCproviding more jobsDcutting government expenses

单选题The expenses for the loading of trucks and heavy cargo and the necessary materials for lashing thereof will be charged to()account.Athe supercargo'sBthe shipper'sCthe shipowner'sDcarrier's

单选题If there were fewer management staff, more work ().Awould be doneBwill be doneCwould have be doneDshould be done

单选题If the Shipowner fails to give the Charterer the notice of readiness to load,and delay in commencing to load is thereby caused,the Charterer will(),as he is not bound to look out for the ship.Abe responsibleBnot be responsibleCpay the Shipowner for the expenses incurredDnot claim the Shipowner for the expenses incurred

单选题()will be paid by shipowner after tallyman doing the tally work.Acargo-handling expenseBtally moneyCcargo-tally duesDtally fees

单选题Mr. Agent, do you know()?Awhen can the stevedores finish loadingBwhen will the stevedores finish loadingCwhen the stevedores can finish loadingDwhen the stevedores finish loading can

单选题()in a charter-party are working days on which the weather allows loading work or discharging work to be done.AWhether working daysBWeather working daysCRunning daysDCalendar days

单选题The man directing and supervising the work of stevedores is the().Alocal agentBwatchmanCdockerDforeman