单选题_____AThe tree was broken.BAll the leaves fell down.COne of the branches fell down.DThe tree was cut down.


The tree was broken.


All the leaves fell down.


One of the branches fell down.


The tree was cut down.


细节题。录音中提到“One of the biggest branches came down in the night.”,大树的一根最大的枝桠在夜间掉了下来,故选C。


填空题The people injured in the accident (send) ____ to the nearest hospital for treatment last night.

单选题Last month I booked a double room in the name of Mr. Brown for a week from the 14th, January.A上个月我以布朗先生名义预订了一间双人房,为期一周,从1月14日起算。B上个月我为布朗先生预订了一个双人间,到1月14日止刚好为期一周。C上个月,布朗先生为我预订了两个房间,到1月14日为止,共一周时间。

填空题What do you do in the first part of the conversation?We ____ and tell each other our names or exchange name cards.

填空题What is required of the applicants in terms of social image?They must enjoy a ____ social image.

填空题What activities was he involved in when he had his practice in the company?A whole variety of ____.

单选题Not until that day _____ the importance of good manners in a job interview.Adid I realizeBI did realizeCI have realizedDhave I realized

单选题_____ATake another interview.BWork with his father.CStart his own company.DStay at the present job.

单选题Most of the machines in the workshop _____ next month.Aare repairedBhave been repairedCwere repairedDwill be repaired

填空题If you smoke in this non-smoking area, you will (fine) ____ $50.


单选题Last steps on stairs may become a high-risk accident area if they are _____.Anot painted in a different colorBnot marked with bright tapesCfixed with grab barsDvery brightly lit

单选题Falls in the bathroom are considered to be unfortunate because _____.Athey can easily be avoidedBold people seldom fall in bathroomsCgrab bars do not help to prevent fallsDbathroom accidents are difficult to prevent


填空题The professor, as well as his assistants, (do) ____ the experiment in the lab forty hours a week.

填空题Before (write) ____ an application letter, you should be aware what kind of people the employer needs.

单选题_____AHe wanted to check the order number.BHe wanted to order some computers.CHe wanted to report on a problem.DHe wanted to see the secretary.

填空题What temperature is recommended for washing light colored clothes?____


单选题People feel that the interdependence of nations, so long talked about by statesmen, is today more than ever a reality.A人们感到,一直都在谈论的国家的独立,今天比以往任何时候这个问题都显得重要。B人们感到,政治家长期谈论的国家间的相互依存,现在比任何时候都更为实在。C人们感到,许多国家以前一直关心的独立问题,现在比以前任何时候都更加现实。

单选题Lorenzo’s father organized an international study to _____.Atest Lorenzo’s OilBget financial supportCfind a cure for the diseaseDintroduce the cure worldwide

填空题She described the ancient city in detail because she (live) ____ there for years.

单选题Whom should the application form be sent to if you want to apply for SAL FFP Membership?ASAL FFP Club.BThe SAL ticket office.CThe SAL headquarters.DSAL Customer Service Center.

单选题Please keep a detailed _____ of the work that you have done.ApaperBideaCexerciseDrecord

填空题What is the cause for the turntable to fail to turn?____ is not operating correctly.

单选题I _____ my former manager when I was on a flight to Beijing.Aran intoBtook awayCput onDshut down


填空题The research group has submitted a report, (suggest) ____ reforms to be made.

填空题For whom are the products specially designed?For ____.