单选题Scrapers are used to ()the rust on the plates.AremoveBmoveCshiftDwater

Scrapers are used to ()the rust on the plates.









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The machine ____ photos is easy to operate A.used to printingB.is used to printC.is used to printingD.used to print

—Have you ___________ drinking?—Not yet. A.been used forB.got used forC.been used toD.got used to

Mother ______ us stories when we were young.A. was used to tellB. is used to tellingC. used to tellD. used to telling

His father _______ shout at his mother, ________ couldn’t do anything to change the conditions. A.used to… whichB.was used to…whomC.used to…whoD.was used to… that

( )Her son __________ Coke, but now he __________ milk.A.used to drink;is used to drinkingB.used to drinking;drinksC.is used to drinking;used to drinkD.is used to drink;is drinking

We ______ very close,but things have changed recently. A. used to be B. are used to being C. are used to be D. were used to being

The patches where rust have been removed should be wiped clean before paint is ______.A.appliedB.suppliedC.repliedD.complied

What is usually NOT required in preparing a hold for reception of a bulk grain cargo ________.A.Remove residue of previous cargoB.Remove loose rust and scaleC.Steam clean areas obstructed by structural membersD.Spray or fumigate any insect colonies

Many pure metals have little use because they are too soft,rust too easily,or have some other drawback.A:propertyB:additiveC:disadvantageD:disparity

Which of the following is the suggestion that the author gives to the parents?( ) A.Parents must encourage the children to express their feelings. B.Parents must be deeply involved in their children’s problems. C.Parents must pay more attention to their outlook to show their children the importance of appearance and weight. D.Parents must teach their children to eat everything in their plates.

用敲锈锤敲去厚锈。()A、Heavy rust is removed with a chipping hammer.B、Loose paint and scale is removed with a scraper.C、Heavy rust is removed with a scraper.D、Loose paint and scale are removed with a chipping hammer.

I never()to bed so late.A、got used to goingB、used to goingC、got usedto goD、used going

What is Phantom RP used for?()A、it is used for load balancing in bidirectional PIMB、it is used for redundancy in bidirectional PIMC、it is used for redundancy in PIM-SMD、it is used for load balancing in PIM-SM

What does the protocol field inside the PPP frame indicate?()A、the protocol used to determine the authentication methodB、the protocol used to identify the data in the Information fieldC、the protocol used to carry the PPP frameD、the protocol used to decode the FCS fieldE、the protocol used to detect the number of padding bytes

底漆用于出白金属表面, 防止其生锈。()A、Topside paint is applied to a bare surface to give protective against rust.B、Undercoat is applied to a bare surface to give protection against rust.C、Primer coat is applied to a bare surface to give protection against rust.D、Topcoat is applied to a bare surface to give protection against rust.

全锈型(eu-form rust)

The general additional risks including()are covered in all risks coverage.A、risk of shortageB、risk of leakageC、strikes riskD、risk of rust

Which statement is correct about the use of the virtual interface on a WLC ?()A、 Used to relay DHCP messagesB、 Used to communicate with LAPsC、 Used to bring up LWAPP tunnelsD、 Used to extend into the wireless client VLAN

单选题Experience shows that where signs of rust on steel shipments are apparent at the time of shipment,Mates-Receipts and Bills of Lading need not necessarily in all cases be()with the single word “rusty”.AclausedBwordedCgivenDwritten

单选题What is Phantom RP used for?()Ait is used for load balancing in bidirectional PIMBit is used for redundancy in bidirectional PIMCit is used for redundancy in PIM-SMDit is used for load balancing in PIM-SM

单选题The patches where rust have been removed should be wiped clean before paint is().AappliedBsuppliedCrepliedDcomplied

单选题We can remove the heavy rust on the plate with a ().AscraperBhammerCchipping hammerDsaw

单选题刮刀用来铲去起泡的油漆和锈皮。()ALoose paint and scale is removed with a scraper.BHeavy rust is removed with a scraper.CLoose paint and scale is removed with a chipping hammer.DHeavy rust is removed with a chipping hammer.

单选题They soon moved back to the country because they did’t used to city life.Ausedn’t to Bwouldn’t used toChadn’t used toDcouldn’t get used to

单选题The pot _____ for _____ hot water.Aused; keepingBwas used; keepingCis used; to keepDare used; keep

单选题Ships are always()on water and they are easy to rust.AfloatBfloatingCfloatsDfloated

单选题In the afternoon he often removes rust or()some paint work.AdoBdidCdoesDto do