单选题If the point (-1, 2) is on a graph that is symmetric with respect to the y-axis, then which of the following points must also be on the graph?A(1, 2)B(-1, -2)C(1,-2)D(-2, 1)E(2, -1)

If the point (-1, 2) is on a graph that is symmetric with respect to the y-axis, then which of the following points must also be on the graph?

(1, 2)


(-1, -2)




(-2, 1)


(2, -1)


If (a, b) is a point on a graph symmetric with respect to they-axis, then (-a, b) is also on the graph. (1, 2) is the reflection of the point (-1, 2) over the y-axis.


Which of the processes listed would be the most satisfactory method to use to lower the humidity of the air being circulated by an air conditioning system?A.Cooling the air to a temperature just above dew pointB.Heating the air to a point at which moisture will boil off ,then re-cooling itC.Cooling the air to a point below dew point, then reheating itD.Heating the air and then cooling it to a point below dew point


下面程序的输出结果是()。includeincludeusing namespace std;class point{p 下面程序的输出结果是( )。 #include<iostream> #include<math.h> using namespace std; class point { private: double x; double y; public: point(double a,double b) { x=a; y=b; } friend double distances(point a,point b); }; double distances(point a,point b) { return sqrt((a.x-b.x)*(a.x-b.x)+(a.y-b.y)*(a.y-b.y)); } int main() { point p1(1,2); point p2(5,2); cout<<distances(p1,p2)<<end1; return 0; }A.2B.4C.8D.16

请教:2016年计算机二级C++基础练习二简答题2如何解答? 有以下两个程序,分析它们的执行结果有什么不同。程序1:#includeclass Point{int x,y;public:Point(){x=y=0;}Point(int i,int j){x=i;y=j;}Point operator+(Point);void disp() ( cout”(”}Point Point::operator+(Point P){this-x+=P.x; this-y+=p.y;return *this;}void main(){Point pl(2,3),p2(3,4),p3;cout”p1:”;p1.disp();cout”p2:”;p2.disp();p3=pl+p2;cout”执行p3=p1+p2后”cout”p1:”,p1.disp();cout”p2:”;p2.disp();cout”p3:”;p3.disp();}程序2:#includeclass Point{int x,Y;public:Point(){x=y=O;}Point(int i,int j){x=i,y=j;}Point operator+(Point);void disp f){cout ”(”}Point Point::operator+(Point P){Point s;s.x=x+p.x; s.y=y+p.y;return s;}void main(){Point pl(2,3),p2(3,4),p3;cout”p1:”;p1.disp();cout”p2:”;p2.disp();p3=pl+p2;cout”执行p3=p1+p2后”cout”p1:”;p1.disp();cout”p2:”;p2.disp();cout”p3:”;p3.disp();}

IS - IS creates and maintains adjacencies and neighbor relations by using the Hello protocol. For the following options, which are Hello packets used in IS - IS?() A. A generic HelloB. Point - to - point Level 1, point - to -point Level 2, LAN Level 1, LAN Level 2C. Point - to - point Level 1, point - to - point Level 2, LAND. Point - to - point, LAN Level 1, LAN Level 2

如图25所示三极管放大电路的输入电阻是:( )。A、RB1∥RB2∥rbeB、RB1∥RB2∥[rbe+(1+β)RE1]C、RB1∥RB2∥[rbe+(1+β)(RE2+RE1)]D、RB1∥RB2∥[rbe+(1+β)RE2]

变直径圆管流,细断面直径d1,粗断面直径d2=2d1,粗细断面雷诺数的关系是:A. Re1=0. 5Re2 C. Re1 =1. 5Re2B. Re1=Re2 D. Re1 =2Re2

有压圆管恒定流,若断面1的直径是其下游断面2直径的两倍,则断面1的雷诺数Re1与断面2的雷诺数Re2的关系是:A. Re1=0. 5Re2 C. Re1 =1. 5Re2B. Re1=Re2 D. Re1 =2Re2

有压圆管恒定流,若断面1的直径是其下游断面2直径的两倍,则断面1的雷诺数Re1与断面2的雷诺数Re2的关系是:A. Re1=0. 5Re2B. Re1 =1. 5Re2C. Re1=Re2D. Re1 =2Re2

变直径圆管流,细断面直径d1,粗断面直径d2=2d1,粗细断面雷诺数的关系是:A. Re1=0. 5Re2B. Re1 =1. 5Re2C. Re1=Re2D. Re1 =2Re2

变直径管流细断面直径为d1,粗断面直径d2=2d1,粗细断面雷诺系数的关系是(  )。A.Re1=0.5Re2B.Re1=Re2C.Re1=1.5Re2D.Re1=2Re2




IS - IS creates and maintains adjacencies and neighbor relations by using the Hello protocol. For the following options, which are Hello packets used in IS - IS?()A、A generic HelloB、Point - to - point Level 1, point - to -point Level 2, LAN Level 1, LAN Level 2C、Point - to - point Level 1, point - to - point Level 2, LAND、Point - to - point, LAN Level 1, LAN Level 2


有以下说明语句:struct point{int x;int y;}p;则正确的赋值语句是()A、point.x=1;point.y=2;B、point={1,2};C、p.x=1;p.y=2;D、p={1,2};

Which two are valid IS-IS PDU types?()A、broadcast hellosB、Level 1 LAN hellosC、Point-to-point hellosD、Level 2 point-to-point hellos

问答题Practice 2Directions:A. Study the following graph carefully and write an essay in 150 words.B. Your essay should meet the requirements below: 1. Interpret the graph. 2. Suggest counter-measures. 3. Give advice for job seekers.

单选题IS - IS creates and maintains adjacencies and neighbor relations by using the Hello protocol. For the following options, which are Hello packets used in IS - IS?()AA generic HelloBPoint - to - point Level 1, point - to -point Level 2, LAN Level 1, LAN Level 2CPoint - to - point Level 1, point - to - point Level 2, LANDPoint - to - point, LAN Level 1, LAN Level 2

填空题In the xy-plane, the graph of y = 2x2 + hx - 6 passes through the point (-3, -21), what is the value of h ?____

单选题变直径圆管流,细断面直径d1,粗断面直径d2=2d1,粗细断面雷诺数的关系是(  )。ARe1=0.5Re2BRe1=Re2CRe1=1.5Re2DRe1=2Re2




单选题Which of the processes listed would be the most satisfactory method to use to lower the humidity of the air being circulated by an air conditioning system?()ACooling the air to a temperature just above dew pointBHeating the air to a point at which moisture will boil off ,then re-cooling itCCooling the air to a point below dew point, then reheating itDHeating the air and then cooling it to a point below dew point

单选题变直径管流,细断面直径为d1,粗断面直径d2=2d1,粗细面雷诺数的关系是(  )。ARel=0.5Re2BRel=Re2CRel=1.5Re2DRel=2Re2