单选题I took the glass very carefully lest it _____.Ashould damageBwould damageChad damagedDshould be damaged

I took the glass very carefully lest it _____.

should damage


would damage


had damaged


should be damaged




单选题Let's go and ask the teacher, will you?AgoBand askCthe teacherDwill you

单选题You_______me, because I didn't say that.Amust have misunderstoodBmust misunderstandCmust be misunderstoodDhad to misunderstand


单选题According to the passage, which of the following has changed the most in the last 500 years?AFoodBChocolate drinksCPotatoDCoffee

单选题 When I was young, I spent my summer vacations on my grandparents' farm. The summer that I graduated from college, I 56 my grandparents once again. When I arrived,I discovered that there was a family 57 in progress. Grandpa's dog and hunting partner, Rusty, had taken on a very bad 58 in his old age. He had begun 59 into the chicken coop (鸡笼) and eating eggs. In the eyes of the local farmers, 60 dogs started stealing eggs, there was no 61 to cure them. They knew there was only one thing to be done 62 such a dog-you had to shoot it and the sooner the 63 . Rusty and Grandpa were old friends. Grandpa certainly didn't 64 to shoot Rusty,but he knew it needed to be done. The 66egg money was Grandma's private income, so you can imagine 65 she felt about the problem. 66 the inexperienced confidence of youth, I told Grandpa that I thought I couldcurethe egg-stealing dog. I wanted to at least have a 67 to save Rusty's life, and save Grandpa from the sadness of 68 Rusty. The next morning, I broke open six fiesh eggs and put them in Rusty's bowl 69 at the door to the chicken coop. Rusty came 70 and noticed the eggs. He quickly 71 the eggs and happily walked off for his nap (打盹). The following morning I did the 72 thing.I put the eggs a few feet away from the chicken coop, toward the back door of the farmhouse 73 Grandma usually fed Rusty. The next day I again moved the bowl closer to the house, and added some dog food to the eggs. Every day I moved the bowl closer to the back door, mixing more dog food and 74 eggs. By the time the bowl reached the door, it was all dog food and no eggs. Rusty had again become 75 to looking for his food at the back door of the house, and never again went into the chicken coop.68.A.losing B.helping C.worrying D.keepingAABBCCDD

单选题He has come to work for a local newspaper about ten years ago, when he graduated from Peking University.Ahas comeBforCwhenDfrom

单选题I want to buy a new tie to go_______this brown suit.AintoBwithCafterDby

单选题73. A pack B double C couple D dozenAABBCCDD

单选题After driving for thirty miles, she suddenly realized that she _____ in the wrong direction.Awas drivingBdroveChad droveDhad been driving

单选题60 A get B make C take D pushAABBCCDD

单选题Lucy goes to school by bike every day, ______she?AdoesBdoesn'tCisDisn't

单选题We are looking forward to______to the lecture by the famous professor.AsendBbe sentCbeing sentDsending

单选题62. A Fortunately B In fact C Logically D UnfortunatelyAABBCCDD

单选题He doesn't spend much time ______ his homework.AinBwithConDfor

单选题The war was broken out in 1937, which led to great losses of lives.Awas broken outBinCled toDlives

单选题Let's not waste time on matters of no important.We have other vital problems to deal with.ALet's notBmatters of no importantCvitalDdeal with

单选题According to the passage, if a sportsman only thinks about winning, he will _____.Afail to succeedBbe successfulClose enjoymentDbe irrational

单选题When there are cordial relations between the two countries, we mean there exists a _____ relationship between them.AfriendlyBhostileCfertileDcomplicated

单选题Scientists say it may be five or six years _____ this medicine is tested on human beings.AsinceBbeforeCafterDwhen

单选题Anton Pavlovich Chekhov _____.Ahad a lawful loverBwas an illegal writerCused to be a lawyerDwas a competent doctor

单选题63 A appeared B felt C seemed D soundedAABBCCDD

单选题62 A continents B cities C world D universeAABBCCDC

单选题I believe Bob's homework is much good than it was last week.AbelieveBBob's homeworkCmuch goodDwas

单选题We can infer from the first two paragraphs that______.Amost large gym chains really don't want members to show up frequentlyBoverweight people are often frustrated and pushed away by traditional gym industryCregular gyms don't accept overweight people to participate in their programsDoverweight people have to pay extra to work out in a gym

单选题I don't know that who is responsible for the car accident.Adon't knowBthat whoCisDfor

单选题He has a _____ tongue, but is usually sorry afterward.AswiftBfastCrapidDquick

单选题Last weekend lots of T-shirts were_____here and the cheapest cost only one dollar.Aat workBon saleCin practiceDout ofsight

单选题The bank charges 6 per cent_____on all money borrowed from it.AsalaryBpayCincomeDinterest